
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網


李韋皞助理教授Lee, Wei-Hao



  • "How magnetism-based fractional spinels contribute to the bioavailability of geogenic chromium in serpentine soils of Taiwan", Geoderma Regional, 39, e00871, 2024/12, SCI
  • "以無機聚合技術結合成核劑製備白榴石陶瓷之研究", 台灣陶瓷學會季刊, 43, 4, 19-29, 2024/12, ELSE1
  • "Magnesium sulphate resistance of fly ash one-part geopolymers: Influence of solid alkali activators on physical, mechanical and chemical performance", Construction and Building Materials, 446, 137971, 2024/10, SCI
  • "Sintered and unsintered pressed fly ash geopolymer: A comprehensive study on structural transformation in nitric and sulfuric acid", Journal of Building Engineering, 93, 109823, 2024/09, SCI
  • "Physico-mechanical and microstructural evolution of sintered pressed geopolymer: Dual effects of aging period and sintering temperature", Construction and Building Materials, 438, 137242, 2024/08, SCI
  • "Experimental and Numerical Study on the Blast Resistant Performance of Geopolymer Concrete", Key Engineering Materials, 986, 25-32, 2024/08, SCI
  • "Microwave-absorbing building materials: Assessing thickness and antenna separation in fly ash-ladle furnace slag one-part geopolymer", Journal of Building Engineering, 87, 109096, 2024/06, SCI
  • "Microwave absorption function on a novel one-part binary geopolymer: Influence of frequency, ageing and mix design", Construction and Building Materials, 427, 136264, 2024/05, SCI
  • "A Study on the Shrinkage and Compressive Strength of GGBFS and Metakaolin Based Geopolymer under Different NaOH Concentrations", Materials, 17, 5, 1181, 2024/03, SCI
  • "Functionalization of mesoporous Al-MCM-41 for indoor humidity control as building humidity conditioning material", Journal of Molecular Structure, 1299, 137024, 2024/03, SCI
  • "Development of Rapid-Setting Repair Materials Through One-Part Geopolymer Technology", Proceedings of the 3rd International Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference (CEAC 2023), 389, 145-156, 2024/02, EI
  • "Acid-resistance of one-part geopolymers: Sodium aluminate and carbonate as alternative activators to conventional sodium metasilicate and hydroxide", Construction and Building Materials, 404, 133264, 2023/11, SCI
  • "Optimization of synthesis parameters from industrial waste recycling to ecohumidity control zeolite: discussion on response to indoor environment comfor", Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2023/08, SCI
  • "Optimization of synthesis parameters for the preparation of zeolite by reusing industrialwaste as raw material: Sandblasting waste and solar panel waste glass", Solid State Sciences, 143, 107277, 2023/07, SCI
  • "Use of Geopolymer and Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer for Repairing Reinforced Concrete Deck Soffit", Materials, 16, 4459, 2023/06, SCI
  • "Optimal synthesis of zeolite materials for humidity control from recycled industrial waste: central composite design", Materials Today Sustainability, 23, 100417, 2023/05, SCI
  • "Characterization of Cu2+ adsorption for ecohydroxyapatite derived from limestone sludge via hydrothermal synthesis", Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 25, 1069–1081, 2023/01, SCI
  • "Preparation and humidity control performance of aluminum containing mesoporous molecular sieve synthesis from liquid crystal display waste glass and sandblasting waste", Materials Today Communications, 34, 105227, 2023/01, SCI
  • "Effect of the indoor humidity control characteristics for amine grafted functionalized mesoporous silica nanomaterials", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Transactions of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,Series A, 46, 1, 11-20, 2022/11, SCI
  • "Removal of Cu2+ from wastewater using eco-hydroxyapatite synthesized from marble sludge", Materials Chemistry and Physics, 293, 126854, 2022/10, SCI
  • "The Length Change Ratio of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag-Based Geopolymer Blended with Magnesium Oxide Cured in Various Environments", Polymers, 14, 3386, 2022/08, SCI
  • "Parameter optimization, characterization, and crystallization mechanisms underlying the synthesis of zeolite A using liquid crystal display waste glass and sandblasting waste as alternative raw materials", Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10, 5, 108506, 2022/08, SCI
  • "Recycling light-emitting-diode waste quartz sand and stone sludge for the synthesis of amine grafted mesoporous humidity control material", Journal of Cleaner Production, 371, 133425, 2022/08, SCI
  • "The Study on the Properties and TCLP of GGBFS-Based Heavy-Metal-Contaminated Soil Geopolymer", Crystals, 12, 7, 900, 2022/06, SCI
  • "Synthesis of aluminum-mesoporous MCM-41 humidity control material from thin-film transistor liquid crystal display waste glass and sandblasting waste and its applicationSíntesis de material de control de humedad MCM-41 mesoporoso de aluminio a partir", Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, 2022/06, SCI
  • "Utilization of waste from the silicon carbide grinding sludge and stone sludge as source of silicon aluminum for the synthesis of the amine functional mesoporous humidity control material", Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 24, 3, 1009-1019, 2022/05, SCI
  • "A Study on the Influence of the Next Generation Colored Inorganic Geopolymer Material Paint on the Insulation Measurement of Concrete Building Shell", Sustainability, 14, 1, 164, 2022/01, SSCI
  • "Using Geopolymer Technology on Synthesizing Leucite Ceramics", Polymers, 13, 21, 3621, 2021/11, SCI
  • "Synthesis and Grafted NH2-Al/MCM-41 with Amine Functional Groups as Humidity Control Material from Silicon Carbide Sludge and Granite Sludge", Processes, 9, 12, 2107, 2021/11, SCI
  • "The Use of Recycled Aggregate Sludge for the Preparation of GGBFS and Fly Ash Based Geopolymer", Crystals, 11, 12, 1486, 2021/11, SCI
  • "Fabrication of low-temperature sintering building bricks using drilling cutting and geopolymeric technology", Materials, 14, 20, 5940, 2021/10, SCI


