"Multi-faceted procurement with mixed integer linear programming for corporate 100 % renewable energy goal", Energy, 320, 135144, 2025/04, SCI
"Model for subsidizing industry and power company through gray-electricity taxation", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 211, 115291, 2025/04, SCI
"Energy/exergy, economic, and environment (3E) analysis of the hydrogen energy production process", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 103, 467-479, 2025/02, SCI
"Turning CO2 into an alternative energy source: Study on methanation reaction optimization", Applied Catalysis A: General, 691, 120073, 2025/02, SCI
"Toward sustainability of Waste-to-Energy: An overview", Energy Conversion and Management, 321, 119063, 2024/12, SCI
"Decarbonization strategies and achieving net-zero by 2050 in Taiwan: A study of independent power grid region", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 204, 123439, 2024/07, SSCI
"Assessing land resource planning for agrivoltaics development: Examining synergies approaches between government and farmers", Energy, 298, 131363, 2024/07, SCI
"A goal programming model for off-grid power planning with a case of Marinduque island", Energy Reports, 9, 12, 301-309, 2023/11, SCI
"A hybrid CNN-GRU based probabilistic model for load forecasting from individual household to commercial building", Energy Reports, 9, 10, 94-105, 2023/10, SCI
"Evaluating the Role of Integrated Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Systems in the Net-Zero Transition: A Case Study in Taiwan", Electronics, 12, 16, 3417, 2023/08, SCI
"Constructing a (fair) load-reduction emergency demand response program: A fee-and-rebate pricing mechanism", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 147, 108831, 2023/05, SCI
"Energy, economic and environmental (3E) analysis for the renewable jet fuel production process", Sustainable Production and Consumption, 33, 146-157, 2022/09, SSCI
"Key wastes selection and prediction improvement for biogas production through hybrid machine learning methods", Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 52, C, 102223, 2022/08, SCI
A Stackelberg Game-Theoretic Model of Fee-and-Rebate Pricing in a Load-Reduction Emergency Demand Response Program, 1, Springer, 978-3-030-72322-4, 2022/04/12
"Assessing the energy security situation: The case of Taiwan", 2024第二十屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨國際研討會, 台南, 2024/11/23
"Stochastic Modeling for Managing Renewable Energy Variability in Meeting RE100 Goals", 2024第二十屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨國際研討會, 台南, 2024/11/23
"Strategic Pricing Management for Luxury Goods Across Primary and Secondary Markets", 2024第二十屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨國際研討會, 台南, 2024/11/23
"A multi-period, multi-stage hydrogen supply chain network designed to achieve net-zero carbon emissions", 2024第二十屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨國際研討會, 台南, 2024/11/23
"Life Cycle Analysis of Waste Recycling Strategies for Sustainable Resource Management", 2024第二十屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨國際研討會, 台南, 2024/11/23
"Charging Station Location and Route Optimization for Multi-Temperature Cold Chain Distribution Considering the Characteristics of Electric Vehicles", 2024第二十屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨國際研討會, 台南, 2024/11/23
"Stochastic Programming for Renewable Energy Procurement under Variability to Achieve RE100", The 24th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems (APIEMS 2024), Chiang Ma, 2024/11/10
"Bi-level Optimization Framework for Luxury Goods Pricing in Primary to Secondary Markets", The 24th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems (APIEMS 2024), Chiang Ma, 2024/11/10
"Multi-stage hydrogen supply chain problem network under net zero carbon emissions", The 24th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems (APIEMS 2024), Chiang Ma, 2024/11/10
"Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Waste Recycling within Circular Economy Framework", The 24th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems (APIEMS 2024), Chiang Ma, 2024/11/10
"Optimizing Charging Station Location and Routing for Multi- Temperature Cold Chain with Electric Vehicle", The 24th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems (APIEMS 2024), Chiang Ma, 2024/11/10
"Enhancing Agrivoltaics through Collaborative Information Management in Agricultural Land Planning", 2024 6th International Conference on Management Science and Industrial Engineering (MSIE 2024),, Bangkok, 2024/04/24
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"Modelling a Fuzzy Low-Carbon Food Supply Chain Considering Multi-Period Quality Decline and Uncertainty", The 23th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems (APIEMS 2023), Kuala Lumpur, 2023/10/22
"A Goal Programming Model for Off-grid Power Planning with a Case of Marinduque Island", 2023 8th International Conference on Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering (ICSREE 2023), Nice, 2023/05/11
"Resolution of Power Planning Model under Air Pollution Reduction for Cross-Regional and Seasonal Uncertainty", 2023 The 5th International Conference on Clean Energy and Electrical Systems, Tokyo, 2023/04/01
"A Hybrid CNN-GRU based Probabilistic Model for Load Forecasting from Individual Household to Commercial Building", 2022 3rd International Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ICPEE 2022), 新加坡, 2022/12/29
"Optimal Renewable Energy Purchasing Strategy for RE100 Company under MILP model", The 22th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems (APIEMS 2022), Taichung, 2022/11/06
"A EPEC Equilibrium Model for Subsidizing Industries and Power company from the Green Tax Revenue Pool – A case study on Taiwan", The 22th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems (APIEMS 2022), Taichung, 2022/11/06
"多溫共配下的多車冷鏈聯合配送路線問題", 2022永續性產品與產業管理研討會(2022 Symposium on Sustainable Products and Industrial Management), 新竹市, 2022/03/26
"以永續觀點探討品質差異化下的食品供應鏈", 2022永續性產品與產業管理研討會(2022 Symposium on Sustainable Products and Industrial Management), 新竹市, 2022/03/26
"發展營農型光電之政府與農民土地資源競合模型", 2022永續性產品與產業管理研討會(2022 Symposium on Sustainable Products and Industrial Management), 新竹市, 2022/03/26