Jong-Yih Kuo

(A) Journal Paper
1. J. Lee, Jong Yih. Kuo and W.T. Huang. July 1995. Towards a classification, analysis and representation of informal requirements. Journal of Chinese Fuzzy Systems Association, 1:39-48.
2. J. Lee, J. Y. Kuo and A. Liu. September 1997. Modeling user requirements with a front-end analysis. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools. 6(3): 313-324. 
3. J. Lee and Jong Yih Kuo. June 1998. Fuzzy decision making through trade-off analysis between criteria. Information Sciences, 107(1-4): 107-126. (SCI. EI. )
4. J. Lee and Jong Yih Kuo. July/August 1998. New approach to requirements trade-off analysis for complex systems. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.10 (4): 551-562. (SCI. EI). 
5. J. Lee, N.L. Xue and Jong Yih Kuo. February 2001. Structuring Requirement Specifications with Goals. Information and Software Technology, Vol. 43, pp. 121-135. (SCI, EI)  
6. J. Lee, Jong Yih Kuo and N.L. Xue. July 2001. A Note on Current Approaches to Extending Fuzzy Logic to Object-Oriented Modeling. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 16, No. 7, pp.807-820. (SCI, EI)
7. J. Lee, J.I. Pan and Jong Yih Kuo. November 2001.Verifying Scenarios with Time Petri-Nets. Information and Software Technology, Vol. 43, pp. 769-781, 2001. (SCI, EI)
8. Jong Yih Kuo. Dec. 2001. Mobile Agent Technology in Business Processes Management.  Fu Jen Studies, Science and Engineering, No 35, pp.53-72, ISSN 1028-5679.
9. Jong Yih Kuo. Dec. 2002. An Evolving Bidding Strategy for Intelligent Agents in Multiple Auction. Fu Jen Studies, Science and Engineering, ISSN 1028-5679.  
10. J. Lee, Jong Yih Kuo and N.L. Hsueh. May 2003,   Trade-Off Analysis in Software Engineering. Software Engineering With Computational Intelligence, Springer Verlag; ISBN: 3540004726.
11. Jong Yih Kuo.   A document-driven agent-based approach for business processes management. Information and Software Technology,  vol. 46, pp. 373-382, 2004.5 (SCI).
12.Jong Yih Kuo, S.J. Lee and C.L. Wu, N.L. Hsueh, J. Lee. Evolutionary Agents for Intelligent Transport Systems, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, vol. 7 (2), pp.85-93, 2005. 6 (EI) .
13. Jong Yih Kuo, L.C. Lee. Applying Group Agent Negotiation for Decision of Task Assignment. Communications of Institute of Information and Computing Machinery, vol. 9(2), pp. 63-78, 2006,6.
14. Jong Yih Kuo, Wei Xiou Lin. Belief Evolution of Intelligent Agent. Journal of Computers, vol. 18. pp. 3-14, 2007.4.
15. Jong Yih Kuo, Fu-Chu Huang, "Utilizing negotiation of multi-agent on selecting vehicle priority," Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, v.12 (3), pp. 1-12, 2008.10 (EI).
16. Nien Lin Hsueh, Jong Yih Kuo, and Ching-Chiuan Lin, Object-Oriented Design: A Goal-Driven and Pattern-Based Approach, Software and Systems Modeling, vol. 1(1), pp. 67-84, 2009.8 (SCI).
17. Yong-Yi FanJiang, Jong Yih Kuo, Shang-Pin Ma, and Wong-Rong Huang.   An Aspect-Oriented Approach for Mobile Embedded Software Modeling, ICCSA 2010, Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6017, pp257-272, 2010.4 (EI).
18. Jong Yih Kuo, Wei-Ting Wang. The Study of Plagiarism Detection for Object-oriented Programming Language. ICCI 2010, Part III, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 6423, pp. 376-386, 2010.11 (EI).
19. Jong Yih Kuo, and Fu Chu Huang.   Code analyzer for an online course management system. Journal of Systems and Software vol. 83(12), pp.2478-2486, 2010.12 (SCI).