  • 無機聚合物固化廢棄印刷電路板粉末製成植草磚—循環經濟之應用, 1, 工業技術研究院, 1022-9787, 2022/05/05


  • "無機聚合混凝土實務應用及其使用導引", 2024台灣混凝土應用與技術研討會, 台北市, 2024/12/11
  • "Application of Geopolymer Technology on Inorganic Resources Reutilization", 2024 International Geopolymer Technology Workshop, 台北市, 2024/10/23
  • "Using Geopolymer on CO2 Capture and Sustainable Recycling", 2024 International Geopolymer Technology Workshop, 台北市, 2024/10/23
  • "卜特蘭水泥應用於二氧化碳封存之可行性研究", 中國�Y冶工程學會113年年會, 台南市, 2024/10/19
  • "以LCD廢玻璃及廢噴砂為原料水熱合成沸石材料之研究", 中國�Y冶工程學會113年年會, 台南市, 2024/10/19
  • "Using one-part geopolymer to development rapid-setting repair materials and its application", 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CERAMIC MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS FOR ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, BUDAPEST CONGRESS CENTER, BUDA, 2024/08/18
  • "利用無機聚合技術進行多元化無機資源物製備高壓地磚之研究", 2024 循環經濟商業模式研討會, 台北市, 2024/08/13
  • "Enhancing Mechanical Properties of Leucite Ceramic Composites through Geopolymer Technology", International Conference on Water, Waste and Sustainable Energy Management (ICWWSEM-24), Seoul, 2024/07/30
  • "Development of Geopolymer Passive Radiative Cooling Coatings Using Basic Oxygen Furnace Slag Powder", International Conference on Water, Waste and Sustainable Energy Management (ICWWSEM-24), Seoul, 2024/07/30
  • "Enhancing Mechanical Properties of Leucite-based Ceramic Composites through Geopolymer Synthesis Techniques", 2024 8th International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Engineering Applications, Taipei City, 2024/05/09
  • "Developments of the Slag-Based Geopolymer Coatings by the Flame Spray", 2024 8th International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Engineering Applications, Taipei City, 2024/05/09
  • "Improve the Shrinkage Properties of GGBFS-based Geopolymer by Adding Portland Cement and Metakaolin", 2024 8th International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nano Sciences, Kwansei Gakuin University, Osa, 2024/03/22
  • "Experimental and Numerical Study on the Blast Resistant Performance of Geopolymer Concrete", 2024 8th International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nano Sciences, Kwansei Gakuin University, Osa, 2024/03/22
  • "Synthesis of Silicon Carbide Powders from Multi-Silicon Source-Based Geopolymer", 2024 8th International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nano Sciences, Kwansei Gakuin University, Osa, 2024/03/22
  • "The Applications of One-part Geopolymer as Repairing Materials", 2024 8th International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nano Sciences, Kwansei Gakuin University, Osa, 2024/03/22
