
人因工程與績效評估研究室Human Factors & Performance Assessment Laboratory工作生理 / 生物力學 / 肌肉骨骼危害防制


Journal Papers

  • 杜珮君, 陳協慶, 劉永平, 2023, 新版關鍵指標法分析與使用建議. 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊, 112年9月號, p48-60.
  • 陳莉心, 陳協慶, 杜信宏, 羅宜文, 劉永平, 杜珮君, 2023, 關鍵指標法延伸工具之應用探討. 人因工程學刊, 24卷1期, p43-50.
  • Liu, Y.P., Chen, H.C., Hong, W.H., Weng, W.C., 2022, Effects of different tools and working height on physical workload in vertical cleaning tasks applying ambient control techniques. Applied Ergonomics, special issue: Safety, Health, and Ergonomics in Cleaning Occupations, 104, 103818. (SCI, Online)
  • Chen, Y.H., Chen, C.L., Huang, Y.Z., Chen, H.C., Chen, C.Y., Wu, C.Y., Lin, K.C., 2021, Augmented efficacy of intermittent theta burst stimulation on the virtual reality-based cycling training for upper limb function in patients with stroke: a double-blinded, randomized controlled trial. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 18(1):91. (SCI)
  • Chen, C.L., Shen, I.H., Huang, H.H., Chen, C.Y., Hsiao, Y.T., Wu, C.Y., Chen, H.C., 2020, Responsiveness and minimal clinically important difference of TNO-AZL Preschool Children Quality of Life in children with cerebral palsy, Quality of Life Research, 29(3):825–831. (SCI, SSCI)
  • Chen, Y.J., Huang, Y.Z., Chen, C.Y., Chen, C.L., Chen, H.C., Wu, C.Y., Lin, K.C., Chang, T.L., 2019, Intermittent theta burst stimulation enhances upper limb motor function in patients with chronic stroke: a pilot randomized controlled trial. BMC Neurology (Open Access), 19:69, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12883-019-1302-x.
  • Chen, C.L., Chen, C.Y., Chen, H.C., Wu, C.Y., Lin, K.C., Hsieh, Y.W., Shen, I.H., 2019, Responsiveness and minimal clinically important difference of Modified Ashworth Scale in patients with stroke. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2019 Mar 11, DOI 10.23736/S1973-9087.19.05545-X. (SCI)
  • Chen, H.C., Liu, Y.P., Hong, W.H., Lin, Y.C., Yu, C.Y., 2019, Evaluation of a proposed chair with an arm support for wiring terminal blocks on a vertical plane, Industrial Health, 57, 359-369. (SCI)
  • Chen, H.C., Liu, Y.P., Chiang, C.T., 2018, Whole-Body vibration exposure in urban motorcycle riders, Journal of Ergonomic Study, 20(1), 35-49.
  • Liu, Y.P., Chen, H.C., Hung, T.Z., Yu, C.Y., 2018, Development and assessment of a visual-aid system for reducing the risk of neck injuries for computer users. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, DOI 10.1007/s12652-018-1003-0. (SCI, correspondence)
  • 黃苡晴, 陳嘉玲, 鍾佳英, 吳佩璇, 劉惠美, 陳協慶, 2017, 不同溝通障礙程度學齡腦性麻痺兒童語言功能及聲學分析之研究. 台灣復健醫誌, 45(1), 37 – 46.
  • 柏憶涵, 陳嘉玲, 張鑑如, 陳柏熹, 陳協慶, 鍾佳英, 汪家琦, 傅仁煇, 周麗端, 2017, 學齡前兒童動作發展評估量表之初步研究:開發與驗證. 台灣復健醫誌, 44(2), 71-80.
  • 林芸如, 陳俊文, 鍾佳英, 陳協慶, 吳奇勳, 張子玲, 陳嘉玲, 2017, 以虛擬實境建構侷限誘發療法治療腦性麻痺兒童之上肢之療效:前驅性研究. 台灣復健醫誌, 44(2), 93-102.
