"A Preliminary Study on Staged Practice Tableware for Infants", International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 2018/11, ELSE2
"Preschool Children’s Life Style and Preferences for Toy in Taiwan", International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 2018/10, ELSE2
"Trend and positioning of global top one hundred brands", Journal of Asian Business Strategy, 7, 2, 12, 2018/08, ELSE2
"A study of the pinch performance and subjective satisfaction with chopsticks of different lengths", 5th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation, 119, 01017, 2017/08, EI
"The influence of parent-child toys and time of playing together on attachment", Procedia Manufacturing, 3, 4921-4926, 2015/11, EI
"The effects of adopting the innovative dynamic product design method on the performance of students of different learning styles", Thinking Skills and Creativity, 2015/08, SSCI
"The Influence of Parenting Time on Children's Growth and Development", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015/08, EI
"A study of User Behavior in the Parent-Child Reading Area: A Case Study in Taipei Public Library", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015/08, EI
"Using Sensory Stimulation to Analyze the Effect that Contact Frequency and Categories of Toy Vegetables Have on Young Children's Vegetable Preferences", IPCBEE, ISSN: 2010-4618, 2015/06, EI
"A Dynamic Product Design Methods for Extend the Product Life Cycle", IPCBEE, ISSN: 2010-4618, 84, 2015/05, EI
"Influence of the Seat Arrangement in Public Reading Spaces on Individual Subjective Perceptions", International Journal of Social, Human Science and Engineering Vol:8 No:5, 2014, 8, 5, 1481-1485, 2014/06, ELSE2
"A Progressive Staged Digital Yoga Game to Stimulate the Interest of Elders", International Journal of e-Education,e-Business,e-Management and e-learning, 3, 3, 209-213, 2013/06, ELSE2
"The Impact of Digital Device Configuration on Elementary Students’ Experience of Writing Traditional Chinese Characters: A Preliminary Study", AHFE 2024, Hawaii, 2024/12/08
"Exploring Hand Dexterity in Spoon Handling: Impact of Handle Cross-Section on Dynamic Tripod Grip", AHFE 2024, Hawaii, 2024/12/08
"Recommendations and Discussions on the Use of Role Play in Online Social Studies Teaching for Elementary School Students", AHFE 2024, Hawaii, 2024/12/08
"Investigating the Environmental and Human factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Online Learning for Schoolchildren", The 8th International Conference on Education and Psychology, 福岡, 2024/07/18
"Creation and Discussion of Design Criteria for Dynamic Tripod Grip spoon in Toddlers", AHFE 2022 Conference, New York, 2022/07/24
"Recommended Product Design Parameters for School Age Children’s Woodworking Hand Tool", The 4th International Conference on Innovative Research in Education, Vienna, 2022/03/25
"Establishment and Discussion of the Design Criteria for Training Chopsticks for Children", The 21st Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Vancouver, 2021/06/13
"Study on the Optimal Time for Intervention to Guide the Development of the Static Tripod Grip in Toddlers", The 21st Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Vancouver, 2021/06/13
"The Design Guideline for Dyslexics-friendly Chinese ATM interface", 10th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning (IC4E 2019)., 東京, 2019/01/10
"A Study of the Influence with Toy Involved toward Children’s Dietary Preference", 2018 International Symposium on Teaching, Education, and Learning, 首爾, 2018/07/06
"The Effect of Seating Arrangement on Parent-Child Joint Reading and Interactions", Twelfth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Hiroshima, 2017/07/26
"The Relationship between the Parents’ Feeding Practices and Children's Eating Behavior", 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 溫哥華, 2017/07/09
"The influence of toy design factors on children's problem solving skills", 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 溫哥華, 2017/07/09
"Analysis of Parent-Child Interaction at Various Space and Furniture of Reading Environment- Take Parent-Child Reading Areas in Taipei Public Libraries as an Example", 7th AHFE International Conference 2016, Orlando, 2016/07/27
"The Influences of Children’s Temperament and Their Parent-Child Reading Environment on Their Preferences Regarding Parent-Child Reading", HCI International 2016, TORONTO, 2016/07/17
"A study of User Behavior in the Parent-Child Reading Area: A Case Study in Taipei Public Library", HCI International 2015, Los Angeles, CA, 2015/08/02
"The Influence of Parenting Time on Children's Growth and Development", HCI International 2015, Los Angeles, CA, 2015/08/02
"The influence of parent-child toys and time of playing together on attachment", 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2015) and the Affiliated Conferences, AHFE 2015, Las Vegas, 2015/07/26
"Using Sensory Stimulation to Analyze the Effect that Contact Frequency and Categories of Toy Vegetables Have on Young Children's Vegetable Preferences", 2015 4th International Conference on Nutrition and Food Sciences, Bangkok, 2015/06/25
