"Experimental Exploration of Cellulose Material for Battery Separators and Artificial Neural Network-Driven Predictive Modeling for Enhanced Thermal Safety in Electric Vehicles", Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 16, 10, 13, 2024/08, SCI
"Numerical Study of Motorbike Aerodynamic Wing Kit", Journal of Mechanics, 40, 1, 313-324, 2024/06, SCI
"Parametric study of passive flow enhancement on a Magnus VAWT blade using response surface methodology and direct-forcing immersed boundary method", Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 16, 2, 023302, 2024/03, SCI
"Numerical Investigation of a Pitching NACA 0012 Wing with Plasma-Based Flow Control Using Prediction–Correction Direct-Forcing Immersed Boundary Method", Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 36, 6, 04023066, 2023/07, SCI
"Aerodynamic Drag Reduction for a Truck Model Using DBD Plasma Actuators", Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 14, 3, 1-9, 2022/03, SCI
"Numerical Study of Hydrodynamic Herringbone-Grooved Journal Bearings Combined with Thrust Bearings Considering Thermal Effects", Journal of Mechanics, 38, 0, 13-21, 2022/03, SCI
"Numerical study of slot-die coating on film formation for different die lip configurations", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 44, 7, 637-645, 2021/08, SCI
"An enhanced analytical-based geometry preprocessor for the VoS method", 2024台灣流體力學學會年會暨第29屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會, 新竹, 2024/11/08
"Active Flow Control of the Heave and Pitch Motions of the NACA 0015 Wing Using Large Eddy Simulation and Plasma Actuator", 第二屆臺灣計算力學學會年會, 台南, 2024/10/05
"Numerical Analysis of the Use of Plasma Actuators to Control Pitching and Heaving Motion of an Airfoil", ICCFD12, Kobe, 2024/07/14
"Exploring Static Rotor Approach and Dynamic Rotor Simulation for Magnus Effect VAWT using Direct Forcing Immersed Boundary (DFIB) Method", ICCFD12, Kobe, 2024/07/14
"Plasma Actuator Control for Heave-Pitch Motion of NACA0012 Airfoil Using Large Eddy Simulation", 第十二屆台灣工業與應用數學會年會, 台中, 2024/05/18
"Large Eddy Simulation of NACA0012 Flapping Wing Using Pulsed DBD Plasma Actuators", 2023 航太學會學術研討會, 台中, 2023/11/25
"Parametric Study of a Flat Plate for the Magnus Effect Enhancement in flow Past a Rotating Cylinder at Re = 5,000", 第28屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會, 台北, 2023/08/17
"Numerical Study on the Aerodynamic Force of Racing Motorbike Aerodynamic Wing Kit During Cornering", 第28屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會, 台北, 2023/08/17