
生物力學實驗室Biomechanics Lab生物力學實驗室 / 研究室網站中文



年份 題目 作者 期刊
2023 利用流固耦合緩衝機構之新式人工牙植體設計-有限元素分析 莊育仁、林俊彬、陳文斌 台灣生物力學學會30週年慶暨2023年度學術研討會
2023 不同啄動次數對根管製備之力學分析 有限元素分析 江彥臻、林俊彬、陳文斌 台灣生物力學學會30週年慶暨2023年度學術研討會
2023 拓撲最佳化設計新式人工頸椎間盤及生物力學研究-有限元素分析 謝昀廷、謝明凱、陳文斌 台灣生物力學學會30週年慶暨2023年度學術研討會
2023 不同蜂巢結構鞋內墊設計對步態站立期間之足底壓力影響 黃瀞葳、陳文斌 2023年台灣生物力學學會年度學術研討會
2022 勁度優化之鏤空結構鞋內墊對足底壓力重分配之效應 黃瀞葳、張浩銘、陳文斌 2022年台灣生物力學學會年度學術研討會
2022 具多孔結構之積層製造人工頸椎間盤生物力學探討-有限元素分析 陳昱仰、陳文斌 2022年台灣生物力學學會年度學術研討會
2022 不同根管擴孔尺寸之扭矩預測-有限元素分析 劉晉宇、林俊彬、陳文斌 2022年台灣生物力學學會年度學術研討會
2021 具流固耦合機轉之碟型彈簧式人工牙植體有限元素分析 張峻嘉、林俊彬、陳文斌 2021臺灣生物力學學會年度學術研討會
2021 積層製造鏤空鞋中底彎折勁度之負載速率依賴性探討 張浩銘、陳文斌 2021臺灣生物力學學會年度研討會暨科技部成果發表會
2021 積層製造之具曲率晶格人工頸椎間盤生物力學探討 邱睿献、陳文斌 2021臺灣生物力學學會年度研討會暨科技部成果發表會
2021 新型鎳鈦旋轉器械於根管製備之力學分析 陳裕元、陳文斌、林俊彬 2021臺灣生物力學學會年度研討會暨科技部成果發表會
2021 具流固耦合機轉之碟型彈簧式人工牙植體有限元素分析 張峻嘉、陳文斌、林俊彬 2021臺灣生物力學學會年度研討會暨科技部成果發表會
2020 彈塑性與線彈性材料之鞋中底吸震特性比較-有限元素分析 林格正、陳文斌 2020臺灣生物力學學會年度研討會暨科技部成果發表會
2020 金屬積層製造之鏤空人工頸椎間盤開發-有限元素分析 靳蕙、陳文斌 2020臺灣生物力學學會年度研討會暨科技部成果發表會
2020 新型鎳鈦旋轉器械應用於不同彎曲根管之切削力學評估 林晏亘、林俊彬、陳文斌 2020臺灣生物力學學會年度研討會暨科技部成果發表會
2020 彈性裝置應用於具微動量機制新型人工牙植體之生物力學評估 許鈞鏞、林俊彬、陳文斌 2020臺灣生物力學學會年度研討會暨科技部成果發表會
2018 Investigation of the Plantar Pressure Reduction Effect of the Rearfoot by using Additive Manufactured Cellular Midsole – A Dynamic Finite Element Analysis 鄭宇晟、鄧復旦、汪家昌、陳文斌 2018中華民國力學學會年會暨第42屆全國力學會議
2018 Investigation of the drilling mechanics of different taper designs of nickel-titanium rotary instruments – dynamic finite element analysis 游詩璇、林俊彬、陳文斌 2018中華民國力學學會年會暨第42屆全國力學會議
2018 Kinematic Analysis of Lumbar Spine Motion with and without Genipin Exogenous Crosslinking Treatment Exogenous Crosslinking Treatment – A Finite Element Analysis 陳又豪、胡明澤、莊仕勇、陳文斌 2018中華民國力學學會年會暨第42屆全國力學會議
2018 Evaluation of The Biomechanical Behavior of Hydrogels Applied to Movable Novel Dental Implants - Finite Element Analysis 李寶藏、吳羿陞、林俊彬、陳文斌 2018中華民國力學學會年會暨第42屆全國力學會議
2018 Investigation of the effects of a novel hydrogel artificial Disc on the biomechanical performance of C2-T1 Cervical spine: A finite element study 范譯丰、李雅聖、鍾次文、陳文斌 2018中華民國力學學會年會暨第42屆全國力學會議
2017 Mechanical Effects of the Existence of Peritubular Dentine and Dentine Tubule Filling - Finite Element Analysis 羅堉瑋、林俊彬、陳文斌 2017台灣生物力學學會年度學術研討會暨科技部成果發表會
2017 Evaluation of Plantar Pressure Relieve Effects of 3D - Printed Footwear Midsole during Stance Phase of Gait – a Dynamic Finite Element Analysis 陳亮宇、鄧復旦、汪家昌、陳文斌 2017台灣生物力學學會年度學術研討會暨科技部成果發表會
