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"The Impact of Global English: Perceptions of English Promotion, English Education and the ELT Industry in Taiwan", Asian EFL Journal, 22, 1, 2020/01, ELSE2
"The Promotion of English in East Asia at the Turn of the 21st Century: A Politico-Economic and Socio-Cultural Review", Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 22, 1, 1-17, 2018/08, ELSE2
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"The Ideological Construction of English: A Critical Review on the Discourse of English in East Asia", The Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 18, 1, 219-240, 2014/08, ELSE2
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"Comparative perspectives on bilingual policy in Taiwan: Implementation and implications of bilingual education", AILA 2024 (The 21st AILA World Congress), 吉隆坡, 2024/08/11
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