  • Chen, H.C., Kang, L.J., Chen, C.L., Lin, K.C., Chen, F.C., Wu, K.P.H., 2016, Younger children with cerebral palsy respond better than older ones to therapist-based constraint-induced therapy at home on functional outcomes and motor control. Physical & Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics, 36(2):171-185. (SCI)
  • Chen, C.M., Tsai, C.C., Chung, C.Y., Chen, C.L., Wu, K.P.H., Chen, H.C., 2015, Potential predictors for health-related quality of life in stroke patients undergoing inpatient rehabilitation. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 13:118. (SCI)
  • Tang, A.C.W., Tang, S.F.T., Hong, W.H., Chen, H.C., 2015, Kinetics features changes before and after intra-articular hyaluronic acid injections in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 129(S1):S21-S26. (SCI)
  • Tang, A.C.W., Hong, W.H., Chen, H.C., Tang, S.F.T., 2015, Intra-articular intervention by hyaluronic acid for knee osteoarthritis can modify locomotor pattern of muscle activity. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 129(S1):S16-S20. (SCI)
  • Wu, K.P., Chuang, Y.F., Chen, C.L., Liu, I.S., Liu, H.T., Chen, H.C., 2015 Predictors of participation change in various areas for preschool children with cerebral palsy: A longitudinal study. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 37(2):102–111. (SSCI)
  • Chen, H.C., Chen, C.L., Kang, L.J., Wu, C.Y., Chen, F.C., Hong, W.H., 2014, Improvement of upper extremity motor control and function after home-based constraint-induced therapy in children with unilateral cerebral palsy: Immediate and long-term effects. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 95(8):1423-1432. (SCI)
  • Wu, C.Y., Liing, R.J., Chen, H.C., Chen, C.L., Lin, K.C., 2014, Arm and trunk movement kinematics during seated reaching within and beyond arm’s length in people with stroke: a validity study. Physical Therapy, 94(6):845-856. (SCI)
  • Chen, C.L., Lin, K.C., Kang, L.J., Wu, C.Y., Chen, H.C., Hsieh, Y.W., 2014, Potential predictors of functional outcomes after home-based constraint-induced therapy for children with cerebral palsy. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68(2):159-166. (SSCI)
  • Chung, L.L., Lin, K.C., Wu, C.Y., Chang, C.W., Chen, H.C., Yin, H.P., Wang, L., 2013, Relative and absolute reliabilities of the myotonometric measurements of hemiparetic arms in patients with stroke. Phys. Med. Rehabil., 94(3):459-466. (SCI)
  • Chen, C.L., Chen, C.Y., Chen, H.C., Liu, W.Y., Shen, I.H., Lin, K.C., 2013, Potential predictors of changes in gross motor function during various tasks for children with cerebral palsy: A follow-up study. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34 (1):721–728. (SSCI)
  • Hong, W.H., Lee, Y.H., Chen, C.L., Lin, Y.H., Tang, S.F.T., Chen, H.C., 2013, Effects of shoe heel height and total-contact insert on muscle loading and foot stability while walking. Foot & Ankle International, 34(2):273-281. (SCI, correspondence)
  • Chen, C.L., Kang, L.D., Hong, W.H., Chen, F.C., Chen, H.C., Wu, C.Y., 2013, Effect of therapist-based constraint-induced therapy at home on motor control, motor performance, and daily function in children with cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled study. Clinical Rehabilitation, 27(3):236–245. (SCI)
  • Chen, H.F., Wu, C.Y., Lin, K.C., Chen, H.C., Chen, C.P.C., Chen, C.K., 2012, Rasch validation of the streamlined wolf motor function test in people with chronic stroke and subacute stroke. Physical Therapy, 92(8):1017-1026. (SCI)
