PhD, Duke University, USA; MSE, The Johns Hopkins University, USA
Dean of International Affairs, Chair of Computer Science and Inforamtion Engineering Department
Bioinformatics and biomedical research, biomedical Imaging, healthcare research
"An Effective DNA Methylation Biomarker Screening Mechanism for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Based on Comorbidities and Gene Function Analysis", Bioengineering, 11(10), 1020, 1-13, 2024/10, SCI
"Improving quality of indicators of compromise using STIX graphs", Computers & Security, 144 (2024), 103972, 1-15, 2024/07, SCI
"Noninvasive Risk Prediction Models for Heart Failure Using Proportional Jaccard Indices and Comorbidity Patterns,", Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, 25(5), 179, 1-13, 2024/03, SCI
"Physio-biochemical and metabolomic analyses of the agarophyte Gracilaria salicornia indicates its tolerance to elevated pCO2 levels", Regional Studies in Marine Science, 68, 103245, 1-18, 2024/01, SCI
"Interferon-stimulated gene 15 polymorphisms are associated with spontaneous preterm birth in Taiwanese women", American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 90, 6, 7, 2023/10, SCI
"Detection of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Comorbidity Trajectories Based on Principal Tree Model Analytics", Biomedicines, 11, 10, 13, 2023/09, SCI
"Enhancing Small Tabular Clinical Trial Dataset through Hybrid Data Augmentation: Combining SMOTE and WCGAN-GP", Data, 8, 9, 20, 2023/08, SCI
"Progression to myocardial infarction shortterm death based on interval sequential pattern mining", BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 23, 394, 9, 2023/08, SCI
"Distinctive microbial community and genome structure in coastal seawater from a human-made port and nearby offshore island in northern Taiwan facing the Northwestern Pacific Ocean", PLoS ONE, 18, 6, 31, 2023/06, SCI
"Separation of Multiple Speech Sources in Reverberant Environments based on Sparse Component Enhancement", Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 42, 2023, 28, 2023/05, SCI
"Deep-learning based breast cancer detection for cross-staining histopathology images", Heliyon, 9, e13171, 11, 2023/01, SCI
"Identification of fish species through tRNA-based primer design", BMC Bioinformatics, 22, 633, 15, 2022/12, SCI
"Transcriptomic analysis reveals distinct mechanisms of adaptation of a polar picophytoplankter under ocean acidification conditions", ELSEVIER : Marine Environmental Research, 182, 13, 2022/10, SCI
"Comprehensive Linear Epitope Prediction System for Host Specificity in Nodaviridae", Viruses, 14, 7, 19, 2022/06, SCI
"A Multi- Source Separation Approach Based on DOA Cue and DNN", Applied Sciences, 12, 6224, 20, 2022/06, SCI
"Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of Organ-Specific Adaptive Responses to Hypoxia Provides Insights to Human Diseases", Genes, 13, 1096, 21, 2022/06, SCI
"Data Augmentation based on Generative Adversarial Networks to Improve Stage Classification of Chronic Kidney Disease", Appl. Sci, 12, 352, 1-12, 2021/12, SCI
"Using Comorbidity Pattern Analysis to Detect Reliable Methylated Genes in Colorectal Cancer Verified by Stool DNA Test", Genes, 12, 1539, 1-14, 2021/09, SCI
"Meis, Hi1α, and GATA1 are integrated into a hierarchical regulatory network to mediate primitive erythropoiesis", FASEB Journal, 2021, 35:e21915, 1-16, 2021/08, SCI
"Conformational Epitope Matching and Prediction Based on Protein Surface Spiral Features", BMC Genomics, 22, 116, 1-16, 2021/01, SCI
"Enhanced overrepresentation analysis for the differential regulation of Birc5- and HIF2α-knockdown approaches", Journal of Computational Biology, 28, 7, 674-686, 2021/01, SCI
"Integrated Hypoxia Signaling and Oxidative Stress in Developmental Neurotoxicity of Benzo[a]Pyrene in Zebrafish Embryos", Antioxidants, 9(8):731, 1-17, 2020/08, SCI
"Patient Oriented Readability Assessment for Heart Disease Healthcare Documents", International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining, 16, 1, 63-72, 2020/01, SCI
"A voting mechanism-based linear epitope prediction system for the host-specific Iridoviridae family", BMC Bioinformatics, 20, 192, 49-58, 2019/05, SCI
"Automatic Generation of Puzzle Tile Maps for Spatial-temporal Data Visualization", Computers & Graphics, 82, 1, 1-12, 2019/05, SCI
"Prediction of chronic kidney disease stages by renal ultrasound imaging", Enterprise Information Systems, 2019, 1, 1-19, 2019/03, SCI
"Multiple model species selection for transcriptomics analysis of non-model organisms", BMC Bioinformatics, 19, 9, 137-150, 2018/08, SCI
"Functional Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) Biomarkers for Specific Gene Groups of Oreochromis Niloticus", ACM Proceedings, 2018, ICBBS2018, 25-30, 2018/06, EI
"Discovering Effective DNA Methylation Biomarkers through Different Gene Mutation Groups for Lung Cancer Detection", The 8th International Conference on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (ICCBB 2024), Kyoto, 2024/11/28
"2024 International Workshop on Consumer Electronics x Project Development and Creative Idea Competition", 2024 International Workshop on Consumer Electronics x Project Development and Creative Idea Competition, iWCE 2024), Taiwan, 2024/11/22
"孩童手繪圖型與精細動作發展之人工智慧自動辨識與評量", 2024 International Workshop on Consumer Electronics x Project Development and Creative Idea Competition, iWCE 2024), TaoYuan, 2024/11/22
