【投影片 ch1-0 | ch1 | ch2_0| ch2 | ch3 | ch4 】【教科書影片 ch1-0 影片 | ch1-1 影片 | ch1-2 影片 | ch1-3 影片 | OpenTextBook 影片ch2-1 | ch2-2 | ch2-3 | ch2-4 | ch2-5 | 同學筆記 | 同學心得】【考古題 HW1 | HW2_1| HW2_2| HW3_1| HW3_2| HW4_1| HW4_2| HW4_3 | Q1 | Q2 | Midterm | Q3 | Q4 | Final 】
二、Text Book: David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy,
Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, Morgan Kaufmann。
三、上課時間地點:週一 16:10~18:00、週二 16:10~17:00;六教327,資工一。
助教時間地點:週一 18:10~19:30,科研大樓1222。助教:楊其康 (kazckyang@gmail.com)
四、教師:Dr. Jong-Yih,jykuo@ntut.edu.tw
助教: 黃昱叡 (t112598003@ntut.org.tw)
1. Computer Abstractions and Technology,
2. Instructions: Language of the Computer,
3. Arithmetic for Computer,
4. Processor: Datapath and Control.
六、Exam and Grading:
4% Course participation (Zuvio)
12% Assignments
24% Quizzes
28% Mid-term Exam
32% Final Exam
Week 01 (09/09, 09/10) Computer Abstractions and Technology
Week 02 (09/16, ) Computer Abstractions and Technology
Week 03 (09/23, 09/24) Instructions: Language of the Computer
Week 04 (09/30, 10/01) Instructions: Language of the Computer, Quiz#1
Week 05 (10/07, 10/08) Instructions: Language of the Computer
Week 06 (10/14, 10/15) Instructions: Language of the Computer
Week 07 (10/21, 10/22) Arithmetic for Computer, Quiz#2
Week 08 (10/28, 10/29) Arithmetic for Computer
Week 09 (11/04, 11/05) Midterm(11/04)
Week 10 (11/11, 11/12) Arithmetic for Computer
Week 11 (11/18, 11/19) Processor: Datapath and Control
Week 12 (11/25, 11/26) Processor: Datapath and Control
Week 13 (12/02, 12/03) Processor: Datapath and Control, Quiz#3
Week 14 (12/09, 12/10) Processor: Datapath and Control
Week 15 (12/16, 12/17) Processor: Datapath and Control
Week 16 (12/23, 12/24) Processor: Datapath and Control
Week 17 (12/30, 12/31) Exploiting Memory Hierarchy, Quiz#4
Week 18 (01/06) Final (16:00~18:30)