2017 The Biomechanical and Biochemical Analyses of Human Lumbar Degenerated Intervertebral Disc with and without Exogenous Crosslinking Treatment 胡明澤、吳冠德、莊仕勇、陳文斌 2017台灣生物力學學會年度學術研討會暨科技部成果發表會
2017 Mechanical Behavior of a Dental Implant System with Micro-Motion Mechanism under Biting Force – a Finite Element Analysis 吳羿陞、林俊彬、陳文斌 2017台灣生物力學學會年度學術研討會暨科技部成果發表會
2017 Investigation of the Mechanical Behavior of Artificial Disc under ASTM F2346-05 Test Standard Loading Conditions : Finite Element Analysis 李雅聖、陳文斌 2017台灣生物力學學會年度學術研討會暨科技部成果發表會
2016 Effect of the Anterior Rocker Sole Shoe Designs on Loading of the Plantar Aponeurosis - a dynamic finite element analysis 林嬿婷、林師誠、林一嘉、鄧復旦、陳文斌 2016台灣生物力學學會年度學術研討會暨科技部成果發表會 & 2016 智慧輔具產業與技術研討會,台中,台灣,中華民國
2016 Exogenous Cross Linking Effect of Creep Behavior and Permeability with Porcine Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Ring 吳冠德、莊仕勇、陳文斌 2016台灣生物力學學會年度學術研討會暨科技部成果發表會 & 2016 智慧輔具產業與技術研討會,台中,台灣,中華民國
2016 The Mechanical Behavior of WaveOne Gold Instruments during Canal Preparation – Finite Element Analysis 謝陽明、劉建旻、林俊彬、陳文斌 2016台灣生物力學學會年度學術研討會暨科技部成果發表會 & 2016 智慧輔具產業與技術研討會,台中,台灣,中華民國
2015 人工髓核水膠之開發與生物力學測試 鄧偉宏、戴珮雯、鍾次文、陳文斌 生物醫學工程科技研討會,台北,台灣,中華民國
2015 不同轉速下人工牙植體鑽頭切削時齒槽骨之力學及溫度效應 張馨予、林宥宇、林俊彬、章浩宏、陳文斌 生物醫學工程科技研討會,台北,台灣,中華民國
2015 以有限元素分析探討偏心型鎳鈦旋轉器械在根管製備時之力學行為 謝陽明、劉維定、林俊彬、陳文斌 生物醫學工程科技研討會,台北,台灣,中華民國
2015 治療蹠骨頭疼痛之蹠骨墊擺放位置對於足底壓力之影響 張君翎、鄧復旦、陳文斌 生物醫學工程科技研討會,台北,台灣,中華民國
2015 不同後位固定手術用於胸腰椎爆炸性骨折之力學分析-有限元素分析 王皓、廖振中、陳文斌 生物醫學工程科技研討會,台北,台灣,中華民國
2015 Development of Needle Pressure Sensor and Measurement of Intradiscal Pressure 莊仕勇 、洪瑋盛 、 陳秋銘、 林柳池、 陳文斌 中華民國骨科醫學會年度研討會,臺北,台灣,中華民國
2015 In vivo restoration of porcine intradiscal pressure after annular injury by crosslink augmentation 莊仕勇 、林修任 、 陳秋銘 、 林柳池、 陳文斌 中華民國骨科醫學會年度研討會,臺北,台灣,中華民國
2015 Effects of root canal preparation sequence on the mechanical behaviors of Ni-Ti rotary instuments 劉維定、謝陽明、林俊彬、陳文斌 台灣生物力學年度學術研討會,高雄,台灣,中華民國
2015 Effects of geometries and spindle speeds on the drilling behavior of dental implant drill 林宥宇、 張馨予、林俊彬、章浩宏 、 陳文斌 台灣生物力學年度學術研討會,高雄,台灣,中華民國
2014 不同內固定裝置治療Pauwels III型股骨頸骨折之有限元素分析 張以函,林修任,林建宇,林柳池,莊仕勇,陳文斌 中華民國力學學會第三十八屆全國力學會議,國立臺灣海洋大學,基隆,台灣
2014 不同鑽頂角之人工牙根鑽頭於切削時之動態有限元素分析 林宥宇,陳彥穎,林俊彬,陳文斌 中華民國力學學會第三十八屆全國力學會議,國立臺灣海洋大學,基隆,台灣
2014 鎳鈦旋轉器械於根管內切削之有限元素分析 劉維定,陳彥穎,林俊彬,陳文斌 中華民國力學學會第三十八屆全國力學會議,國立臺灣海洋大學,基隆,台灣
2013 The effects of gelfoam placement on the biomechanical behaviors of cemented tibial component after total knee replacement. 洪瑋盛,蘇克輝,林修任,林柳池,陳文斌 生物醫學工程科技研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,清華大學,新竹,台灣