"Analysis of DNA Methylation Biomarkers through Liquid Biopsies for Early Breast Cancer Detection", 2024 International Computer Symposium (ICS 2024), Taipei, 2024/10/24
"Abnormal DNA Methylation in Colorectal Cancer Patients of Different Ethnicities", 13th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Science (ICBBS 2024), HongKong, 2024/10/18
"DNA Methylation Biomarker Detection for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Based on Comorbidity Disease Analysis", 7th International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention 2024 (ICKII 2024), Nagoya, 2024/08/16
"Analysis of the effect of age and gender on skin conductance response at 24 biologically active points: exploring a large dataset", 7th International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention 2024 (ICKII 2024), Nagoya, 2024/08/16
"Enhancing Cyber Threat Intelligence with Named Entity Recognition using BERT-CRF", IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM 2023), Kuala Lumpur, 2023/12/04
"Identification of Reliable Internal Control Genes for DNA Methylation Experiments", 2023 5th Eurasia Conference on IoT, Communication and Engineering (IEEE ECICE 2023), Yunlin, 2023/10/27
"PepTracR: a Centralized Database for Pathogen Peptides and Neoepitopes based on 3D Structures information and Similarity-search in T-cell Immunotherapy Research", The 12th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Science (ICBBS 2023), Singapore, 2023/10/20
"Applying the Diamond Model of Intrusion Analysis with Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3", IEEE International Conference on Electronics- Taiwan (IEEE ICCE-TW 2023), Pingtung, 2023/07/17
"Using Machine Learning for Efficient Smishing Detection", IEEE International Conference on Electronics- Taiwan (IEEE ICCE-TW 2023), Pingtung, 2023/07/17
"Intelligent Behavior Recognition based on Gyroscope and Accelerometer", IEEE International Conference on Electronics- Taiwan (IEEE ICCE-TW 2023), Pingtung, 2023/07/17
"Using Cyber Threat Intelligence to Defend Healthcare Security Threats", International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics (ICMHI 2023), Kyoto, 2023/05/12
"Detection of Novel Gene Biomarkers in non-small cell lung cancer using integrated approaches in DNA methylation expression", 2022 11th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Science (ICBBS 2022), Nanning, Guangxi, 2022/10/28
"Intelligent DNA methylation biomarker selection for colorectal cancer", IEEE SMC 2022 International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Prague, Czech, 2022/10/09
"Intelligent Medical Interactive Educational System for Cardiovascular Disease", The 35rd International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems(IEA/AIE 2022), Kitakyushu, 2022/07/19
"Attack Pattern Classification of Medical Institution based on Open Source Intelligence", The 6th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics (ICMHI 2022), Kyoto, 2022/05/13
"Prediction of patients with heart failure after myocardial infarction", 2020 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM2020), Seoul, 2021/12/16
"MELEPS: Multiple Expert Linear Epitope Prediction System", 11th International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and medical Sciences (ICCABS 2021), Connecticut, 2021/12/16
"Using machine learning approach to predict short-term mortality risk of acute myocardial infarction after emergency admission", 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM2021), Houston, 2021/12/09
"Computational bioimage processing for quantitative pathology", 第三十四屆電腦視覺圖學及影像處理研討會(CVGIP 2021), Taipei, 2021/08/22
"Data Augmentation based on Generative Adversarial Networks to Improve Stage Classification of Chronic Kidney Disease", 第三十四屆電腦視覺圖學及影像處理研討會(CVGIP 2021), Taipei, 2021/08/22
"Comorbidity Trajectory Network in Heart Failure Patients Based on Prefixspan Algorithm", The 5th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics (ICMHI 2021), Kyoto, 2021/05/14
"Modeling and Analysis of Electrodermal Resistance for Health Status Monitoring", ITIA 2021 International Conference on Information Technology and Industrial Applications(ITIA 2021), Taipei, 2021/04/23
"Identification of fish species through tRNA-based primer design", The 19th Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC 2021), Tainan, 2021/02/03
"Enhanced Functional Pathway Annotations for Differentially Expressed Gene Clusters", 16th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA 2020), Moscow, 2020/12/01
"Computing a weighted Jaccard index of electronic medical record for disease prediction", 33rd International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems(IEA/AIE 2020), Kitakyushu, 2020/09/22
"醫療文件的可讀性與正向指數分析–以憂鬱症為例", 2020年數位生活科技研討會(Symposium on Digital Life Technologies, DLT 2020), 台灣屏東, 2020/05/15
"以機器學習預測心肌梗塞病患併發心臟衰竭之風險", 2020年數位生活科技研討會(Symposium on Digital Life Technologies, DLT 2020), 台灣屏東, 2020/05/15
"以 tRNA基因作為引物辨識魚類粒線體中 COI 基因條碼", NCS2019全國計算機會議, 金門, 2019/11/14
"Conformational epitope matching and prediction based on protein surface spiral features", International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Application, Barcelona, 2019/06/02
"A voting mechanism-based linear epitope prediction system for the host-specific Iridoviridae family", The 12nd International Conference on Computational Systems Biology (ISB 2018), 貴陽, 2018/08/18