20. Yong-Yi FanJiang, Jong-Yih Kuo, Shang-Pin Ma.   An Embedded Software Modeling and Process by Using Aspect-Oriented Approach. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications vol. 4, 2011.02.
21. Jong Yih Kuo, and Fu Chu Huang. A Hybird Approach for Multi-Agent Learning System. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, vol. 17(3), pp.385-399, 2011.9 (SCI).
22. Hsiang-Fu Yu, Yao-Tien Wang, Jong Yih Kuo and Chu-Yi Chien, Efficient Periodic Broadcasting for Mobile Networks at Small Client Receiving Bandwidth and Buffering Space, Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 2013, 2013 (SCI).
23. Jong Yih Kuo, Fu-Chu Huang, Shang-Pin Ma, and Yong Yi Fanjiang,   Applying Hybrid Learning Approach to RoboCup's Strategy, Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 86(7), pp. 1933-1944, July 2013 (SCI).
24. Kevin Fong-Rey Liu, Si-Yu Chiu, Ming-Jui Hung, Jong-Yih Kuo.   The Propagation of Probabilistic and Possibilistic Uncertainty in a Life Cycle Assessment: A Case Study of a Naphtha Cracking Plant in Taiwan, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 652-657, 2013/12.
25. Kevin Fong-Rey Liu, Ming-Jui Hung, Po-Chung Yeh, Jong-Yih Kuo. GIS-based Regionalization of LCA. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection 2(2): 1-8, 2014/04.   http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=44940
26. Shang-Pin Ma, Yong-Yi Fanjiang, Jong-Yih Kuo,   Dynamic Service Composition Using Core Service Identification, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, vol. 30, pp. 957-972, 2014 (SCI).
27. Kevin Fong-Rey Liu, Jong Yih Kuo, K. Yeh, C.-W. Chen, H.-H. Liang, Y.-H. Sun, Using fuzzy logic to generate conditional probabilities in Bayesian belief networks: a case study of ecological assessment, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 12, no. 3, March 2015 (SCI).
28. Kevin Fong-Rey Liu, Si-Yu Chiu,  Po-Chung Yeh, Jong-Yih Kuo.   Case Study of Using Life Cycle Impact Assessment in Environmental Impact Assessment, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, vol. 6, no. 11, pp. 849-856,  Nov. 2015.
29. Kevin Fong-Rey Liu, Ming-Jui Hung, Jong-Yih Kuo, Han-Hsi Liang.   Using GIS and Kriging to Analyze the Spatial Distributions of the Health Risk of Indoor Air Pollution, Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, vol. 3, pp. 20-25, 2015.
30. Jong Yih Kuo, Hsiang-Fu Yu, Kevin Fong-Rey Liu, and Fang-Wen Lee, Multiagent Cooperative Learning Strategies for Pursuit-Evasion Games, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2015, Article ID 964871, 13 pages, 2015.   doi:10.1155/2015/964871  (SCI).
31. Shang-Pin Ma, Chun-Ying Huang, Yong-Yi Fanjiang, and Jong-Yih Kuo. Configurable RESTful Service Mashup: A Process-Data- Widget Approach. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences (AMIS), 9(2L):637-644, April 2015 (SCI).   http://www.naturalspublishing.com/Article.asp?ArtcID=8318.
32. Jong Yih Kuo, Tai-Yu Lai, Yong-Yi Fanjiang, Fu- Chu Huang, Yi- Han Liao,   A Behavior-Based Flame Detection Method for a Real-Time Video Surveillance System, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol. 38, no. 17, 2015 (SCI).
33. Kevin Fong-Rey Liu, Jong-Yih Kuo, Yuan-Hua Chang, Han-Hsi Liang,  Optimization of Life Cycle Assessment-Based Eco-efficiency, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 211-215, 2016.
34. Yong-Yi Fanjiang, Yang Syu, and Jong-Yih Kuo,   Search based approach to forecasting QoS attributes of web services using genetic programming, Information and Software Technology, vol. 80, pp. 158-174, 2016 (SCI IF 2.694).