2013 Biomechanical analysis of anterior cervical fusion with a bioresorbable composite bone plate. 劉宇峰,林建宇,曾永輝,陳文斌 生物醫學工程科技研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,清華大學,新竹,台灣
2013 Effects of different metatarsal pad placements on plantar pressure distribution. 張正中,黃司辰,林師誠,鄧復旦,陳文斌 生物醫學工程科技研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,清華大學,新竹,台灣
2013 Effects of site preparation on the torque during dental implant insertion process. 林威豪,陳彥穎,陳威成,林俊彬,章浩宏,陳文斌 生物醫學工程科技研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,清華大學,新竹,台灣
2013 Effects of periodontal ligament and post on the stress distribution of incisor following endodontic treatment. 李宜蓁,陳彥穎,林俊彬,陳文斌 生物醫學工程科技研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,清華大學,新竹,台灣
2012 The in vivo effect of exogenous crosslinking on integrity of injured intervertebral disc. 莊仕勇,林修任,趙國華,林柳池,陳文斌 台灣脊椎外科醫學會第二十次學術研討會的研討會,台北,台灣
2012 Development and preliminary testing of a device for the lifting forces measurement on the hydrogel during water absorption. 溫翊荃,林建宇,曾永輝,陳文斌 生物醫學工程科技研討會,中原大學,桃園,台灣
2012 Research and development of a novel dental implant system. 李宜蓁,陳彥穎,陳奕苓,章浩宏,林俊彬,陳文斌 生物醫學工程科技研討會,中原大學,桃園,台灣
2012 Biomechanical analysis of different falling scenarios in high elevation tasks. 黃司辰,林一嘉,陳志勇,劉立文,潘儀聰,傅柏翔,陳文斌 生物醫學工程科技研討會,中原大學,桃園,台灣
2012 The influence of bone cement vacancy on the stability of cemented tibial component-a finite element analysis. 蘇克輝,林建宇,林修任,莊仕勇,林柳池,陳文斌 國際生物力學研討會暨台灣生物力學年度學術研討會,陽明大學,台北,台灣
2011 Biomechanical influences of different artificial lumbar disc implants on the lumbosacral spine. 高明元,郭政豐,林建宇,林修任,莊仕勇,陳文斌 國際生物力學研討會暨台灣生物力學年度學術研討會,清華大學,新竹,台灣
2011 The biomechanical behavior of plantar fascia during stance phase of gait cycle-a finite element analysis. 林一嘉,林師誠,陳政偉,鄧復旦,陳文斌 國際生物力學研討會暨台灣生物力學年度學術研討會,清華大學,新竹,台灣
2011 Design and analysis of a novel implant with buffering mechanism. 陳威成,陳彥穎,林芸含,林俊彬,陳文斌 國際生物力學研討會暨台灣生物力學年度學術研討會,清華大學,新竹,台灣
2010 Biomechanical comparison of 3 different interspinous process devices for the lumbar spine - a finite element analysis. 徐新怡,林建宇,林修任,郭政豐,莊仕勇,陳文斌 中華民國骨科春季學術研討會,中國醫藥大學,台中,台灣
2010 Biomechanical evaluation of different types of interspinous implants in the lumbar spine. 郭政豐,林建宇,林修任,徐新怡,莊仕勇,陳文斌 台灣生物力學學會及台灣運動生物力學學會聯合年會暨學術研討會,成功大學,台南,台灣
