"Exploring Learning Strategies for Training Deep Neural Networks Using Multiple GPUs", Sensors and Materials, 36, 9, 13, 2024/09, SCI
"Computational methods for singularly perturbed differential equations with advanced argument of convection-diffusion type", AIMS Mathematics, 9, 8, 18, 2024/07, SCI
"Numerical analysis for second order differential equation of reaction-diffusion problems in viscoelasticity", Alexandria Engineering Journal, 92, 10, 2024/03, SCI
"Bifurcation Analysis in a Harvested Modified Leslie–Gower Model Incorporated with the Fear Factor and Prey Refuge", Mathematics, 11, 14, 25, 2023/07, SCI
"Stability Analysis for Digital Redesign of Discrete-Time Switched Systems Using H∞ Linear Matrix Inequality", Mathematics, 11, 11, 23, 2023/05, SCI
"Eye-in-Hand Robotic Arm Gripping System Based on Machine Learning and State Delay Optimization", Sensors, 23, 3, 22, 2023/01, SCI
"Novel Cross-Coupling Position Command Shaping Controller Using H∞ in Multi-Axis Motion Systems", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 69, 12, 12, 2022/12, SCI
"Novel Cross-Coupling Position Command Shaping Controller Using H∞ in Multi-Axis Motion Systems", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 12, 2021/12, SCI
"Model Reference Adaptive Control and Fuzzy Neural Network Synchronous Motion Compensator for Gantry Robots", Energies, 15, 1, 17, 2021/12, SCI
"Multifunctional Bicycle Helmet Using Internet of Things Technology", Sensors and Materials, 33, 5, 13, 2021/03, SCI
"Platform for Simulating Six-rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle", Sensors and Materials, 33, 4, 9, 2021/02, SCI
"Stability Analysis for Switched Systems Using H∞ Linear Matrix Inequality", The International Automatic Control Conference (CACS 2023), 澎湖, 2023/10/26
"A Wake Word Detection Using Pronunciation Variation Graph", 2023 International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ARIS 2023), 台北, 2023/08/30
"Deep Learning-Based Defect Detection on Complexed IC Substrate Image-Surface Achieving High Accuracy", 2023 International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ARIS 2023), 台北, 2023/08/30
"Parallel position-force control using Gate-Recurrent Unit based compensator toward precision assembly task", The 19th International Conference on Automation Technology (Automation 2022), 高雄, 2022/11/11
"Exploring Vocal Tract Length Perturbation and TDNN-F-LSTM-Attention Speaker Embedding in Speaker Verification", 2022 International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ARIS), 台北, 2022/08/24
"The Gripping Posture Prediction of Eye-in-hand Robotic Arm Using Min-Pnet", 2022 International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ARIS), 台北, 2022/08/24
"Disturbance-observer based admittance control with adaptive force tracking for robotic manipulator", 7th International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2021, 嘉義, 2021/06/11