"Exploring corporate governance reports for genre-based pedagogy", The 33rd International Symposium on English Language Teaching and Learning, 台北市, 2024/11/09
"Discourse analysis of corporate governance reports: A corpus-based study", The 25th Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences, 靜岡市, 2024/07/12
"Exploring the lexicogrammar in corporate governance reports", The 9th Symposium on Corpus Approaches to Lexicogrammar, 線上, 2024/07/05
"Using concgramming to learn phraseological variation: The case of phrasal verbs", 32nd International Symposium on English Language Teaching and Learning, Taipei, 2023/11/11
"Raising students' linguistic awareness of form-meaning association in phrasal verbs", 31st International Symposium on English Teaching and Learning, Taipei, 2022/11/04