2010 Design and finite element analysis of the dental implant with cushioning effect. 林芸含,陳彥穎,董佩茹,陳文斌,林俊彬 中國機械工程學會年會暨第27屆學術研討會,台北科技大學,台北,台灣
2010 Biomechanical studies of different interspinous process devices on the spinal flexibility and intradiscal pressure. 郭政豐,林建宇,林修任,徐新怡,莊仕勇,陳文斌 中國機械工程學會年會暨第27屆學術研討會,台北科技大學,台北,台灣
2010 The dental implant of different thread geometries with finite element analysis. 林芸含,陳彥穎,董佩茹,陳文斌,林俊彬 中國機械工程學會年會暨第27屆學術研討會,台北科技大學,台北,台灣
2009 The Effect of Crosslinking Reagent (Genipin) on Poroviscoelastic Properties in Annulus Fibrosus of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc. 楊育昇,林修任,莊仕勇,趙國華,陳文斌,林柳池 中華民國骨科醫學會98年度第57次聯合學術研討會,台大國際會議中心,台北,台灣
2009 The effect of load sharing after crosslinking augmentation in intervertebral disc analyzed by direct measurement of internal and external strain under compressive loading. 林坤儀,莊仕勇,林修任,陳文斌,林柳池 中華民國骨科醫學會98年度第57次聯合學術研討會,台大國際會議中心,台北,台灣
2009 Mechanical analysis of different cross-section designs for Ni-Ti rotary instruments. 董佩茹,童翌萱,陳彥穎,林俊彬,陳文斌 生物醫學工程年會及暨科技研討會,陽明大學,台北,台灣
2009 The effect of crosslinking reagent (Genipin) on poroviscoelastic properties in annulus fibrosus of lumbar intervertebral disc. 林修任,林建宇,徐新怡,莊仕勇,陳文斌 生物醫學工程年會及暨科技研討會,陽明大學,台北,台灣
2009 The effect of dynamic cushion system with spring elements on buttocks pressure distribution in patients with spinal cord injury. 陳政偉,蔡豐隆,林師誠,鄧復旦,陳文斌 生物醫學工程年會及暨科技研討會,陽明大學,台北,台灣
2008 The evaluation of stress distribution of the different layers in rearfoot plantar soft yissue during stance phase. 劉奕奎,李建軒,林師誠,鄧復旦,許智欽,陳文斌 生物醫學工程年會及暨科技研討會,長庚大學,桃園,台灣
2008 The evaluation of biomechanical response to dynamic cushion system with spring element upon human buttock. 張岳星,林師誠,蔡豐隆,鄧復旦,王俊杰,陳文斌 生物醫學工程年會及暨科技研討會,長庚大學,桃園,台灣
2008 The loading mechanism after partial discectomy: three-dimensional nonlinear finite element analyses. 林汭衡,林修任,林建宇,徐新怡,莊仕勇,陳文斌 生物醫學工程年會及暨科技研討會,長庚大學,桃園,台灣
2008 Dynamic test and finite element analysis of nickel-titanium rotary instrumentation. 陳彥穎,江昱穎,童翌萱,林俊彬,陳文斌 生物醫學工程年會及暨科技研討會,長庚大學,桃園,台灣
2008 Finite element analysis of dental mini-screw thread designs. 江昱穎,陳彥穎,董佩茹,林俊彬,陳文斌 生物醫學工程年會及暨科技研討會,長庚大學,桃園,台灣
2007 The effects of plantar fascia on biomechanical behavior of foot. 鍾曜丞,林師誠,劉奕奎,鄧復旦,陳文斌 中華民國生物醫學工程科技研討會,逢甲大學,台中,台灣
2007 The effect of malalignment of knee prosthesis on the stress distribution and war depth of postoperative knee joint. 徐振勛,林建宇,戴金龍,李炫昇,陳文斌 中華民國生物醫學工程科技研討會,逢甲大學,台中,台灣