35. Yong-Yi Fanjiang, Yang Syu, Shang-Pin Ma, and Jong-Yih Kuo,   An Overview and Classification of Service Description Approaches in Automated Service Composition Research, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2017.03 (SCI IF 4.418).
36. Yang Syu, Jong-Yih Kuo and Yong-Yi Fanjiang,   Time Series Forecasting for Dynamic Quality of Web Services: An Empirical Study, Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 134, pp. 279-303, 2017.12 (SCI, 2.278, Q1).
37. Jong-Yih Kuo, Tai-Yu Lai, Ping-Chi Lee (2018, Jun.). Simulating Evacuation Plan of Fire Disaster Based on Cloud Surveillance System. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Vol. 10, No 1-15, pp. 132-134.
38.  Jong-Yih Kuo, Hao-Ting Chung, Ping-Feng Wang and Baiying Lei (2021, Jan.),   Building Student Course Performance Prediction Model Based on Deep Learning, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 243-257, 2021 (SCI, IF 0.541).
39. Jong-Yih Kuo, Hui-Chi Lin, and Chien-Hung Liu (2021, Jan.),   Building Graduate Salary Grading Prediction Model Based on Deep Learning, Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 53-68, 2021 (SCI, IF 1.276).
40. Jong-Yih Kuo, Hui-Chi Lin, Chien-Hung Liu (2021, July),   A Study of Resource Utilization Improvement on Cloud Testing Platform, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 2434-2454, 2021 (SCI, IF 0.858).
41. Yu-Chen Kuo, Jong-Yih Kuo, Jhih-Cheng Yang, Pei-Chen Kuo, (2021, Aug.)   The Study of Program Analysis and Feedback Improving System, International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 35-41, 2021.
42. Hai Xie, Yejun Heb, Dong Xuc, Jong Yih Kuo, Haijun Lei, Baiying Lei (2022, Jan.),   Joint segmentation and classification task via adversarial network: Application to HEp-2 cell images, Applied Soft Computing, vol. 14, pp. 144-149, 2022 (SCI IF 6.725).
43. Jong-Yih Kuo, Shang-Yi You, Hui-Chi Lin, Chao-Yang Hsu, and Baiying Lei  (2022, March),   Constructing Condition Monitoring Model of Wind Turbine Blades, Mathematics, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 972, 2022 (SCI. IF. 2.258).
44. Jong-Yih Kuo, Hui-Chi Lin, Ping-Feng Wang, and Zhen-Gang Nie, (2022, July),   A Feedback System Supporting Students Approaching a High-Level Programming Course,  Applied Sciences, vol. 12, no. 14, 2022 (SCI. IF. 2.838).
45. Jong-Yih Kuo, Ping-Feng Wang, Hui-Chi Lin, and Zhen-Gang Nie, (2022, Sep.),   Constructing Condition Monitoring Model of Harmonic Drive.   Applied Sciences, vol. 12, no. 19, 2022 (SCI. IF. 2.838).
46.   Jong-Yih Kuo, Zhi-Jia Wen, Ti-Feng Hsieh, and Han-Xuan Huang, (2023, July),   A Study on the Security of Online Judge System Applied Sandbox Technology, Electronic, vol. 12, no. 3018, 2023 (SCI. IF. 2.9).
47. Jong-Yih Kuo, Ti-Feng Hsieh, Yu-De Lin, and Hui-Chi Lin (2024, March),   The Study on Software Architecture Smell Refactoring, International Journal of Software Innovation, vol. 12, no. 1, 2024 (SCI. IF. 0.6).
48. Jong-Yih Kuo,   Hui-Chi Lin, Yi-Fang Chung, Ping-Feng Wang  (2024, March),  Constructing a Predictive Model for High School Students’ Enrolment Results,   Contemporary Mathematics, vol.   5, no. 3, 2024 (SCI. IF. 0.6).
