"Microwave-Assisted Preparation of Solid Recovered Fuel from Food Waste and its Quality Prediction Using Linear Programming", Bioenergy Research, 18, 17, 2025/01, SCI
"Recycling of a Spent Residue-Fluid-Catalytic Cracking Catalyst into an Adsorbent for the Removal of Copper(II) Ions from Wastewater", Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 12, 114566, 2024/12, SCI
"In-situ sampling of solid recovered fuel and recycling ashes for the production of sustainable binders", Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 73, 104139, 2024/12, SCI
"Impact of photoaging on the chemical and cytotoxic properties of nanoscale zeolitic imidazolate framework-8", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 479, 135536, 2024/11, SCI
"Visible-light-prompted photoelectrochemical sensors fabricated using Er3NbO7/P@g-C3N4/SnS2 nanocomposite for detecting mercury ion in environmental water samples", chemosphere, 365, 143336, 2024/10, SCI
"Forecasting fish mortality from water and air quality data using deep learning models", Journal of Environmental Quality, 53, 482-491, 2024/04, SCI
"Economic and Feasibility Analysis of Brownfields into Brightfields by Solar Energy", Clean - Soil, Air, Water, 2200241, 1-8, 2023/05, SCI
"In-situ Leakage Diagnosis of Urban Water Supply Network by Fire Hydrants and EPANET Simulation", Environmental Progress, e14201, 1-9, 2023/05, SCI
"Evaluating Business Chains and Fertilizing Capacity of Biomass Residues by Material Flow Analysis and Digestate Nutrient Balance", Waste and Biomass Valorization, 14, 4269-4280, 2023/04, SCI
"International circular economy strategies and their impacts on agricultural water use", Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 8, 100504, 2023/01, ELSE2
"Dry dechlorination of solid-derived fuels obtained from food waste and polyvinyl chloride", Science of the Total Environment, 841, 156745, 2022/10, SCI
"Removal of chlorine-contaminated groundwater by two-stage ozonation and biostimulation methods", Journal of Environmental Management, 317, 115417, 2022/09, SCI
"Solid fuel recovered from food waste dichlorination: Proof of concept and cost analysis", Journal of Cleaner Production, 360, 132240, 2022/08, SCI
"Increasing Capacities of Water Retention Capacity from Gray Roofs Towards a Sponge City", Water and Environment Journal, 36, 3, 448-457, 2022/02, SCI
"Detection of Chlorophyll fluorescence as a Rapid Alert of Eutrophic Water", Water Supply, 2021/11, SCI
"Phosphorus and nitrogen removal from water using steel slag in soil-based low-impact development systems", Journal of Water Process Engineering, 44, 102385, 2021/10, SCI
"Comparing natural red soil and irons for removal of phosphorus from wastewater using the multi-soil-layering system and its economic analysis", Journal of Environmental Management, 26, 113252, 2021/07, SCI
"Evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions and the feed-in tariff system of waste-to-energy facilities using a system dynamics model", Science of the Total Environment, 792, 148445, 2021/06, SCI
"Establishment of the watershed health indicators and health check of reservoirs", Ecological Indicators, 127, 107779, 2021/04, SCI
"Modelling transmission of hexavalent chromium concentration and its health cost with a water quality analysis simulation program", Water Environment Research, 00, 1-10, 2021/03, SCI
"Water retention capacity and runoff peak flow duration of the urban food garden: A city-based model and field experiment", Ecological Engineering, 159, 106173, 2021/02, SCI
"Pelleting spent coffee grounds by waste utensils as binders of biofuels", Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9, 105006, 2021/02, SCI
"System dynamics evaluation of household water use behavior and associated greenhouse gas emissions and environmental costs", Journal of Water Process Engineering, 37, 101409, 2020/10, SCI
"Evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions and energy recovery from planting street trees", Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 0, 1-9, 2020/05, SCI
"Integrating spent coffee grounds and silver skin as biofuels using torrefaction", Renewable Energy, 148, 275-283, 2020/04, SCI
"Costs and Environmental Benefits of Watershed Conservation and Restoration in Taiwan", Ecological Engineering, 142, 105633, 2019/11, SCI
"System dynamics modeling of waste management and greenhouse gas emissions from convenience stores", Journal of Cleaner Production, 239, 118006, 2019/08, SCI
"Reflecting the environmental cost of greenhouse gas emissions from an urban water system in the water price", Water Environment Journal, 1-9, 2019/08, SCI
"Evaluation of hexavalent chromium concentration in water and its health risk with a system dynamics model", Science of the Total Environment, 669, 103-111, 2019/06, SCI
"Estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from a wastewater treatment plant using membrane bioreactor", Water Environment Research, 91, 2, 111-118, 2019/03, SCI
"Estimation of Willingness-to-pay for the MSW Disposal System by Choice Experiment Approach: A Case Study of Taiwan", Waste Management & Research, 37, 4, 1-9, 2019/02, SCI
"Effects of urbanization on municipal solid waste composition", Waste Management, 79, 828-836, 8, 2018/09, SCI
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"Development of Solid Recovered Fuel and the Feed-in tariff Policy in Taiwan", 2023 USTP x SixERS Joint Symposium, Taipei, 2023/11/28
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"Evaluate Eutrophication of Reservoirs by Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Chlorophyll Fluorescence", IWA 11th Micropol & Ecohazard Conference, 首爾, 2019/10/20
"Evaluation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Water Supply System and Its Environ-mental Cost", IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition, 東京, 2019/09/15