"Deep learning approaches for improving robustness in real-time 3d-object positioning and manipulation in severe lighting conditions", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2023/10, SCI&EI
"Evolutionary structural optimization for designing delicate holders with uniform or profiled contact pressure", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2023/09, SCI&EI
"Innovative Grasping System with Versatility and Automation", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2023/05, SCI&EI
"Optimization of Mecanum Wheels for Mitigation of AGV Vibration", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 121, 633–645, 2022/05, SCI&EI
"Self-Balancing Two-Wheeled Robot Featuring Intelligent End-to-End Deep Visual-Steering", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 26, 5, 2263-2273, 2021/10, SCI&EI
"An Innovative Straddle Monorail Track Switch Design for the Personal Rapid Transit", International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 28, 3, 370-384, 2021/08, SCI&EI
"Real-Time Rain Detection and Wiper Control Employing Embedded Deep Learning", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 70, 4, 3256-3266, 2021/03, SCI&EI
"Deep-trained Illumination-robust Precision Positioning for Real-time Manipulation of Embedded Objects", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 111, 2259-2276, 2020/10, SCI&EI
"Development of Compound Fault Diagnosis System for Gearbox Based on Convolutional Neural Network", Sensors, 20, 6169, 1-14, 2020/10, SCI
"Real-time Topological Localization Using Structured-View ConvNet with Expectation Rules and Training Renewal", Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2020/05, SCI
"Automated Visual Positioning and Precision Placement of a Workpiece using Deep Learning", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019/08, SCI
"A Low-Noise Guitar Robot Featuring a New Class of Silent Actuators", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,, 2019/05, SCI
"An Innovative Straddle Monorail Track Switch Design for the Personal Rapid Transit", International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 2019/04, SCI
"自主移動機器人在人群中之端到端自主避障控制", 2024 National Conference on Advanced Robotics (NCAR 2024), Taipei, 2024/08/22
"雙輪自平衡機器手臂之動態物件定位與攫取", 2024 National Conference on Advanced Robotics (NCAR 2024), Taipei, 2024/08/22
"Autonomous Building Entry Integrating ConvNet Object Detection and Cascaded Navigation Control", 2024 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2024), Boston, 2024/07/15
"Autonomous Sidewalk Navigation Featuring End-to-End RGB-D Dual-ConvNet Steering", 2024 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2024), Boston, 2024/07/15
"Automated Malabar Chestnut Planting Machine with Deep Learning Visual Recognition and Innovative Mechanisms", 2024 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2024), Boston, 2024/07/15
"Universal Defect Inspection based on Dual-Input Deep Comparison Convolutional Neural Network", The 20th International Conference on Automation Technology (Automation 2023), 台北, 2023/12/08
"Piles of objects detection for grasping system using modified RGB-D MobileNetV3", International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ARIS 2023), 台北, 2023/08/30
"Enhancing indoor auto-steering for AMRs through RGB and depth fusion", 2023 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2023),, 西雅圖, 2023/06/27
"3-D precision positioning based on Deep Comparison Convolutional Neural Networks", 2023 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2023),, 西雅圖, 2023/06/27
"Real-time visual-servo navigation for map-free self-driving in unstructured outdoor environments", 2023 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2023),, 西雅圖, 2023/06/27
"Autonomous Mobile Robot as a Cyber-Physical System Featuring Networked Deep Learning and Control", IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2022), 札幌, 2022/07/11
"ATopNet: Robust Visual Localization for AMR Navigation", IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2022), 札幌, 2022/07/11
"Cascaded Deep Search: Achieving High Localization Precision for a Roughly Positioned Autonomous Mobile Manipulator", IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2022), 札幌, 2022/07/11
"A Versatile Object Pick-Up System Featuring Grip-Suction-Pinch Design Integration and Depth Vision Automation", IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ARM), 桂林, 2022/07/09
"Mobility Improvement on the Two-Wheeled Dynamically Balanced Robot – J4.", IEEE CASE 2021 – International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 里昂, 2021/08/23
"Enhancement of Visual Place Recognition for Robot Localization Subject to Pedestrian Occlusion", IEEE CASE 2021 – International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 里昂, 2021/08/23
"Socially Compliant Navigation in Indoor Corridors Based on Reinforcement Learning", IEEE CASE 2021 – International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 里昂, 2021/08/23
"Detection of Piled Objects Using RGB-D Faster R-CNN", International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ARIS 2021), 台北, 2021/08/17
"Optimization of Mecanum Wheels for Mitigation of AGV Vibration", International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ARIS 2021), 台北, 2021/08/17
"3D Shadow-Robust Visual Object Detection", International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ARIS 2021), 台北, 2021/08/17
"Hierarchical Depth Vision Automatic Steering for AMR", International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ARIS 2021), 台北, 2021/08/17
"Place Recognition Enhancement for Autonomous Mobile Robot: Box Bounding vs. Pixel Segmentation", International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ARIS 2021), 台北, 2021/08/17
"Deep-Learning Rain Detection and Wiper Control Featuring Gaussian Extraction", 25th International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2020), 台北市, 2020/12/03
"Electromagnetic Artificial Muscle with Continuous and Controllable Deformation", 中國機械工程學會第三十七屆全國學術研討會, 雲林縣, 2020/11/20
"Design and implementation of multi-parameter wireless control of mobile robots based on LoRa", The 17th International Conference on Automation Technology (Automation 2020), 花蓮市, 2020/11/12
"Training End-to-End Steering of a Self-Balancing Mobile Robot Based on RGB-D Image and Deep ConvNet", 2020 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2020), 波士頓, 2020/07/06
"A Comparison of Embedded Computations for ConvNet-Based Windshield Rain Detection", The 16th International Conference on Automation Technology (Automation 2019), 台北, 2019/11/22
"Illumination-Robust Object Coordinate Detection by Adopting Pix2Pix GAN for Training Image Generation", 2019 The 24th International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2019), 高雄, 2019/11/21
"Development and Characterization of an Electromagnet-Based Artificial Muscle", IMETI 2019 – International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Nov. 15-19, 2019, 高雄, 2019/11/15
"Real-Time Object Coordinate Detection and Manipulator Control Using Rigidly Trained Convolutional Neural Networks", 2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 溫哥華, 2019/08/22
"Real time Visual Based Localization for Mobile Robot Using Struc tured View Deep Learning", 2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)., 溫哥華, 2019/08/22
"Video Based Windshield Rain Detection and Wiper Control Using Holistic View Deep Learning", 2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)., 溫哥華, 2019/08/22
"Visual-Guided Robot Arm Using Self-Supervised Deep Convolution Neural Networks", 2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 溫哥華, 2019/08/22
"Embedded Based Object Matching and Robot Arm Control", 2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 溫哥華, 2019/08/22