
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網


劉邦榮教授Pang-Jung Liu



  • "A Bidirectional Voltage-Mode Controlled Converter for Power Distribution in a Low-Power Dual-Output Flyback Converter", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 71, 11, 14021-14032, 2024/11, SCI
  • "具可變充電電流與自動電壓補償控制之鋰電池充電器", 電力電子雙月刊, 22, 1, 19-29, 2024/01, ELSE1
  • "設計實現雙向電壓模式控制轉換器改善雙組輸出返馳式之交叉調整率", 電力電子雙月刊, 21, 3, 10-20, 2023/05, ELSE1
  • "A Fast Transient Current-Mode Buck Converter with Linear Regulation Mode", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 38, 3, 3513- 3522, 2023/03, SCI
  • "應用於返馳式轉換器之平板變壓器繞組交流損失分析", 電力電子雙月刊, 20, 4, 3-14, 2022/07, ELSE1
  • "A Li-Ion Battery Charger with Variable Charging Current and Automatic Voltage Compensation Controls for Parallel Charging", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 10, 1, 997-1006, 2022/02, SCI
  • "Adaptive On-Time Buck Converter with Wave Tracking Reference Control for Output Regulation Accuracy", Energies, 14, 3809, 1-15, 2021/06, SCI
  • "A Single-Stage Low-Power AC-DC RGB-LED Driver with Switching Capacitor Control Scheme", EEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 68, 4, 3103-3112, 2021/04, SCI
  • "具線電壓暫態改善之電壓模式控制演算法應用於升降壓型轉換器設計", 電力電子雙月刊, 18, 4, 3-12, 2020/07, ELSE1
  • "A Spur-Reduction DC-DC Converter with Active Ripple Cancellation Technique", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 6, 4, 2206-2214, 2018/12, SCI
  • "A High-Efficiency Integrated Multimode Battery Charger with an Adaptive Supply Voltage Control Scheme", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 33, 8, 6869-6876, 2018/08, SCI
  • "Drain-Voltage Balance and Phase-Shifted PWM Control Schemes for High-Efficiency Parallel-String Dimmable LED Drivers", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 65, 8, 6168-6176, 2018/08, SCI
  • "CCM Noninverting Buck-Boost Converter with Fast Duty-Cycle Calculation Control for Line Transient Improvement", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 33, 6, 5097-5107, 2018/06, SCI
  • "Two-Input Floating Buck Converter with Variable Off-Time Control Scheme for High-Efficiency and -Accuracy LED Lighting", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 6, 2, 563-570, 2018/06, SCI
  • "Adaptive Driving Bus Voltage and Energy Recycling Control Schemes for Low-Power AC-DC RGB-LED Drivers", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64, 10, 7741-7748, 2017/10, SCI
  • "A Fast-Transient DC-DC Converter with Hysteresis Prediction Voltage Control", IET Power Electronics, 10, 3, 271-278, 2017/03, SCI
  • "A Fast-Charging Switching-Based Charger with Adaptive Hybrid Duty Cycle Control for Multiple Batteries", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 32, 3, 1975-1983, 2017/03, SCI
  • "Area-Efficient Error Amplifier with Current-Boosting Module for Fast-Transient Buck Converters", IET Power Electronics, 9, 2147-2153, 2016/10, SCI
  • "A Dual-Transformer Active-Clamp Forward Converter with Nonlinear Conversion Ratio", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 31, 6, 4353-4361, 2016/06, SCI
  • "Boost Converter with Adaptive Reference Tracking Control for Dimmable White LED Drivers", Microelectronics Journal, 46, 513-518, 2015/04, SCI
  • "Techniques of Dual-Path Error Amplifier and Capacitor Multiplier for On-Chip Compensation and Soft-Start Function", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 30, 3, 1403-1410, 2015/03, SCI
  • "An Active-Clamping Forward Converter with Non-linear Step-down Conversion", IET Power Electronics, 8, 112-119, 2015/01, SCI
  • "Area- and power-efficient DC–DC converter with on-chip compensation", Electronic Letters, 50, 16, 1157-1158, 2014/07, SCI