2007 Finite element analysis of different design types of artificial cervical disc. 徐稚雯,林建宇,陳世豪,陳文斌 中華民國生物醫學工程科技研討會,逢甲大學,台中,台灣
2007 Influence of canal geometry on the mechanics of nickel-titanium endodontic rotary instrumentation. 廖芳瑜,陳彥穎,江昱穎,林俊彬,陳文斌 中華民國生物醫學工程科技研討會,逢甲大學,台中,台灣
2007 Investigation of the mechanical properties of different foot insole materials. 李建軒,林師誠,蔡豐隆,鄧復旦,陳文斌 台灣生物力學研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,成功大學,台南,台灣
2007 Effects of different ground conditions and load carrying ways on postural balance. 董佩茹,劉奕奎,張岳星,林師誠,陳志勇,陳文斌 台灣生物力學研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,成功大學,台南,台灣
2007 The viscoelastic properties testing of porcine intervertebral disc. 徐新怡,林建宇,林汭衡,林修任,莊仕勇,陳文斌 台灣生物力學研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,成功大學,台南,台灣
2007 Biomechanical analysis of interspinous process device based on A three-diamentional finite elements analysis. 林建宇,林汭衡,林修任,徐新怡,莊仕勇,陳文斌 台灣生物力學研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,成功大學,台南,台灣
2006 Biomechanical Comparison of Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion Cages Based on a Finite Element Analysis. Chen, S. H., Lin, C. Y.,Chen, W. P. 中華民國骨科醫學會,台北榮民總醫院,台北,台灣
2006 The development and validation of a T12-L1 finite element model. 簡志訓,陳俊步,陳文斌 中華民國骨科醫學會,台北榮民總醫院,台北,台灣
2006 The Effect of Malalignment of Knee Prosthesis on The Stability of Postoperative Knee Joint. 徐振勛,李炫昇,戴金龍,陳文斌 中華民國生物力學年會,成功大學,台南,台灣
2006 The influence of femoral neck offset and extent of distal fixation of femoral stem on the stability of postoperative femur in THA revision. 洪欣瑋,陳彥穎,李炫昇,戴金龍,陳文斌 中華民國生物力學年會,成功大學,台南,台灣
2006 Mechanics of Nickel- Titanium Rotary Instrumentation Applied to Endodontic Treatment. 黃世明,廖芳瑜,林俊彬,陳文斌 中華民國生物醫學工程科技研討會,台灣大學,台北,台灣
2006 Effects of Plantar Soft Tissue and Insole Mechanical Properties on The Plantar Pressure Distribution – A Finite Element Analysis. 林建宏,鍾曜丞,劉奕奎,林師誠,鄧復旦,陳文斌 中華民國生物醫學工程科技研討會,台灣大學,台北,台灣
2006 Finite Element Analysis of Different Design of Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion Cages. 林建宇,徐稚雯,林汭衡,陳世豪,陳文斌 中華民國生物醫學工程科技研討會,台灣大學,台北,台灣
2005 The Role of Posterior Tension Band Mechanism on Lumbar Spine Instability after Decompressive Procedure for Spinal Stenosis Syndrome -A Biomechanical Study in Porcine Model. Tai, C. L., Lai, P. L.,Chen, W. P. Annual Conference of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Chung Yuan Christian Univ., Taiwan.
