"The effect of manganese doping and calcination temperature on polarization, structural and magnetic properties of multiferroic LuFe(1-x)MnxO3 system", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 1010, 178335, 2025/01, SCI
"Bioinspired photonic crystal structures from Papilio Ulysses butterfly wings for versatile laser applications", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 178, 108199, 2024/07, SCI
"Correlation between Wettability and Dissolution of Calcite in Ion Free Water", The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128, 4729-4738, 2024/03, SCI
"Incodoped Bi1xVO4 drenched sulfur doped gC3N4 nanocomposite: A typeII photo(electro)catalytic system for visiblelight driven watersplitting and toxic removal applications", Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 7, 32, 2024/02, SCI
"Temperature-driven magnetic and structural transitions in multiferroic Lu(1-x)ScxFeO3", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 972, 172805, 2024/01, SCI
"Recent Progress in Surface-Defect Engineering Strategies for Electrocatalysts toward Electrochemical CO2 Reduction: A Review", Catalysts, 13, 2, 393, 2023/02, SCI
"Facile construction of CuFe2O4/p-g-C3N4 p-n heterojunction with boosted photocatalytic activity and sustainability for organic degradation reactions under visible-light", Surfaces and Interfaces, 34, 102329, 2022/11, SCI
"Photo–Redox Properties of –SO3H Functionalized Metal-Free g-C3N4 and Its Application in the Photooxidation of Sunset Yellow FCF and Photoreduction of Cr (VI)", Catalysts, 12, 751, 2022/07, SCI
"Rational synthesis of BixFe1xVO4 heterostructures impregnated sulfur-doped g-C3N4: A visible-light-driven type-II heterojunction photo(electro)catalyst for efficient photodegradation of roxarsone and photoelectrochemical OER reactions", Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 304, 120852, 2022/05, SCI
"The Structure Color Analysis of a Spider", Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC 2024), Taipei, 2024/11/26
"Design of Photonic Crystals in a Bird’s Feather with the Assistance of an Optimization Method", Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC 2024), Taipei, 2024/11/26
"Theoretical And Practical Investigation of Mn Doping Stabilized Hexagonal LuFeO3", International Sol-Gel Conference 2024, Berlin, 2024/09/01
"Investigation of Hexagonal Phase Stability and Ferroic Properties in Mn doped Lutetium Ferrite", Electroceramics XIX, Vilnius, 2024/08/19
"Extreme Ultraviolet Inspection for Electricity Intensity Comparison of Different Defects", The 20th International Conference on Automation Technology, Taipei, 2023/12/08
"The Study of Photonic Crystal Structures in Turquoise-Fronted Amazon Parrot Feathers", OPTIC2023, Tainan, 2023/12/01
"Crystal and Magnetic Structure Transitions in Doped Lu- and Fe-Based Perovskite Oxides", International conference EcoBalt 2023"Chemicals & Environment", Tallinn, 2023/10/09
"Analysis of through silicon via sidewall etch parameters variation using FDTD simulation", The 15th international symposium of measurement technology and intelligent instruments (ISMTII2023), Seoul, 2023/09/17
"Application of Neural Networks for Multi-step Forecasting of Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Balance", 2023 Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Taipei, 2023/09/05
"The study of different mathematical algorithms for the RSA Cryptosystem.", TWSIAM Annual Meeting, 臺北, 2023/05/20
"Effects of Sol-Gel Synthesis Procedure Conditions on The Stability of Polar Active Hexagonal Phase in LufeO3-LuMnO3 System", CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY 2023, Vilinius, 2023/03/10
"Single Mode Lasing from Photonic Crystal of Lepidoptera", OPTIC, 桃園, 2022/12/02