"A Dynamic Product Design Methods for Extend the Product Life Cycle", 2015 6th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, 新加坡, 2015/05/23
"Dimensions Ranges of Seats for Elderly People with Dynamic Needs", 2014 Tokyo International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences, Tokyo, 2014/12/17
"Evaluating and Designing a Board Game with Rules and Diverse Gameplays", 2014 Tokyo International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences, Tokyo, 2014/12/17
"The Analysis and Evaluation of New Juicer", 4th International Symposium on Technology for Sustainability, 台北, 2014/11/19
"An Ergonomics Study and Design on Tape Cutter", 4th International Symposium on Technology for Sustainability, 台北, 2014/11/19
"An Ergonomics Study on New Cutter", 4th International Symposium on Technology for Sustainability, 台北, 2014/11/19
"The Effects of the Thickness of Bag Strap on Children's Physiological Load", 4th International Symposium on Technology for Sustainability, 台北, 2014/11/19
"The Layout of Armrests in the Sit to Stand Movement for Pregnant", 4th International Symposium on Technology for Sustainability, 台北, 2014/11/19
"The Influences of Companionship on Children’s Growth and Development (Performances)", The 2014 Asian Conference on Education for Sustainability, Hiroshima, 2014/08/02
"Influence of the Seat Arrangement in Public Reading Spaces on Individual Subjective Perceptions", ICAP 2014: International Conference on Applied Psychology, Tokyo, 2014/05/29
"An Innovative Dynamic User Requirements Analysis Model", 2013 International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, Tokyo, 2013/08/26
"A Human-Machine-Environment Interaction Analysis on the Washing and Changing of Toddlers'Caregivers", 2013 International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, Tokyo, 2013/08/26
"The Design of Combing Hair Assistive Device to Increase the Upper Limb Activities for Female Hemiplegia", 2013 IIE Asian Conference, Taipei, 2013/07/18
"A Progressive Staged Digital Yoga Game to Stimulate the Interest of Elders", 2013 2nd International Conference on Knowledge and Education Technology, 2013/07/06
"The Design and Development of Feeding Seat that Meet the Demand of both Caregivers and Toddlers", 2013 International Conference of Innovation and Design, 台北, 2013/05/18
"A User-Centered Design Cutting Board", 2013 International Conference of Innovation and Design, 台北, 2013/05/18
"A research of THE BIG ISSUE’s innovative marketing strategy from the view of vendors", 2013 International Conference of Innovation and Design, 台北, 2013/05/18
"User-Centered Deign (UCD) used in kitchen flow management station", 2013 International Conference of Innovation and Design, 台, 2013/05/18
"Design and Evaluation on Dining Table for Toddler to Improve Posture of the Caregivers", 2013 International Conference of Innovation and Design, 台北, 2013/05/18
"The Visual Element, Combination and Image Perception of Online Auction Photos of Female Clothing", The Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities 2013, Osaka, 2013/04/04
"Design Principles of Digital Game Interface for Elders", 2012 3rd International Conference on Behavioral, Cognitive and Psychological Sciences, Bangkok, 2012/11/24
"Difficulty Leveling for Yoga Asanas Applicable to Level-based Digital Games Suitable for Elders", 2012 International Conference on Software and Information Management, 曼谷, 2012/11/24
"The Evaluation of Hemiplegia’ Physical Conditions for Personal Hygiene Assistive Devices", 2012 2nd International Conference on History and Society Development, Bangkok, 2012/11/24
"The Recreational Sports Lifestyle of Elder in Taiwan", 2012 International Conference on Information Communication and Management, 香港, 2012/10/26
"A Dynamic Product Design Concept on Users’ Physiological Changes", 2012International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management, Phuket Island, 2012/09/01
"The Female Consumers’ Feel of and Preference for Handmade Paper’s Texture", 2012 International Conference on Society, Humanity and History, 新加坡, 2012/07/23
"The Application of the Study Results on City Dwellers’ lifestyle to the Design of Indoor Planting Products", International Conference on Innovation and Management 2012, 帛琉, 2012/07/15
"Human Engineering Study and Invention on Innovative Replaceable Outsole Design", 2012 International Conference of innovation and Design., 台北, 2012/04/16
"Innovative Shoe Rack Study and Modification.", 2012 International Conference of innovation and Design., 台北, 2012/04/16
"Green Design Strategy and Application of Indoor Chair: A Green Consumption Perspective.", 2012 International Conference of innovation and Design., 台北, 2012/04/16
"Apply Taiwan Yellow Water Lily on Accessory Design.", 2012 International Conference of innovation and Design, 台北, 2012/04/16
"恐怖電影海報設計元素分析", 設計理論與實務國際研討會, 台中, 2011/12/01
"大學生對於膠框眼鏡質感意象及偏好", 設計理論與實務國際研討會, 台中, 2011/12/01
"Usability Analysis of Website with Unconventional Layout", HCI International 2011, Orlando, 2011/07/09