"Development of smart cardiovascular measurement system using feature selection and machine learning models for prediction of sleep deprivation, cold hands and feet, and Shanghuo syndrome", Measurement, 221, 2023, 113441-113459, 2023/11, SCI
"Fatigue Estimation Using Peak Features from PPG Signals", Mathematics, 11, 16, 3580-3603, 2023/08, SCI
"Pressure-Sensor-Based Sleep Status and Quality Evaluation System", IEEE Sensors Journal, 23, 9, 9739 - 9754, 2023/05, SCI
"Efficient Partition Decision Based on Visual Perception and Machine Learning for H.266/Versatile Video Coding", IEEE Access, 10, 42141-42150, 2022/04, SCI
"Vision-oriented algorithm for fast decision in 3D video coding", IET Image Processing, 16, 8, 2263-2281, 2022/04, SCI
"Visual Perception Based Algorithm for Fast Depth Intra Coding of 3D-HEVC", IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 24, 1707 - 1720, 2022/03, SCI
"Fast texture coding based on spatial, temporal and inter-view correlations for 3D video coding", IEEE Access, 9, 2021, 100081-100095, 2021/07, SCI
"Fast 3D-HEVC depth intra coding based on boundary continuity", IEEE Access, 9, 2021, 79588-79599, 2021/05, SCI
"Planning and Design of a Full-Outer-Air-Intake Natural Air-Conditioning System for Medical Negative Pressure Isolation Wards", Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2021, 1-13, 2021/03, SCI&EI
"Design and Implementation of a Low-Energy-Consumption Air-Conditioning Control System for Smart Vehicle", Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2019, 1-14, 2019/08, SCI
"Planning and Design of Low-Power-Consuming Full-Outer-Air-Intake Natural Air-Conditioning System", Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2019, 1-13, 2019/04, SCI
"A Gradient Intensity-adapted Algorithm with Adaptive Selection Strategy for the Fast Decision of H.264/AVC Intra-prediction Modes", IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), Vol. 25, No. 6, 944-957, 2015/06, SCI&EI
"A Smart Phone-Based Pocket Fall Accident Detection, Positioning, and Rescue System", IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 19, 1, 44-56, 2015/01, SCI&EI
"A Three-Step Approach with Adaptive Additive Magnitude Selection for the Sharpening of Images", The Scientific World Journal, Vol. 2014, 1-15, 2014/09, SCI&EI
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"An Auto-encoder-based Scheme for LiDAR Point Cloud Compression", 2024 17th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI 2024), Shanghai, 2024/10/26
"An Obstacles Closest Path Planning Algorithm for Automatic Local Routing of Vehicles", 2024 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (IEEE ICCE-TW 2024), 臺中市, 2024/07/09
"A Smart Saddle for the Status Monitoring of Guide Dogs", 2024 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (IEEE ICCE-TW 2024), 臺中市, 2024/07/09
"An Electronic Business Card System with Uniform Local Binary Patterns Algorithm for Real-time Individual Face Recognition", 2024 IEEE 4th International Conference on Electronic Communications, Internet of Things and Big Data (IEEE ICEIB 2024), 新北市, 2024/04/19
"Visual-based Real-time Truck Scales Parking Boundary Crossing Detection", 2024 IEEE 4th International Conference on Electronic Communications, Internet of Things and Big Data (IEEE ICEIB 2024), 新北市, 2024/04/19
"A Multi-Lidar-based Point Cloud Acquisition Platform and Data Fusion for Autonomous Vehicle in Complex Urban Environment", IEEE 2023 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (IEEE ISCAS 2023), Monterey, CA, 2023/05/21
"Implementation of a Real-Time Indoor Position Monitoring System", 2022人工智慧技術及應用研討會, Taichung, 2022/05/20
"A Lagrange Polynomial and Hilbert-Huang Transform-based Technology for Heart Rate Estimation with Photoplethysmography", 2021 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (IEEE BHI 2021), Virtual, 2021/07/27
"An Efficient Raindrop Removal Algorithm for Video", World Congress on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Valencia, Spain, 2019/10/24
"FPGA-based Moving object Detection with Interferences", 2019 3rd International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics, Jinan, China, 2019/10/19
"Planning and Designing of the Low-energy-Consumption Smart Vehicle Air-conditioning Control System", 2019 IEEE International Conference of Intelligent Applied Systems on Engineering (IEEE ICIASE 2019), Fuzhou, Fujian, 2019/04/27
"A Natural Air-conditioning System with Low Power Consumption and Full Outer-Air-Intake", 2019 IEEE International Conference of Intelligent Applied Systems on Engineering (IEEE ICIASE 2019), Fuzhou, Fujian, 2019/04/27
