"The marking of weak stance in Cebuano: The case of the versatile demonstrative kanang", Journal of Pragmatics, 230, 2024, 89-101, 2024/09, SSCI
"Figurative Language in Commencement Speeches: Speakers in the Entertainment and Business Industries", Journal of English and Applied Linguistics, 1, 2, 27-41, 2022/12, ELSE2
"Pragmatic functions of versatile unsa ‘what’ in Cebuano: From interrogative pronoun to placeholder to stance marker", Journal of Pragmatics, 193, 59-75, 2022/05, SSCI
"The pragmatic functions of dummy terms in two Austronesian languages", Philippine Journal of Linguistics, 52, 1, 51-71, 2021/12, ELSE2
"Preface. Special Issue: Selected papers from the 2011 International Conference on Applied Linguistics (APPLINGX 2011)", Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 11, 2, i-vi, 2013/07, TSSCI
"A study of second-position enclitics in Cebuano", Oceanic Linguistics, 52, 1, 222-248, 2013/06, AHCI
"A study on the behavior of Cebuano pronouns in discourse", Concentric: Studies in Linguistics, 50, 1, 59-89, 2013/05, TSSCI
"A Discourse Explanation of the Transitivity Phenomena in Kavalan, Squliq, and Tsou", Oceanic Linguistics, 50, 1, 97-123, 2011/06, AHCI
"Repair in verb-initial languages", Language and Linguistics, 6, 4, 575-597, 2005/12, SSCI
"Reference to motion events in six Western Austronesian languages: towards a semantic typology", Oceanic Linguistics, 44, 2, 307-340, 2005/12, AHCI
A functional reference grammar of Cebuano (Volume two)--from a discourse perspective, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 978-3846591505, 2011/12/19
A functional reference grammar of Cebuano--from a discourse perspective, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 978-3846510247, 2011/11/03
A study of motion events in Saisiyat and Cebuano, 1, Standford: CSLI, 978-0195187205, 2006/10/12
"kanang ... : Hesitating in Cebuano", 16th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Manila, 2024/06/20
"Demonstrative kanang as a weak stance marker in Cebuano", 12th Malaysia International Conference on Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Penang, 2023/08/01
"吳明益《單車失竊記》中臺語文化詞英譯的翻譯策略探討", 2021 International Conference on Applied Linguistics (APLX 2021), Taipei, 2021/10/28
"Figurative language in commencement exercises", Taiwan English for Special Purposes Annual Conference, Taipei, 2020/10/16
"The pragmatic functions of unsa 'what' in Cebuano", International Conference on Environmental Sciences, Technology, Engineering, and Agriculture 2019, Bunawan, Agusan del Sur, 2019/10/16
"Modality and Negation in Cebuano and Tagalog", 29th Annual Meeting of the South East Asian Linguistics Society, 東京, 2019/05/27
"Modality and Negation in Cebuano", Linguistics Society of the Philippines International Conference 2019, Manila, 2019/03/06
"Possibility and Necessity in Cebuano and Tagalog", Annual Conference of Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 2018, Kaohsiung, 2018/05/17
"The Modality System in Cebuano and Tagalog", Linguistic Society of the Philippines National Conference and General Meeting (2018 LSP-NCGM), Balanga, Bataan, 2018/03/01
"Modality in Cebuano and Tagalog", Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information, and Computation (PACLIC 2018), Cebu City, 2017/11/16
"The E Argument in Cebuano", 1st International Conference for Language, Kultura, and the Integration of Technology (LangKIT 2017), Marawi City, 2017/02/26
"Epistemic "defective" verbs and modal enclitics in Cebuano", 26th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (SEALS 26), 馬尼拉, 2016/05/26
"Stress shift in Cebuano revisited", 26th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (SEALS 26), 馬尼拉, 2016/05/26
"Demonstratives in Cebuano: Referential and Pragmatic Uses", 26th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (SEALS 26), 馬尼拉, 2016/05/26
"Pragmatic functions of 'what' in Cebuano", International Conference on Functional Language Typology, 上海, 2015/12/11
"The pragmatic functions of the question word 'what' in Cebuano", International Conference on Applied Linguistics, Taipei, 2015/11/19
"The nonreferential functions of demonstrative words in Cebuano", 2nd International Conference on Language and Linguistics, Davao City, 2015/08/06
"The pragmatic functions of the interrogative word unsa in Cebuano", 2nd International Conference on Language and Linguistics, Davao City, 2015/08/06
"A study of the pragmatic functions of interrogative words in Cebuano", International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Northumbria upon Tyne, 2015/07/20
"Epistemicity in Cebuano", 13th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics (13-ICAL), Taipei, 2015/07/18
"Pragmatic functions of what interrogatives in Cebuano", 25th Annual Meeting of Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 清邁, 2015/05/27
"A study on the pragmatic functions of the interrogative word what in Cebuano", International Sanrokan Conference, Odiongan, Romblon Province, 2015/05/13
"A Cross-linguistic comparison of the linking constructions in Squliq, Kavalan, Tagalog, and Cebuano", 11th International Conference on Bilingual Education, 馬尼拉, 2015/02/12
