"Dual-Cloud Multi-Secret Sharing Architecture for Privacy Preserving Persistent Computation", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 19, 7523-7535, 2024/08, SCI
"Privacy Preserving Support Vector Machine Based on Federated Learning for Distributed IoT-Enabled Data Analysis", Computational Intelligence, 40, 2, e12636, 2024/04, SCI
"A Conceptually Simple and Generic Construction of Plaintext Checkable Encryption in the Standard Model", Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 92, 1729-1746, 2024/02, SCI
"Empirical Validation of Fuzzy Logic Based Predictive Load Scheduling in Mimic Home Energy Management System", Journal of Internet Technology, 24, 7, 1429-1436, 2023/12, SCI
"JEDI: Joint and Effective Privacy Preserving Outsourced Set Intersection and Data Integration Protocols", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 18, 4504-4514, 2023/07, SCI
"SecDT: Privacy-Preserving Outsourced Decision Tree Classification Without Polynomial Forms in Edge-Cloud Computing", IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, 8, 1037-1048, 2022/12, SCI
"A Generic Construction of Designated Verifier Signature from Standard Cryptographic Algorithms", Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 38, 5, 1051-1063, 2022/09, SCI
"RAFI: Robust Authentication Framework for IoT-Based RFID Infrastructure", Sensors, 22, 9, 3110, 2022/04, SCI
"Constructing a Blockchain-based Framework for Enhancing the Reliability of Election Polls", Blockchain and Internet of Things Conference, Fukuoka, 2024/07/19
"Distributed Privacy-preserving Support Vector Machine Training Scheme on Vertically Partitioned Data", International Conference on Computer and Communications Management, Nagoya, 2023/08/04
"A Secure and IoT-Enabled Data Sharing System Based on IPFS and IOTA Blockchain", Blockchain and Internet of Things Conference, Osaka, 2023/07/21