"Geostatistical analysis of the integration of spatial information on nitrate–N observations and agricultural land uses for establishing groundwater pollution zones", Environmental Earth Sciences, 82, 349, 13, 2023/07, SCI
"Assessment of Ammonium–N and Nitrate–N Contamination of Shallow Groundwater in a Complex Agricultural Region, Central Western Taiwan", Water, 14, 2130, 26, 2022/07, SCI
"Increasing water retention capacity via Grey roof to green roof transformation", Water and Environment Journal, 1, 10, 10, 2022/01, SCI
"Employing indicator-based geostatistics and quantitative microbial risk analysis to assess the health risks of groundwater use for household demands on the Pingtung Plain, Taiwan", Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 15, 2019/11, SCI
"應用穩定氫氧同位素評估地下水資源", Journal of Taiwan Agricultural Engineering, 65, 3, 37-51, 2019/09, EI
"Assessment of spatiotemporal variations in river water quality for sustainable environmental and recreational management in the highly urbanized Danshui River basin", Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191, 2, 14, 2019/01, SCI
"Assessment of shallow groundwater use for irrigating park trees in the metropolitan Taipei Basin according to variability conditions of water quality", Journal of Hydrology X, 2, 100013, 8, 2019/01, ELSE2
"Spatial dynamic assessment of health risks for urban river cruises", Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191, 1, 14, 2019/01, SCI
"Establishing a spatial map of health risk assessment for recreational fishing in a highly urbanized watershed", Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 15, 2017/01, SCI
"Spatial estimation of the thickness of lowpermeability topsoil materials by using a combined ordinary-indicator kriging approach with multiple thresholds", Engineering Geology, 207, 56-65, 2016/06, SCI
"Integrating indicator-based geostatistical estimation and aquifer vulnerability of nitrate-N for establishing groundwater protection zones", Journal of Hydrology, 523, 441–451, 2015/04, SCI
"Application of a tank model to assess the flood-control function of a terraced paddy field", Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59, 5, 1020-1031, 2014/05, SCI&EI
"Developing a probability-based model of aquifer vulnerability in an agricultural region", Journal of Hydrology, 486, 12, 494–504, 2013/04, SCI&EI
"Applying indicator-based geostatistical approaches to determine potential zones groundwater recharge based on borehole data", CATENA, 101, 10, 2013/03, SCI&EI
"應用土壤水分及氮平衡耦合模式評估坡地水稻田氮汙染潛勢", 農業工程學報Journal of Taiwan Agricultural Engineering, 58, 2, 17, 2012/06, EI
"Experimental study on soil erosion characteristics in flooded terraced paddy fields", Paddy Water Environ, 12, 2012/05, SCI&EI
"Assessing soil erosion in a terraced paddy field using experimental measurements and universal soil loss equation", Catena, 95, 11, 2012/05, SCI&EI
"Establishing an irrigation management plan of sustainable groundwater based on spatial variability of water quality and quantity", Journal of Hydrology, 10, 2011/11, SCI&EI
"“Effect of N-fertilizer application on return flow water quality from a terraced paddy field in Northern Taiwan”", Paddy Water Environ., 11, 2011/10, SCI
"Using a Mass Balance Model to Evaluate Groundwater Budget of Seawater-intruded Island Aquifers", Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 48, 1, 13, 2011/09, SCI&EI
"Comparative Economic Analysis of Floating Photovoltaic Systems Using a Synthesis Approach", Economic and Administrative Science, January 2023 in Tokyo., Tokyo, 2023/01/25
"Assessment of ammonium-N/nitrate-N contamination in the shallow aquifer of a complex agricultural region, central-western Taiwan", virtual European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2022(vEGU21), 維也納(虛擬線上會議中心), 2022/05/23
"Characteristics of Rainfall-groundwater Level Response in the Shallow Aquifer of Taipei Basin, Taiwan", virtual European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2021(vEGU21), 維也納(虛擬線上會議中心), 2021/04/19
"Analysis of groundwater-level response to heavy rainfall and recharge potential in the shallow aquifer, central Taiwan", EGU General Assembly 2018, 維也納, 2018/04/08
"Developing a Composite Aquifer Vulnerability Assessment Model Combining DRASTIC with Agricultural Land Use in Choushui River Alluvial Fan, Central Taiwan", European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, 維也納, 2017/04/23
"Comparative study of irrigation water use and groundwater recharge under various irrigation schemes in an agricultural region, central Taiwan", 2016 General Assembly, 維也納, 2016/04/17
"Assessing the changes of groundwater recharge / irrigation water use between SRI and traditional irrigation schemes in Central Taiwan", EGU General Assembly 2015, 維也納, 2015/04/12
"透過Sikuli在圖形化介面中實作流程自動化-以SWAT模擬為例", Conference on Computer Applications in Civil and Hydraulic Engineering 2013, 台北市, 2013/07/05
"Monitoring and Analysis of Nonpoint Source Pollution - Case study on terraced paddy fields in an agricultural watershed", European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, 維也納, 2013/04/07
"Integrating spatial variability of water quality and quantity to assess sustainability of groundwater use in aquaculture in the Pingtung Plain, Taiwan", International symposium on environmental geotechnology, energy and global sustainable development, Los-Angeles, 2012/06/27
"Applying indicator-based geostatistical approaches to determine potential zones of groundwater recharge based on borehole data", European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2012, Vienna, 2012/04/06