
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網





  • "Normalisation of evacuation under slow emergencies: The imposed story of ‘beautiful new Hong Kong’", Area, 56, 4, 2024/12, SSCI
  • "反送中之後的撤離日常化:移動性協商中的個別生存與未來想像", 台灣社會學刊, 74, 2024/05, SSCI


  • 撤離的日常化:移動性、情感政治、共同體, 1, 左岸文化, 978-626-720-995-0, 2024/03/20


  • "A Preliminary Study on Introducing XR Technology to Participatory Planning and Design in Keelung, Taiwan", International Forum on Urbanism 2024, 2024/12/12
  • "Unfolding the Formation Dadaocheng’s Imaginary through Visualizing the Place making Dynamics on Maps", American Associaiton of Geographers Annual Meeting, Honolulu, 2024/04/16
  • "非典型步行導覽中的音像媒介技術物初探", 重置世界的尺度-2023台灣科技與社會學研討會, 台北市, 2023/09/02
  • "Alternative Guided Walking Tour in Taiwan: Archiving Local Stories, Applying GIS Performances, and Introducing Immersive Experiences", Associate of Asian Studies in Asia Annual Conference, Daegue, 2023/06/24
  • "Re-branding Taipei through Film Policies, Tourist Maps of Movies, and Cinematic Exhibitions", Locating Media Industries: Cities, Spaces, Places, London, 2023/06/19
  • "The Show Must More than Going On: The Survival and Marketing Strategies Applied by Film Festivals in Taipei under COVID-19 Pandemic", Society of Cinema and Media Studies Conference, Denver, 2023/04/12
  • "Reconstitute the Sense of Belonging: Alternative Walking Tours in Hong Kong’s Old Neighborhoods under Societal Storms", Biennial conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments (IASTE), 新加玻, 2022/12/14
  • "The Strategies of Revitalizing Film Festivals under COVID-19 Pandemic in Taipei", The International Geographic Union Centennial Congress, 巴黎(線上), 2022/07/18
  • "撤離的日常化:移動性協商中的共同體和想像地理", 劇變中的香港:抗爭、移民與全球聯絡網學術研討會, 台北市, 2022/06/11
  • "撤離日常化:移動性、情感、共同體", 臨界:香港研究及其不滿學術研討會, 新竹, 2022/03/26