  • "Area- and power-efficient DC-DC converter with on-chip compensation", Electronics Letters, 50, 16, 1157-1158, 2014/07, SCI
  • "A Low-Power Buffer with Voltage Booting and Adjustable Frequency Compensation for LCD Source Drivers", IET Circuits Devices Syst., 8, 263–271, 2014/04, SCI
  • "內建超高壓功率電晶體之升壓型轉換器控制晶片", 電機能源論壇, 3, 40-45, 2013/11, ELSE1
  • "A new digital control method for a voltage source inverter to compensate for imbalance of output voltage", International Journal of Circuit Theory Application, 41, 8, 879-888, 2013/08, SCI
  • "具突衝模式操作之高效率同步式降壓型穩壓器", 電機能源論壇, 49-55, 2013/03, ELSE1
  • "Design of Spur Reduction for CMOS DC-DC Converters Using PWM Control with Variable Switching Frequency", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 27, 11, 4763-4771, 2012/11, SCI
  • "A 10-bit CMOS DAC With Current Interpolated Gamma Correction for LCD Source Drivers", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, 22, 6, 958-965, 2012/06, SCI
  • "A High-Efficiency CMOS DC-DC Converter with 9-us Transient Recovery Time", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I: Regular Papers, 59, 3, 575-583, 2012/03, SCI


  • "A Multiple-Output Battery Charger with Dynamic Voltage Compensation and Adaptive Charging Current Controls for Fast Charging", International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technologies, 日本京都, 2024/04/05
  • "具快速參考追蹤控制之連續與脈衝電流雷射二極體驅動器", 第44屆中華民國電力工程研討會暨第20屆台灣電力電子研討會, 台北市, 2023/12/01
  • "具主動串聯平衡電路之同步式降壓型充電器", 第44屆中華民國電力工程研討會暨第20屆台灣電力電子研討會, 台北市, 2023/12/01
  • "應用於串聯鋰電池之具主動平衡架構的降壓型充電器", 第44屆中華民國電力工程研討會暨第20屆台灣電力電子研討會, 台北市, 2023/12/01
  • "A Switching Capacitor Control in Single-Stage AC-DC Reconfigurable RGB-LED Driver", ICEP-ECCE ASIA, 濟州島, 2023/05/22
  • "實現快速暫態響應單級 AC-DC LED驅動器之切換電容控制", 第19 屆台灣電力電子研討會暨第43 屆中華民國電力工程研討會, 台中市, 2022/12/01
  • "具線性調節模式之快速暫態響應電流模式降壓型轉換器", 第19 屆台灣電力電子研討會暨第43 屆中華民國電力工程研討會, 台中市, 2022/12/01
  • "設計實現雙向電壓模式控制轉換器改善雙組輸出返馳式之交叉調整率與功率分配", 第19 屆台灣電力電子研討會暨第43 屆中華民國電力工程研討會, 台中市, 2022/12/01
  • "Internal Reference Compensation Technique for Constant On-time Buck Converter with Ceramic Capacitor", IPEC-ECCE ASIA, Himeji, 2022/05/15
  • "Dual-Input LED driver with Adaptive Off-Time Control for High-Efficiency and -Accuracy", IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference, Taipei, 2021/11/16
  • "具有可變充電電流與自動電壓補償控制之鋰電池充電", 第42屆電力工程研討會暨第18屆電力電子研討會, 高雄市, 2021/11/11
  • "具虛擬電感電流之自適應導通時間降壓型轉換器", 第42屆電力工程研討會暨第18屆電力電子研討會, 高雄市, 2021/11/11
  • "具輸入電流漣波抵消之單電感多輸出可調光LED驅動器", 第42屆電力工程研討會暨第18屆電力電子研討會, 高雄市, 2021/11/11
  • "Active Output Ripple Elimination Technique for Buck Converter", VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, on-line conference, 2021/08/03
  • "Low EMI Buck Converter with Active Current Ripple Cancellation Technique", IEEE International Symp. Industrial Electronics, on-line conference, 2021/06/20
  • "具主動平衡模組之積體化切換式充電器", 台灣電力電子研討會, Taipei, 2020/09/03
  • "切換式電容控制策略應用於單級 AC-DC RGB LED驅動器", 台灣電力電子研討會, Taipei, 2020/09/03
  • "Self-Regulated-Output Boost Converter with Phase Shift PWM Control for Multiple-String Dimmable LED Driver", 31th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 台中, 2020/08/04
  • "A Feed-Forward Control for Fast Line Transient in a Boost Converter", IEEE IFEEC, 新加坡, 2019/11/25
  • "DC-DC Converter with Self-Regulated Output Voltage Control Scheme for Multiple-String Dimmable LED Driver Control", IEEE ICEP-ECCE ASIA, Busan, 2019/05/27
  • "具單電感多輸出電流調節控制策略之可調光RGB LED驅動器", 中華民國第三十九屆電力工程研討會, 台北, 2018/12/15
  • "輸出漣波消除與電流終值預測技術應用於降壓型轉換器", 中華民國第三十九屆電力工程研討會, 台北, 2018/12/15
  • "具輸出電壓自我調節及暫態響應加速之升型轉換器應用於多串高功率 LED 驅動力", 中華民國第三十九屆電力工程研討會, 台北, 2018/12/15
