"Fostering small urban green spaces: Public–private partnerships as a synergistic approach to forming new public life in Taipei City", Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 91, 108-118, 2024/01, SSCI
"Rewilding Landscape: Exploring the Relationship Between Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Public Life at the Foothill Mountain in Taipei", 22nd The AESOP Planning & Complexity Thematic Meeting- ‘TIME/LESS: Sensing, Planning, Designing in Complex Cities & Regions, Aachen, 2024/11/28
"Toward a folding curriculum: Workshop as a transformative practise in the architectural lecture-based module", Teaching Beyond the Curriculum Focus on Pedagogy 2023, Glasgow/Wenzhou/Louisiana, 2023/11/15
"“Trace” in the Memorial Building: Take the Jewish Museum and Zhuang Wei Dune Visitor Center as Examples", 第35屆建築研究成果發表會暨第7屆全國建築設計教學與建築教育論壇, 高雄, 2023/05/27
"A ten-minute fold of everydayness: municipal rubbish management as a critical field of informal social infrastructure", 2023 AAG Annual Meeting, Denver, 2023/03/23
"Architecture as Infrastructure: Multi-scaling Socio-spatial Networks", JOINT SYMPOSIUM- THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY and NATIONAL TAIPEI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, Taipei, 2021/03/29