"Is revitalizing culture a beautiful dream? Objects, archives, and images of indigenous Taiwan in Hu Tai-Li’s documentary Returning Souls (2012)", The Senses and Society, 1-13, 2023/04, AHCI
"Inscribing Authentic Body-Image: Permutations of Vulnerability in TPE-Tics and Small Talk", Quarterly Review of Film and Video. UK: Routledge., 1-16, 2021/12, ELSE2
"The Sensory in Viewing: Spectacle, Otherness and the Lived Experiences in Hu Tai-Li Ethnographic Films", Film-Philosophy Conference, Espinho, 2024/07/01
"Poster as a Site for Experiments: A Perspective from the London Underground Poster Artist, Anna Katrina Zinkeisen", Poster as a Site for Experiments: A Perspective from the London Underground Poster Artist, Anna Katrina Zinkeisen, 金澤, 2024/04/03
"The Cinematic Body and Secularity: A Study of Religion in Taiwan Films", The 27th AMIC(Asian Media Information and Communication) Annual Conference, 曼谷, 2019/06/17