  • Hong, W.H., Chen, H.C., Shen, I.H., Chen, C.Y., Chen, C.L., Chung, C.Y., 2012, Knee muscle strength at varying angular velocities and associations with gross motor function in ambulatory children with cerebral palsy. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33(6):2308–2316. (SSCI)
  • Wu, C.Y., Yang, C.L., Chung, L.L., Lin, K.C., Chen, H.C., Chen, M.D., Huang, W.C., 2012, Effect of therapist-based versus robot-assisted bilateral arm training on motor control, functional performance, and quality of life after chronic stroke: A clinical trial. Physical Therapy, 92(8):1006-1016. (SCI)
  • Yang, C.L., Lin, K.C., Chen, H.C., Wu, C.Y., Chen, C.L., 2012, Pilot comparative study of unilateral versus bilateral robot-assisted training on upper extremity performance in stroke patients. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 66(2):198-206 (SSCI)
  • Wu, C.Y., Chen, Y.A., Chen, H.C., Lin, K.C., Yeh, I.L., 2012, Pilot Trial of distributed constraint-induced therapy with trunk restraint to improve poststroke reach to grasp and trunk kinematics. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 26(3):247-255. (SCI)
  • Hong, W.H., Chen, H.C., Yang, F.P.G., Wu, C.Y., Chen, C.L., Wong, M.K., 2011, Speech-associated labiomandibular movement in Mandarin-speaking children with quadriplegic cerebral palsy: a kinematic study. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 32:2595-2601. (SSCI)
  • Pan, Y.T., Chen, C.Y., Chang, C.P., Liu, J.C., Chen, H.C., Lu, S.Y., 2011, Mitigation of hand-arm vibrations in workers on a pneumatic nail gun assembly line. Canadian Acoustics, 39(2):84-85. (EI)
  • 陳斐娟, 吳菁宜, 陳協慶, 林克忠, 鍾佳英, 陳嘉玲, 2011, 到宅式修正侷限誘發運動療法應用於痙攣型腦性麻痺兒童之療效: 先驅研究. 台灣復健醫誌, 39(2), 85-93.
  • Wong, A.M.K., Chou, S.W., Huang, S.C., Lan, C., Chen, H.C., Hong, W.H., Chen, C.P.C., Pei, Y.C., 2011, Does different exercise have the same effect of health promotion for elderly? Comparison of training-specific effect of Tai-Chi and swimming on motor control. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 53(2) e133-e137. (SCI)
  • Wu, C.Y., Chuang, L.L., Lin, K.C., Chen, H.C., Tsay, P.K., 2011, Randomized trial of distributed constraint-induced therapy versus bilateral arm training for the rehabilitation of upper-limb motor control and function after stroke. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 25(2) 130-139. (SCI)
  • Liu, Y.P., Chen, H.C., Sung, P.C., 2010, Wireless logger for biosignals. International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 8(1), 27-37. (correspondence)
  • 陳志勇, 趙國竣, 陳協慶, 林彥輝, 2010, 從職業性肌肉骨骼傷病案例比較OCRA Index與 勞工安全衛生研究季刊, 18(3), 286-296.
  • Chen, C.L., Chen, H.C., Hong, W.H., Yang, F.P.G., Yang, L.Y., Wu, C.Y., 2010, Oromotor variability in children with mild spastic cerebral palsy: A kinematic study of speech motor control. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 7:54. (SCI)
  • 潘儀聰, 林桂儀, 劉俊杰, 陳協慶, 盧士一, 2010, 全身振動暴露危害評估研究, 中華民國音響學刊, 14, 71-84.
  • Wu, H.C., Liu, Y.P., Chen, H.C., 2010, Differences in computer exposure between university administrators and CAD draftsmen. Applied Ergonomics, 41(6), 849-856. (SCI/EI, correspondence)
  • Chen, H.C., Chang, C.M., Liu, Y.P., Chen, C.Y., 2010, Ergonomic risk factors for the wrists of hairdressers. Applied Ergonomics, 41(1), 98-105. (SCI/EI, correspondence)
  • 陳宥伊, 張雅如, 陳協慶, 洋嬿璇, 陳譽齡, 陳濘宏, 黃美涓, 2009, 音樂對年輕族群睡眠的影響. 台灣復健醫誌, 37(3), 161-168.