"A Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Neural Network-based Predictive Coding Scheme for Lossless Compression of ECG Signals", 2017 IEEE Region Ten Conference (IEEE TENCON 2017), Penang(檳城), 2017/11/05
"Shopping assistance and information providing integrated in a robotic shopping cart", 2017 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-TW 2017), Taipei, 2017/06/12
"Scalable face image compression based on Principal Component Analysis and arithmetic Coding", 2017 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-TW 2017), Taipei, 2017/06/12
"A Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Neural Network-Based Algorithm with Single-Channel EEG Signal for the Discrimination Between Light and Deep Sleep Stages", IEEE 2016 Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (IEEE BioCAS 2016), Shanghai, 2016/10/17
"Live Demo: A Real-time Portable Sign Language Translation System", IEEE 2016 Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (IEEE BioCAS 2016), Shanghai, 2016/10/17
"Perception-based Video Coding with Human Faces Detection and Enhancement in H.264/AVC Systems", 2015 IEEE 58th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Fort Collins, Colorado, 2015/08/02
"A Real-time and Portable Sign Language Translation System", 2015 IEEE 58th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Fort Collins, Colorado, 2015/08/02
"A Smart Phone-based Pocket Fall Accident Detection System", 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Bioelectronics and Bioinformatics (IEEE ISBB 2014), Taoyuan, 2014/04/11
"Visual Surveillance System under Bad Weather Conditions", 2013 FPGA Workshop and Design Contest, 南京, 2013/11/01
"High Performance Architecture for the Encoder of JPEG-LS on SOPC Platform", 2013 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (IEEE SiPS 2013), Taipei, 2013/10/16
"A Gradient Intensity-adapted Algorithm for the Fast Decision of H.264/AVC Intra-prediction Modes", 2013 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (IEEE SiPS 2013), 臺北市, 2013/10/16
"An HSV Model-based Approach for the Sharpening of Color Images", 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2013), Manchester, 2013/10/13
"Speeding Up the Runtime Performance for Lossless Image Coding on GPUs with CUDA", 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (IEEE ISCAS 2013), 北京, 2013/05/19
"A Cloud Computing-Based Image Codec system for Lossless Compression of Images on a Cortex-A8 Platform", 2012 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (IEEE BioCAS 2012), Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2012/11/28
"A Grey System-based Approach for the Sharpening of Images", 2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2012), Coex, Seoul, Korea, 2012/10/14
"A Cloud Network-based Power Management Technology for Smart Home Systems", 2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2012), Coex, Seoul, Korea, 2012/10/14
"The Development of a Moving Object Detection Algorithm for Visual Tracking System with Background Interference", 2011 National Symposium on Telecommunications(NST2011), Hualien, 2011/11/18
"A Low Complexity Dual Mode Edge Detector", 2011 IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing conference (VCIP2011), Tainan, 2011/11/06
"A Fuzzy Neural Network Based Adaptive Predictor with P-Controller Compensation for Lossless Compression of Images", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (IEEE ISCAS 2009), Taipei(台北市), 2009/05/24
"Least Squares-Adapted Edge-look-ahead Prediction with Run-Length Encodings for Lossless Compression of Images", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (IEEE ICASSP 2008), Las Vegas, Nevada(拉斯維加斯 2008/03/30
"Least Squares-Based Lossless Image Coding with Edge-look-ahead", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (IEEE ISCAS 2006), Island of Kos(科斯島), 2006/05/21
"Lossless Image Coding using a Switching Predictor with Run-Length Encodings", IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (IEEE ICME 2004), Taipei(台北市), 2004/06/27
"Lossless Image Coding using Adaptive Predictor with Automatic Context Modeling", IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (IEEE ICECS 2003), Sharjah, 2003/12/14
"A Switching Predictor for Lossless Image Coding", IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2003), Washington, D.C.(華盛頓特區), 2003/10/05
"Adaptive Predictor with Dynamic Fuzzy K-Means Clustering for Lossless Image Coding", IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2003), St. Louis, MO, 2003/05/25
"A Look Up Table Based Real Time Color Classification System", International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA 2002), Xi'an(西安), 2002/10/07