2005 The Development of a Newly Designed Angle-Adjustable Dynamic Hip Screw for Intertrochanteric Osteotomy. Tai, C.L.,Chen, W. P., Lee, M. S., Chen W. J. 生物與醫療科技研發成果推廣發表會,義大醫院,高雄,台灣
2005 不同補骨來源及固定方式之前位胸腰椎融合術的生物力學評估 林建宇,徐稚雯,黃聰仁,陳文斌 生物醫學工程科技研討會,中原大學,桃園,台灣
2005 Evaluation of Different Posterior Atlantoaxial Fixation Technique Using Finite Element Method. 簡志訓,柯永建,陳俊步,陳文斌 中華民國骨科醫學會,台北榮民總醫院,台北,台灣
2004 Development of an instrument tomeasure the load and displacement relationship of heel pad. Lin, J. H., Hu, W. C.,Chen, W. P. Annual Conference of the Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan.
2004 Biomechanical evaluation of plate with screws and cables for periprosthetic femoral fracture fixation. Hung, S. W., Chien, C. S., Chen, J. B.,Chen, W. P. Annual Conference of the Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan.
2004 Finite element analysis of a rectangular spinal cage. Lin, J. Y., Chen, S. H.,Chen, W. P. Annual Conference of the Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan.
2004 Evaluation of different posterior atlantoaxial fixation technique using finite element method. Chien, C. S., Ko, Y. J., Chen, J. B.,Chen, W. P. Annual Conference of the Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan.
2004 Three-dimensional dynamic finite element analysis of a normal foot. Lin, S. C., Yeh, C. W., Chen, J. L., Tang, F. T.,Chen, W. P. Annual Conference of the Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan.
2004 Finite element analysis of different types of bone grafting combined with instrumentation in anterior thoracolumbar spinal fusion. Chen, W. P., Huang, T. J., Yu, C. W., Yeh, C. W. Annual Symposium of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Tainan, Taiwan.
2004 The development of a wire-locked screw and plate fixator. Chen, W. P., Chien, C. S., Liao, F. S. Annual Symposium of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Tainan, Taiwan.
2004 Effects of material property and geometry on the stability of post-core system for endodontically treated teeth. Chen, Y. C., Lu, Y. J., Lin, C. P.,Chen, W. P. Annual Symposium of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Tainan, Taiwn.
2003 Biomedical study of the prosthesis materials and partial foot amputation patient with prosthesis. Wang, J. C., Lin, S. C., Yeh, C. W., Lin, J. H., Tang, F. T.,Chen, W. P. Annual Symposium of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Taipei, Taiwan.
2003 Biomechanical evaluation of combining carbon foot plate with functional foot orthoses. Tsai, S. P., Lin, S. C., Yeh, C. W., Hong, S. W, Tang, F. T.,Chen, W. P. Annual Symposium of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Taipei, Taiwan.
2003 The development of a bone cement introducer for vertebroplasty. Chen, W. P., Chien, C. H., Chen, J. H., Ko, Y. J., Chen, C. B. Annual Symposium of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Taipei, Taiwan.
2003 Effects of attrited crown and root canal geometry on the vertical root fracture of tooth. Wu, Z. F., Chen, Y. Z., Lu, Y. R., Lin, C. P.,Chen, W. P. Annual Symposium of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Taipei, Taiwan.
2003 The biomechanical study of a modified intertrochanteric valgus osteotomy. Tai, C. L.,Chen, W. P., Lee, M. S., Liang, L. L. Annual Symposium of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Taipei, Taiwan.
2003 Biomechanical evaluation of vertebroplasty. Chien, C. H., Chen, J. H., Ko, Y. C., Lin, C. Y.,Chen, W. P. Annual Symposium of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Taipei, Taiwan.
2003 Use of the finite element method to analyze the stress distribution of the DDH after total hip replacement. Peng, P. W., Cheng, C. K.,Chen, W. P., Yu, T. G. Annual Symposium of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Taipei, Taiwan.