  • Chen, H.C., Chen, W.C., Liu, Y.P., Chen, C.Y., Pan, Y.T., 2009, Whole-body vibration exposure experienced by motorcycle riders–An evaluation according to ISO 2631-1 and ISO 2631-5 standards. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 39(5), 708-718. (SCI/EI, correspondence)
  • Chen, H.C., Wu, H.C., Liu, Y.P., 2009, Design and functional evaluation of a novel external logger for computer input activities. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 39(5), 790-797. (SCI, correspondence)
  • Hsie, M., Hsiao, W.T., Cheng, T.M., Chen, H.C., 2009, A model used in creating a work-rest schedule for laborers. Automation in Construction, 18(6), 762-769. (SCI/EI)
  • Chen, H.C., Chen, C.L., Lu, C.C., Wu, C.Y., 2009, Pointing devices usage guideline for people with quadriplegia: A simulation study utilizing an integrated pointing device apparatus. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 17(3), 279-286. (SCI)
  • Chen, H.C., Chen, Y.M., Chen, C.L., Liu, Y.P., Lee, J., 2009, Design and feasibility study of instrumented shoes for level walking and stair ambulation. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 29(3), 138-145. (SCIE/EI, correspondence)
  • Pan, Y.T., Chen, C.Y., Cheng, C.P., Chen, H.C., Liu, J.C., Lu, S.Y., 2009, Risk assessment of impulsive whole-body vibration exposure. Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, 17(1), 50-78. (勞工安全衛生研究季刊/中英文)
  • Wu, H.C., Chen, H.C., Chen, T., 2009, Effects of ergonomics-based wafer handling training on reduction in musculoskeletal disorders among wafer handlers. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 39(1), 127-132. (SCI/EI)
  • 陳協慶, 陳志勇, 劉永平, 趙國竣, 2008, 建立手腕部肌肉骨骼危害暴露之視覺化資料庫. 人因工程, 10(1), 75-83. (correspondence)
  • Chen, C.C., Lin, K.C., Wu, C.Y., Chen, C.L., Chen, C.H., Chen, H.C., Hong, W.H., Wong, A.M.K., 2008, Acoustic study in mandarin-speaking children: developmental changes in vowel production. Chang Gung Medical Journal, 31(5), 503-509.
  • Chen, H.C., Lin, K.C., Chen, C.L., Wu, C.Y., 2008, The beneficial effects of a functional task target on reaching and postural balance in patients with right cerebral vascular accidents. Motor Control, 12(2), 122-135. (SCI)
  • Wu, C.Y., Lin, K.C., Chen, H.C., Chen, I.H., Hong, W.H., 2007, Effects of modified constraint-induced movement therapy on movement kinematics and daily function in patients with stroke: A kinematic study of motor control mechanisms. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 21(5), 460-466. (SCI)
  • 陳協慶, 盧長慶, 吳欣潔, 陳嘉玲, 2007, 模擬手部功能受損之肢障者對使用指標輸入整合裝置及滑鼠操作績效之影響. 人因工程, 9(1), 47-54. (correspondence)
  • 吳欣潔, 林志禹, 陳協慶, 王家濠, 2007, 三種電腦作業的人因風險因子與肌肉骨骼不適症狀的相關性. 人因工程, 9(1), 1-10.
  • Chen, C.Y., Hong, W.H., Chen, C.L., Chou, S.W, Wu, C.Y., Cheng, P.T., Tang, F.T., Chen, H.C., 2007, Ground reaction force patterns in stroke patients with various degrees of motor recovery determined by plantar dynamic analysis. Chang Gung Medical Journal, 30(1), 62-72.