"A cross-linguistic comparison of linking constructions in Squliq, Kavalan, Tagalog, and Cebuano", 12th Philippine Linguistics Congress, Quezon City, 2014/11/26
"The pragmatic functions of wh- words in Cebuano.", 12th Philippine Linguistics Congress (12PLC), Quezon City, 2014/11/26
"Evidentiality and Epistemicity in Cebuano", Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language conference (CSDL 2014), Sta. Barbara, 2014/11/04
"The pragmatic functions of unsa and asa in Cebuano", 2nd American Pragmatics Conference, Los Angeles, 2014/10/17
"Evidentiality and Epistemicity in Cebuano", 2nd American Pragmatics Conference, Los Angeles, 2014/10/17
"A study of epistemicity in Cebuano", 1st International Seminar on Language and Linguistics, Davao City, 2014/08/07
"A study of evidentiality in Cebuano", 7th Conference on Language, Cognition, and Discourse, 台北, 2014/05/03
"From Gambia Elite Program to NTUT's International Program", 7th International Symposium on Advances in Technology Education (ISATE 2013), 奈良, 2013/09/25
"Referential and nonreferential functions of demonstratives", Association for Linguistic Typology - 10th biennial conference (ALT-10), Leipzig, 2013/08/15
"Demonstratives in Cebuano: Referential and non-referential functions", International Cognitive Lingusitics Conference 12 (ICLC-12), Edmonton, 2013/06/23
"A cross-linguistic study of linking constructions in Squliq, Kavalan, Tagalog, and Cebuano", 2nd NTU Workshop on Discourse and Grammar in Formosan Languages, 台北, 2013/06/01
"Non-referential functions of Cebuano Demonstratives", 23rd Annual meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (SEALS-23), Bangkok, 2013/05/29
"Emphasizers and Intensifiers in Cebuano Revisited", Workshop on Stance and Discourse: Typological, Functional, and Diachronic Perspectives, Hong Kong, 2012/09/03
"Emphasizers and Intensifiers in Cebuano", International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Denpasar, Bali, 2012/07/02
"Pronouns in discourse and word order change in Cebuano", International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Denpasar, Bali, 2012/07/02
"Particle clusters in Cebuano", Workshop on Stance in Discourse: Functional, Typological, and Diachronic Perspectives, Hong Kong, 2012/05/07
"Particles and stance marking in Cebuano", 6th Conference on Language, Cognition, and Discourse, Taipei, 2012/05/04
"Pronouns in Cebuano discourse and word order", Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference, Auckland, 2012/02/15
"Pronouns of Philippine-type Languages in Discourse", 20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Osaka, 2011/07/25
"Demonstratives and Stance Marking in Cebuano", Invited Workshop on Stance Phenomena in Asian Languages: TYpology, Diachronic, and Discourse Perspectives, Hong Kong, 2011/07/18
"Pronouns in Cebuano Discourse", 5th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition, Taipei, 2011/04/29
"Nominalization constructions in Cebuano and Formosan Languages", Workshop on Formosan Languages, Taipei City, 2011/01/08
"On the versatile marker kuan in Cebuano", The 4th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition, Taipei, 2010/05/01
"Discourse markers in Cebuano", Workshop on pragmatic markers in Asian languages, Taipei, 2010/04/30
"Realis, irrealis, and modality in Cebuano", 11th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Aussois, 2009/06/22
"Extended locative voice constructions in Cebuano", 11th International conference on Austronesian linguistics, Aussois, 2009/06/22
"Realis, irrealis, and modality in Cebuano", 3rd Conference on language, discourse and cognition, Taipei, 2009/05/02
"Extended locative voice constructions in Cebuano", 10th Philippine Linguistics Congress, Quezon City, 2008/12/10
"Pivot and control in Cebuano and Squliq Atayal", 10th Philippine Linguistics Congress, Quezon City, 2008/12/10
"Extended locative voice constructions in Cebuano", 2nd Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition, Taipei, 2008/05/17
"Serial verb constructions in the Cebuano verb complex", 1st Rice-National Taiwan University Joint Workshop, Taipei, 2008/03/03
"Extended locative voice constructions in Cebuano", Conference on Ditransitive Constructions, Leipzig, 2007/11/25
"Verb complex in Cebuano", 1st Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition, Taipei, 2007/05/18
"What intonation units can tell us about Cebuano grammar", 9th Philippine Linguistics Congress, Quezon City, 2006/01/25
"Cebuano gi- passives revisited", 10th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Puerto Princesa, 2006/01/17
"Cebuano gi- passives revisited", Second Workshop on Discourse and Cognition, Taipei, 2005/05/07
"Repair in verb-initial languages", 9th International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics, Taipei, 2004/11/19
"Repair in verb-initial languages", 1st Workshop on Discourse and Cognition, Taipei, 2004/05/29
"Do we move in different ways or do we differ in our ways to move", Second Workshop on the "Verb" in Formosan Languages, Taipei, 2003/11/01
"A study of motion events in Saisiyat and Cebuano", 6th Conference on Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language, Houston, 2002/10/10
"A study of motion events in Saisiyat", National Conference on Linguistics, Taichung, 2002/07/01