"Research on information searching strategies in high school students’ quality of argumentative essay writing", Interactive Learning Environments, 31, 10, 6799-6817, 2023/11, SSCI
"Preservice teachers’ conceptions of teaching using mobile devices and the quality of technology integration in lesson plans", British Journal of Educational Technology, 50, 2, 614-625, 2019/02, SSCI
"Students’ conceptions of and approaches to knowledge building and its relationship to learning outcomes. Interactive Learning Environments", Interactive Learning Environments, 25, 6, 749-761, 2017/07, SSCI
"The effects of instructional methods on students’ learning outcomes requiring different cognitive abilities: context-aware ubiquitous learning vs. traditional instruction", Interactive Learning Environments, 24, 7, 1497-1510, 2016/10, SSCI
"Students’ conceptions of and approaches to knowledge building and its relationship to learning outcomes. Interactive Learning Environments", Interactive Learning Environments, 2016/06, SSCI
"Singapore primary and secondary students’ motivated approaches for learning: A validation study", Learning and Individual Differences, 45, 282-290, 2016/01, SSCI
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"Exploring the Effects of Automatic Speech Recognition Technology in EFL Students’ Speaking Performance", The 16th Asian Conference on Education (ACE2024), 東, 2024/11/25
"The effects of visualization strategies on students’ learning outcomes in augmented reality contexts", the 31th International Conference on Computers in Education, Matsue, 2023/12/02
"Pre-service teachers’ conceptions of learning and teaching SDGs-related issues in an augmented reality context", Ed-Media conference (EdMedia2023), Vienna, 2023/07/10
"Pre-service teachers’ conceptions of learning SDGs-related issues in an augmented reality-enhance learning environment", Taiwan E-learning Forum (TWELF 2023), 墾丁, 2023/03/09
"The role of information searching strategies in the quality of students’ argumentative essay writing", Taiwan E-learning Forum (TWELF 2022), 台東, 2022/03/24
"The effects of the application of augmented reality on pre-service teachers' conceptions of learning and teaching with environmental education issues", the 4th Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation (ECEI 2021), Taitung, 2021/02/05
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"The Relationships among Students’ Online Argumentation Processes, Information Searching Behaviors and Achievements", INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, HRADEC KRALOVE, 2019/07/01
"The correlation between students’ attitudes toward online peer assessment and their scores of digital products", the 22nd Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2018), 廣州, 2018/05/25
"Pre-service teachers' conceptions of teaching using mobile devices", The 25th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2017), 基督城, 2017/12/04
"Surveying Indonesian Teachers’ Design Belief and TPACK for 21st century oriented Learning", the 25th International Conference on Computers in Education, 基督城, 2017/12/04
"Exploring i-call: effects of automated writing evaluation feedback on EFL writing development of high school students in Taiwan", APLX 2017 International Conference on Applied Linguistics, 台北, 2017/11/16
"The relationships among pre-service teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge and the quality of technology integration in lesson plans", the 21st Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2017), 北京, 2017/06/03
"Relational analysis of primary school students’ epistemic beliefs, thinking process and outcomes in knowledge building", the Second International Conference for “Personal Epistemology and Learning (PEL)”, 台北, 2016/12/13
"Students' epistemic beliefs concerning Internet environments in the online argumentation activities: Conception differences", the Second International Conference for “Personal Epistemology and Learning (PEL)”, 台北, 2016/12/13
"A pilot study of students’ perceptions of collaborative knowledge building in 21st century learning with their knowledge building behaviors", the 16th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT2016), 奧斯丁, 2016/07/25