  • Chen, H.C., Liu, Y.P., Chen, C.L., Chen, C.Y., 2007, Design and feasibility study of an integrated pointing device apparatus for individuals with spinal cord injury. Applied Ergonomics 38(3), 275-283. (SCI, correspondence)
  • Du, C.L., Liang, H.W., Chen, H.C., Chen, C.Y., Chu, P.C., Wang, J.D., 2006, Cervical HIVD probably related to long-term repetitive shock and neck flexion among earth-unloading truck drivers. Journal of Occupational Health, 48(4), 273-275. (SCI, case study)
  • 楊樑怡, 陳嘉玲, 洪維憲, 陳協慶, 吳菁宜, 黃美涓, 2006, 正常發展兒童之說話動作控制分析:初步報告. 台灣復健醫誌, 34(2), 89-96.
  • Chen, C.L., Wu, C.Y., Chen, H.C., Hong, W.H., Liu, W.Y., Wang, A. M.K., 2006, Application of a Novel Integrated Pointing Device Apparatus for Children with Cerebral Palsy. Chang Gung Medical Journal, 29(4), 380-387. (correspondence)
  • Chen, C.L., Chen, H.C., Cheng, P.T., Chen, C.Y., Chen, H.C., Chou, S.W., 2006, Enhancement of Operational Efficiencies for People with High Cervical Spinal Cord Injuries Using a Flexible Integrated Pointing Devices Apparatus. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 87(6), 866-873. (SCI)
  • Liu, Y.P., Chen, H.C., Chen, C.Y., 2006, Portable data logger for worksite measurement of physical workload. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 26(1), 21-28. (EI, correspondence)
  • Hong, W.H., Lee, Y.H., Chen, H.C., Pei, Y.C., Wu, C.Y., 2005, Influence of heel height and shoe insert on comfort perception and biomechanical performance of young female adults during walking. Foot & Ankle International, 26(12), 1042-1048. (SCI)
  • 陳協慶, 劉永平, 陳嘉玲, 陳志勇, 2005, 電腦指標輸入整合器之設計與應用. 台灣復健醫誌, 33(3), 161-170.
  • 陳協慶, 盛啟峰, 陳志勇, 2005, 作業場所上肢重複性傷害現場監測技術. 勞工安全衛生研究季刊, 13(1), 58-69.
  • Chen, C.L., Chen, H.C., Tang S.F.T., Wu C.Y., Cheng P.T., Hong, W.H., 2003, Gait performance with compensatory adaptations in stroke patients with different degrees of motor recovery. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil., 82(12), 925-935. (SCI)
  • Chen, C.L., Wu, C.Y., Wong, M.K. Cheng, P.T., Hong, W.S., Chen, H.C., 2003, Correlation of polyelectromyographic patterns and clinical motor manifestations in children with cerebral palsy. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil., 82(8), 627-635. (SCI)
  • Chen, C.Y., Chen, C.L., Wu, C.Y., Chen, H.C., Tang, F.T., Wong, M.K., 2002, Visual spatial attention in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Chang Gung Medical Journal, 25(8), 514-521.
  • Chen, C.L., Chen, H.C., Wong, M.K., Tang, F.T., Chen, R.S., 2001, Temporal stride and force analysis of cane-assisted gait in people with hemiplegic stroke. Phy. Med. Rehabil., 82, 43-48. (SCI, correspondence)
  • Lin, K.C., Tang, F.T., Chen, H.C., Wu, C.Y., Shen, I.H., 2001, Effects of contextual constraints on reaching performance in adults without disabilities: A kinematic study. Occupational Therapy Journal of Research, 21(3), 168-184. (SSCI)
  • Wu, C.Y., Wong, M.K., Lin, K.C., Chen, H.C., 2001, Effects of task goal and personal preference on seated reaching kinematics after stroke. Stroke, 32, 70-76. (SCI)
  • Chou P.H., Chou Y.L., Lee S.L., You J.Y., Su F.C., Chen H.C., 2001, Kinematical strategy to regain balance during a forward fall on a slippery floor. Biomedical Engineering-Application, Basic & Communications, 13(1), 27-32. (EI)
  • Chen, C.L., Tang, F.T., Chen, H.C., Chung, C.Y., Wong, M.K., 2000, Brain lesion size and location: Effects on motor recovery and functional outcome in stroke patients. Phy. Med. Rehabil., 81(4), 447-452. (SCI)
  • Chen, C.L., Wong, M.K., Chen, H.C., Cheng, P.T., Tang, F.T., 2000, Correlation of polyelectromyographic patterns and clinical upper motor neuron syndrome in hemiplegic stroke patients. Phy. Med. Rehabil., 81(7), 869-875. (SCI)
  • 陳嘉玲, 陳協慶, 鄧復旦, 侯國大, 洪維憲, 陳榮順, 呂柏文, 黃美涓, 2000, 偏癱中風患者以柺杖助行之步態分析. 中華復健醫誌, 28(4), 221-228.
