"From interactive post-production 3D video technology, to explore the virtual reconstruction, the perceptual creative process of appearance system", 2017 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI), 1938 - 1941, 2017/07, ELSE2
"A study on the music co-creation event based on activity theory - with an example of wedding cultural industry", Applied System Innovation (ICASI), 2017 International Conference on, 578 - 581, 2017/07, ELSE2
"A New Form of Space-experience Derived from Interactive Technology", ISCAL 2016 International Symposium on Culture, Arts, and Literature, 86, 2016/06, ELSE2
"Monitoring Combined with Virtual Projection Technology for A-Pillar See-Through Vision Improvement Study", 2024 IEEE 13th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE), Kitakyushu, 2024/10/29
"Exploring and Creating a Physical Mechanic Rigging System – Based on SimBiCon", IEEE_IEIE ICCE Asia 2023-South Korea, Busan, 2023/10/23
"Exploring the Suitability of AVAS for Electric Scooters (Oral)", IEEE_IEIE ICCE Asia 2023-South Korea, Busan, 2023/10/23
"空間擴張與視角追蹤-以作品「窗」為例", 銘傳大學2019「智能設計 X 跨域整合」國際學術研討會, 桃園市, 2019/03/15
"VIRTUAL SPACE EXPANSION AND VIEWPOINT TRACKING –TAKING "VIRTUAL PORTAL" AS AN EXAMPLE", Proceedings of Global Society For Research And Development International Conference, 東京, 2018/12/06
"Returning Back the Initiative of Spatial Relations between Inner and Outer Space from Images", 2018 IEEE International Conference on Innovation,Communication and Engineering (ICICE), 杭州, 2018/11/09
"Synchronicity experiential text extended by Interactive Post-production 3D Video Technology", 2018 IEEE International Conference on Innovation,Communication and Engineering (ICICE), 杭州, 2018/11/09
"Device with identity verification-Apply in car driving as an example", 2018 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI), 大阪, 2018/04/13
"使用觸控電視牆進行混合實境操控之研究- 以三立電視2016美國大選電視牆為例", Chinese Institute of Design Annual Design Conference Proceedings, 台北, 2017/05/27