  • "Design of Multimode Battery Charger with Dynamic Voltage Tracking Control", IPEC-ECCE ASIA, Niigata, 2018/05/20
  • "Fast Transient Buck Converter with Adaptive Threshold Voltage Control", IEEE International Symposium on Next-Generation Electronics (ISNE), Taipei, 2018/05/07
  • "Multiple-String Dimmable LED Driver with Phase-Shifted PWM and Drain-Voltage Balance Controls", International Mini-Workshop on Power Electronics and Motion Control, Taipei, 2018/03/23
  • "能量回收與自適應性電壓控制策略應用於可調光RGB LED驅動器", 第三十八屆電力工程研討會, 嘉義市, 2017/12/01
  • "具快速暫態響應及線性調節模式之電流模式降壓型轉換器", 第三十八屆電力工程研討會, 嘉義市, 2017/12/01
  • "Switching-Based Charger with Time Division Charging Control Scheme for Parallel Charging", Asian Conference on Energy, Power and Transportation Electrification, 新加坡, 2017/10/24
  • "Design of Low-Power and High Slew-rate Error Amplifier for Fast Transient CMOS Buck Converters", IEEE IFEEC-ECCE ASIA, 高雄, 2017/06/03
  • "以DSP實現降壓型轉換器應用於交錯式脈衝電流平衡控制之鋰電池充電器", 電力工程研討會, 桃園, 2016/12/12
  • "結合降壓型轉換器之串聯式電壓平衡超級電容充電器", 電力工程研討會, 桃園, 2016/12/12
  • "具改善線電壓暫態之電壓模式控制演算法應用於升降壓型轉換器", 電力工程研討會, 台中, 2016/12/10
  • "Fast-Transient DC-DC Converter with Current-Boosting Error Amplifier", Symposium on Semiconductor Power Conversion, Nagaoka, 2016/10/14
  • "Dimmable White LED Driver with Adaptive Voltage Feedback Control", IEEE IFEEC, 台北, 2015/11/01
  • "Low Harmonic Design of a Buck Converter with Triangular Wave Control for Frequency Hopping", IEEE INTELEC, 大阪, 2015/10/18
  • "A Current-Mode DC-DC Converter with an Area-Efficient High-Speed Error Amplifier", 26th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 花蓮, 2015/08/04
  • "Dual-Path Frequency Compensation for Current-Mode Buck Converters", IEEE Power Electronics and Drive Systems, 雪梨, 2015/06/09
  • "A Simple Control Scheme for a Single Stage Flyback with Low Harmonic Distortion", IEEE Power Electronics and Drive Systems, 雪梨, 2015/06/09
  • "On-Chip Frequency Compensation for Current-Mode Buck Converters", The 11th International Mini-Workshop on Power Electronics and Motion Control, Yongin, 2015/04/03
  • "具適應性電壓調控之電阻式平衡超級電容充電器", 第十三屆電力電子研討會, 台北市, 2014/09/04
  • "具適應性電壓回授控制之脈衝電流式 LED 驅動器", 第十三屆電力電子研討會, 台北市, 2014/09/04
  • "A Fast-Transient Buffer with Voltage Booting Technique for LCD Column Drivers", International Conference on Information Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 札幌市, 2014/04/26
  • "A Simple Strategy for Compensating Voltage Source Inverters", International Conference on Information Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 札幌市, 2014/04/26
  • "具三角波控制之低切換突波及低諧波量降壓型轉換器", 電力電子研討會, 台南, 2013/11/02
  • "小面積加速轉導放大器之電流模式直流直流降壓型轉換器", 電力電子研討會, 台南, 2013/11/02
  • "具雙路徑頻率補償技術與緩啟動功能之積體化降壓型轉換器", 電力電子研討會, 台南, 2013/11/02
  • "A Current-Mode Buck Converter with a Pulse-Skipping Soft-Start Circuit", IEEE Power Electronics and Drive Systems, 北九州, 2013/04/22
  • "脈波省略緩�偽妏q路之電流模式降壓轉換器", 第三十三屆電力工程研討會, 台北, 2012/12/07
  • "升壓型功率因數修正器之類比乘法器研製", 第三十三屆電力工程研討會, 台北, 2012/12/07
  • "Design of A Simple Transient-Response Enhancement Circuit for CMOS DC-DC Converters", Taiwan-Japan Symposium on Power Converter, 台北, 2012/11/22
  • "小面積加速轉導放大器之電流模式直流直流降壓型轉換器", 第十一屆電力電子研討會, 新竹, 2012/09/11
  • "採用電容倍增技術減低補償電容之直流電壓轉換器", 電力電子研討會, 台北, 2011/12/02
  • "升壓型功率因數修正變頻控制晶片", 電力電子研討會, 台北, 2011/12/02
  • "具暫態響應改善之CMOS直流-直流轉換器", 電力電子研討會, 台北, 2011/12/02
  • "使用CDTA與OTRA之積體電路實現振盪器與濾波器之應用", 電力電子研討會, 台北, 2011/12/02
  • "Design and Implementation of a Master–Slave Quasi-Resonant Flyback Converter", the International conference on QIR (Quality in Research), 巴里島, 2011/07/04
  • "Design and Implementation of a Photovoltaic High–Intensity - Discharge Street Lighting System", the International conference on QIR (Quality in Research), 巴里島, 2011/07/04