  • 陳嘉玲, 洪維憲, 陳協慶, 吳菁宜, 王錦滿, 黃美涓, 鄧復旦, 2000, 以量測地面作用力對三至十二歲兒童所作之步態分析. 中華復健醫誌, 28(3), 153-161.
  • Wong, M.K., Chen, C.L., Hong W.H., Chiou W.K., Chen, H.C., Tang, F.T., 1999, Gait analysis through foot pattern recognition for children with cerebral palsy. Journal of Musculoskeletal Research, 3(1), 71-81.
  • 陳嘉玲, 黃美涓, 洪維憲, 陳協慶, 鄧復旦, 1998, 選擇性背神經根切除術對腦性麻弊病童步態之成效. 台灣醫誌, 2(5), 509-519.
  • 陳嘉玲, 洪維憲, 朱仕郡, 王錦滿, 黃美涓, 鄧復旦, 陳協慶, 1998, 台灣國小兒童之手部握力及指夾力.中華復健醫誌, 26(2), 75-84.
  • Wong, P.W., Chen, M.D., Hong, W.H., Chen, H.C., Wong, M.K., Tang, F.T., 1998, Effects of silicon-insole socks on pressure distribution and shear force of the foot. Chang Gung Medical Journal, 21(1), 20-27.
  • 鄭寶釵, 吳淑霞, 廖美雲, 林佩欣, 黃美涓, 陳協慶, 1997, 由坐至站之動態分析與中風病人跌倒之關係. 復健醫學會雜誌, 25(2), 119-127.
  • Yang, C.H., Chou Y.L., Su, F.C., Lin, C.J., Chen, H.C., 1996, Walking patterns of normal children aged from 4 to 6 years old and young. Medical Engineering-Application, Basic & Communications, 8(2), 167-176. (EI)
  • Chen, H.C., Schultz, A.B., Ashton-Miller, J.A., Giordani, B., Alexander, N.B., 1996, Stepping over obstacles: divided attention impairs performance of old more than young adults. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Science, 51, M116-122. (SCI)
  • Persad, C.C., Giordani, B., Chen, H.C., Ashton-Miller J.A., Alexander, N.B., Wilson, C.S., Berent, S., Guire, K., Schultz, A.B., 1995, Neuropsychological predictors of complex obstacle avoidance in healthy older adults. Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences, 50(5), 272-7. (SCI)
  • Chen, H.C., Ashton-Miller, J.A., Alexander, N.B., Schultz, A.B., 1994, Effects of age and available response time on ability to step over an obstacle. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Science, 49, M227-M233. (SCI)
  • Chen, H.C., Ashton-Miller, J.A., Alexander, N.B., Schultz, A.B., 1994, Age effects on strategies used to avoid obstacles. Gait and Posture, 2, 139-146. (SCI)
  • Chen, H.C., Ashton-Miller, J.A., Alexander, N.B., Schultz, A.B., 1991, Stepping over obstacles: Gait patterns of healthy young and old adults, Journal of Gerontology: Medical Science, 46, M196-203. (SCI)