"The Role of Education in Shaping Voting Behavior: Evidence from the Taiwan 2021 Referendum", International Journal of Educational Development, 2024/10, SSCI
"In Pursuit of Excellence: A Historical Investigation of Scientific Production in Indonesia’s Higher Education System, 1990-2020.", Higher Education, 2023/11, SSCI
"Measuring College Students’ Multidisciplinary Learning: A Novel Application of Natural Language Processing", Higher Education, 2023/05, SSCI
"Examining the Influence of Texas’ Strategic Plan for Increasing University Research: Loose Coupling and Research Production at Regional Public Universities", The Journal of Higher Education, 2023/03, SSCI
"Game of Brains: Examining Researcher Brain Gain and Brain Drain and Research University Policy", Higher Education Policy, 2023/02, SSCI
"Group-based trajectory model to analyze the growth of students’ academic performance: a longitudinal investigation at one Taiwanese high school.", Asia Pacific Education Review, 2022/08, SSCI
"Does Geodemographic Segmentation Influence Educational Opportunity? A Spatial Investigation of Enrollment at One Taiwanese University", Higher Education, 2022/01, SSCI
"University versus research institute? the dual pillars of german science production, 1950-2010", Minerva, in press, in press, in press, 2020/01, SSCI
"Life Course Productivity Model to Analyze Academic Research Issues: A Longitudinal Analysis at one Taiwanese University", Studies in Higher Education, in press, in press, in press, 2020/01, SSCI
All Roads Lead to the University: the Academization of Early Childhood Education., 1, Emerald Publishing Limited, 978-1837538492, 2023/12/07
The Higher Education Trajectories of Taiwanese Women in STEM: A Longitudinal Analysis., 1, Routledge, 978-036-75-1293-4, 2021/09/01
The development of institutional research in Taiwan and its implications on university governance, 1, Springer Singapore, 978-981-15-4553-5, 2021/01/01
"Unveiling the Science-Technology Link: Global patents’ citation of Taiwanese University Research", the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Denver, Colorado, 2025/04/23
"Conscription and the Labor Market Outcomes of Recent College Graduates: Evidence from one Taiwanese University.", the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Denver, Colorado, 2025/04/23
"Examining the Linkages between University Scientific Research and Industrial Technological Innovation: A Case Study of the Semiconductor Industry in Taiwan.", Consortium of Higher Education Researchers 36th annual conference (CHER), Luxembourg, 2024/09/04
"A Comparative Analysis of Educational Outcomes: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach Investigating Neighborhood Assignment Versus Choice-Based Systems.", RC28 Spring Meeting 2024, Shanghai, 2024/05/17
"Does Education Improve Citizenship? Evidence from the Taiwan 2021 Referendum.", the Annual Meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES 2023), Miami, 2024/03/10
"How Universities Transform Occupations and Work in the 21st Century: The Academization of German and American Economies.", the Annual Meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES 2023), Miami, 2024/03/10
"Is Research Bigger in Texas? Examining the Effects of Texas’ Plan for Increasing University Research", the 2023 AERA Annual Meeting, Chicago, 2023/04/13
"Research at Risk? Examining the Importance of Academic Freedom for STEM Research Production", the 67th Annual Meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES 2023), Washington, D.C., 2023/02/18
"Thriving within a scientific bubble: A longitudinal investigation of scientific productivity in Indonesia’s higher education system", the 67th Annual Meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES 2023), Washington, D.C., 2023/02/18
"Game of Brains: What does the movement of scholars tell us?", the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego, 2022/04/21
"Measuring College Students’ Multidisciplinary Learning: A Novel Application of Natural Language Processing", the annual meeting of the Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP), Denver, 2022/03/17
"A Comparative Study on Peer Effects and Academic Achievement between Taiwan and Germany: Perspectives from PISA 2018", the annual meeting of Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), Seattle, Washington., 2021/04/25
"An Evolving International Collaboration Network in Higher Education Research: Limited Cross-regional Co-Authorships, 1998–2018.", the annual meeting of Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), Seattle, Washington., 2021/04/25
"Does Geodemographic Segmentation Influence Educational Opportunity? A Spatial Investigation of Enrollment at One Taiwanese University", the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Virtual, 2021/04/09
"A longitudinal investigation of secondary school achievement using group-based trajectory modeling", the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Virtual, 2021/04/09
"The impact of higher education expansion on gender equality: The case of women in STEM in Taiwan", 7th Conference of Higher Education Research Association (HERA 2020), Seoul, 2020/05/27
"Life course productivity in academic: A longitudinal analysis at one Taiwanese university", AERA 2020 annual meeting, San Francisco, 2020/04/17
"What have we been think of: A scientometrics overview of 29 years of higher education research.", International symposium on challenges and opportunities for higher education in Asia, 台北市, 2019/11/09
"International research collaboration: The case of Russia and Taiwan", CIES 2019 annual conference, San Francisco, 2019/04/14
"Does uneven proximity drive inequality in higher education? the application of coarsened exact matching in Taiwan", AEFP 44th annual conference, Kansas city, 2019/03/21