  • "A study on reutilization of aggregate sludge and EAF reduction slag through geopolymer technology", 4th International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Composites, Busan, 2023/11/17
  • "無機循環材料開發", 中國冶工程學會112年年會, 台中市, 2023/10/13
  • "無機資源物之非構造物用混凝土開發", 中國冶工程學會112年年會, 台中市, 2023/10/13
  • "漿紙污泥灰添加廢觸媒燒製環保多孔建材對環境調濕性能之研究", 中國冶工程學會112年年會, 台中市, 2023/10/13
  • "A study on enhancing mechanical properties and reducing shrinkage of geopolymer mortar by adding chopped carbon fiber", 023 The 4th International Conference on Novel Functional Materials & 2023 The 6th International Conference on Sustainable Development of Water and Environment, Hong Kong, 2023/06/18
  • "Development of rapid-setting repair materials through one-part geopolymer technology", 2023 8th International Conference on Building Materials and Construction, Kyoto, 2023/03/17
  • "The Shrinkage and Compressive Strength of Metakaolin Blend With GGBFS-based Geopolymer", THE 16TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EAST ASIAN RESOURCES RECYCLING TECHNOLOGY, Tainan, 2022/10/31
  • "A study on fabricating high-early strength materials using one-part geopolymer", THE 16TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EAST ASIAN RESOURCES RECYCLING TECHNOLOGY, Tainan, 2022/10/31
  • "Fabrication Low Temperature Sintered Leucite Ceramics Using Geopolymer Technology", THE 16TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EAST ASIAN RESOURCES RECYCLING TECHNOLOGY, Tainan, 2022/10/31
  • "Preparation of mesoporous silica humidity control materials with industrial waste as silicon aluminum source", THE 16TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EAST ASIAN RESOURCES RECYCLING TECHNOLOGY, Tainan, 2022/10/31
  • "以混燒鍋爐灰渣製備無機聚合地磚之研究", 冶工程學會111年年會, 台北市, 2022/10/14
  • "廢鑄砂資源化可行性之研究", 冶工程學會11年年會, 台北市, 2022/10/14
  • "Using Geopolymer Technology to Fabricate Spray Fire Resistance Material(SFRM)", International Conference on Geopolymer and Sustainable Materials (IConGSM 2022), Ho Chi Minh, 2022/09/23
  • "無機聚合防火披覆材料之研究", 高溫防護材料及應用研討會, 台北市, 2022/08/23
  • "以無機聚合材料固化放射性陽離子交換樹脂之研究", 2021 產業溫室氣體減量成果發表暨綠色技術與工程實務研討會, 台北市, 2021/11/29
  • "Synthesis and humidity control performance of mesoporous molecular sieve produced from liquid crystal display waste glass and sandblasting waste", 中華民國環境工程學會第三十三屆年會暨各專門學術研討會, 台中市, 2021/11/26
  • "從選礦至都市採礦-資源循環再利用", 海峽兩岸”極端氣候快速環境變遷的應對”學術研討會, 台北市, 2021/11/20
  • "廢棄砂輪應用於無機聚合冷壓磚之可行性研究", 第二十四屆資源與環境學術研討會, 花蓮市, 2021/11/19
  • "聚乙烯醇改性無機聚合材料可行性之研究", 第二十四屆資源與環境學術研討會, 花蓮市, 2021/11/19
  • "以濕式研磨安定化電弧爐還原碴之可行性", 第二十四屆資源與環境學術研討會, 花蓮市, 2021/11/19
  • "發泡輕質無機聚合材料之機械性能及熱性能之研究", 礦冶工程學會110年年會, 高雄市, 2021/10/21
  • "以無機聚合技術製備防火披覆塗料之研究", 礦冶工程學會110年年會, 高雄市, 2021/10/21
  • "不同養護環境對預劈裂無機聚合砂漿影響之研究", 礦冶工程學會110年年會, 高雄市, 2021/10/21
  • "以物理分選技術回收廢棄太陽能板玻璃砂之研究", 礦冶工程學會110年年會, 高雄市, 2021/10/21


  • 甲級廢棄物處理技術員, 行政院環境保護署-環境保護人員訓練所