2002 Effect of different Medial displacement Calcaneal Osteotomies on the Stress Distribution of Foot. Chen, J. B., Cai, S. P., Lin, S. C.,Chen, W. P. Annual Conference of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Kaoshiung, Taiwan.
2002 Biomechanical Evaluation of the Volume and Location of PMMA bone cement in Vertebroplasty. Chien, C. S., Chen, Z. X., Ko, Y. C.,Chen, W. P. Annual Conference of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Kaoshiung, Taiwan.
2001 Biomechanical study of a custom thoracolumbar-spinal Brace. Wu, Z. F.,Chen, W. P. Annual Conference of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Chungli, Taiwan.
2001 Finite element analysis of unlocked and locked intramedullary nails in the treatment of mid-femoral Shaft fracture. Liang, L. L.,Chen, W. P., Tai, C. L. Annual Conference of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Chungli, Taiwan.
2001 Biomechanical studies of the newly designed foot orthosis for patients with partial foot amputation. Wu, Y. C.,Chen, W. P. Annual Conference of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Chungli, Taiwan.
2000 Three-dimensional quasi-static finite element analysis of a normal foot. Juang, S. H.,Chen, W. P., Tang, F. T. Annual Symposium of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Taiwan.
2000 Preoperative planning of proximal femoral osteotomy. Huo, S. H.,Chen, W. P., Lee, S. S, Tai, C. L., Shih, C. H. Annual Symposium of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Taiwan.
2000 Finite element analysis of retained incisor root with restored resin direct filling. Hung, Y. J., Chang, Y. W.,Chen, W. P., Lin, C. P. Annual Symposium of the Biomedical En2gineering Society, Taiwan.
2000 Finite element analysis of two cervical spinal implants. Hsieh S. J., Chang, Y. W,Chen W. P., Tai, C. L. Conference of the Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taiwan.
2000 Effects of thin layers on the stress distribution of an incisor: a finite element analysis. Hung, Y. J., Chang, Y. W.,Chen, W. P., Lin, C. P. Conference of the Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taiwan.
2000 Bone graft healing is enhanced by hyperbaric oxygen therapy : an experimental study of lumbar vertebra in rabbit model. Chen, W. J., Tai, C. L.,Chen, W. P., Lai, P. L., Lee, K. F., Jen, J. T. Conference of the Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taiwan.
1999 Biomechanical Study of the design parameters in THA stems. Chen, W. P., Liu, C. P., Shih, C. H., Tai, C. L., Hou, S. H. Joint Conference of the Orthopedic Research Society R.O.C. and the Formosan Society of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan.
1999 Finite element analysis of the foot and orthosis stress distribution Chen, W. P., Ju, C. W., Juang, S. H., Tang, F. T. Annual Symposium of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Taiwan.
1999 Finite element analysis of an incisor under masticatory loadings. Hung, I. J.,Chen, W. P., Lin, C. P. Annual Symposium of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Taiwan.
1999 Evaluation of periprosthetic bone change using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry: clinical follow-up of bone loss with a straight or curved-type stem after THA. Shih, C. H., Tai, C. L., Lee, P. C.,Chen, W. P., Chao, W. T., Chang, B. H. Annual Symposium of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Taiwan.
1998 Biomechanical Study of the Total Contact Insole and the Foot. Chen, W. P., Tang, F. T., Wu, S. S., Ju, C. W. Joint Conference of the Orthopedic Research Society R.O.C. and the Formosan Society of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan.
1998 Wear analysis of polyethylene inserts in acetabular components for total hip arthroplasty. Chen, W. P., Shih, C. H., Wu, C. S., Liu, J. P., Tai, C. L. Joint Conference of the Orthopedic Research Society R.O.C. and the Formosan Society of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan.
1998 Finite element stress analysis of a two-rooted premolar with various alveolar bone loss Chen, W. P., Lin, J. P., Wu, W. H., Hung, I. J. Annual Symposium of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Taiwan.
1998 Evaluation of post dimension on stress distribution in premolar Hung, I. J.,Chen, W. P., Lin, J. P., Wu, W. H. Annual Symposium of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Taiwan.