"An EOQ model for temperature-sensitive deteriorating items in cold chain operations", Mathematics, 12, 5, 2024/03, SCI
"Multiobjective Decision-Making Model for Power Scheduling Problem in Smart Homes", Sustainability, 2022/09, SSCI
"Using machine learning and big data approaches to predict travel time based on historical and real-time data from Taiwan electronic toll collection", Soft Computing, 2017/01, SCI
"Wafer fault detection and key step identification for semiconductor manufacturing using principal component analysis, AdaBoost and decision tree", Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 33, 3, 151-168, 2016/04, TSSCI
"Length of Hospital Stay Prediction at the Admission Stage for Cardiology Patients Using Artificial Neural Network", Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2016, 11, 2016/04, SCI
"Usability Evaluation of Healthcare Information System through Dynamic Importance-Performance Analysis", Journal of Management & Systems, 22, 4, 487-508, 2015/10, TSSCI
"Developing a Rework Process for Underfilled Electronics Components via Integration of TRIZ and Cluster Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 5, 3, 422-438, 2015/03, SCI
"An Application of Multi-Attribute Value Theory to Patient-Bed Assignment in Hospital Admission Management: an Empirical Study", Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 5, 4, 439-456, 2014/12, SCI
"A stochastic appointment scheduling system on multiple resources with dynamic call-in sequence and patient no-shows for an outpatient clinic", European Journal of Operational Research, 239, 427-436, 2014/12, SCI
"Multiple asymmetric traveling salesmen problem with and without precedence constraints: Performance comparison of alternative formulations", Computers & Operations Research, 51, 64-89, 2014/11, SCI
"Validation of a task demand measure for predicting mental workloads of physical therapists", International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 44, 747-752, 2014/09, SCI
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"A Label Correcting Algorithm for Partial Disassembly Sequences in the Production Planning for End-of-Life Products", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2012, 13, 2012/04, SCI
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"智能儲物櫃之定價策略", 2018 IISE Asian Conference, Taichung, 2018/10/18
"應用層級分析法評估智能儲物櫃設置地點之研究", 2018 IISE Asian Conference, Taichung, 2018/10/18
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"A Case Study of Using Simulation for Process Improvement in a Hospital Admission Center", 2012 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Hong Kong, 2012/12/10
"Simulation Study on the Effect of Diagnosis Related Group Design in Length-of-Stay and Case-Mix Index for Hospitals in Taiwan", 2012 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Hong Kong, 2012/12/10
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"A Real-time Optimization Approach for Product Platform Planning: A Case Study of Pressure Vessels", FLEXIBLE AUTOMATION AND INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING, San Francisco, California, 2010/07/12
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"A Fuzzy Optimization Model for Employee Deployment in Complex Manufacturing Environment", 18th Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Miami, Florida, 2009/06/05
"One Size Fits All – Standardization and Autonomation in the Services Domain", 18th Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Miami, Florida, 2009/06/05
"Evaluating the Impact on Overall Service Level Through Order Allocation and Inventory Replenishment Policies", 18th Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Miami, Florida, 2009/06/05