49. Jong‑Yih Kuo, Ti‑Feng Hsieh, Ta‑Yu Lin,   (2024,   Nov.),   Constructing multi-modal emotion recognition model based on convolutional neural network, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2024 (SCI, IF. 3.0).

(B)  Conference Paper
1. J. Lee and Jong Yih Kuo. September 1994. Toward a fuzzy logic based framework for modeling vague requirements. Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Applications, pages 593--598.
2. J. Lee, Jong Yih Kuo, and W.T. Huang. July 1995. Classifying, analyzing and representing informal requirements. Proceedings of 6th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress (IFSA'95), Vol. 1, pages 645-648.
3. 李允中、郭忠義。八十四年九月。應用模糊邏輯之正規理論描述模 糊與不確定之使用者需求。1995人工智慧研討國科會工程處資訊學門人工智慧領域研究成果發表會。pages 228-232。 (NCS 84-2213-E-008-016)。  
4. H.P. Kao, Y.S. Hou, J. Lee and Jong Yih. Kuo. , December 1996A fuzzy-logic based trade-off analysis for aggregating flexibility measures of FMSs. 1996 Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium. 
5. J. Lee, Jong Yih Kuo and W.T. Huang. December 1996. Fuzzy decision making through relationships analysis between criteria. The 2nd  Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium, pages 527-532.    
6. J. Lee, A. Liu, Jong Yih Kuo, C.T. Lee and W.T. Huang. December 1996. Incorporating a front-end analysis for modeling nonfunctional requirements. The 2nd  World Conference on Integrated Design and Process Technology, pages 468-472.  
7.黃俊凱, 郭忠義, 范姜永益, 李允中。八月,2000。運用行動代理人技術於商業流程管理。第十一屆物件導向技術及應用研討會。
8. J. Lee, Jong Yih Kuo and N.L. Xue. July, 2001. Current Approaches to Extending Fuzzy Logic to Object-Oriented Modeling. Proceeding of the International Conference on Fuzzy Systems Association Conference (9th IFSA). pp. 2305-2310.
9.J. Lee, Jong Yih Kuo and N.L. Xue. December, 2001.Current Approaches to Extending Fuzzy Logic to Object-Oriented Modeling. Proceeding of the National Conference on Fuzzy Systems Association Conference (9th CFSA). pp. 889-894. ChungLi.
10.Jong Yih Kuo and J. Lee. December 2001。XML-based Virtual Enterprise Model: A Document-driven Agent-based Approach. Twelfth Workshop on Object-oriented Technology and Application. pp. 103-111. Tainan.(NSC89-2218-E-030-006 and SVD 5132290)
11.Jong Yih Kuo and J. Lee. December 2001. Applying XML-based agent Technology to Business Process Management through TBCG. Proceedings of the 2001 Cross-Strait Information Technology Workshop. pp. 284-291. ChungLi. (NSC89-2218-E-030-006)
12.Jong Yih Kuo and J. Lee. December 2001. Towards Evolution of Intelligent Agents in Virtual Enterprise. Proceedings of the 2001 National Computer Symposium. Vol. B, pp. 52-60. Taipei.
13.J. Lee, Jong Yih Kuo and Yong-Yi Fanjiang. May, 2002. A Note on Current Approaches to Extending Software Engineering with Fuzzy Logic. Proceeding on the 2002 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence. pp.1168-1173. Hawaiian. USA.
14.J. Lee, Y.Y.F. Jong Yih Kuo and Y.Y. Lin. May, 2002. Modeling Imprecise Requirements with XML. Proceeding on the 2002 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence. pp.861-867. Hawaiian. USA.
15.Jong Yih Kuo. Sep. 2002.   Virtual Enterprise Agent System Development based on Agent patterns. 13th Workshop on Object-oriented Technology and Application. TaiChung.(NSC90-2213-E-030-014).
16. Jong Yih Kuo. Dec. 2002. Business Processes Management System based on Mobil Agent Technology. 2002 International Computer Symposium (ICS2002). Hualien, Taiwan. (NSC91-2213-E-030-010)
17. Jong Yih Kuo. Dec. 2002. Determining Successful Negotiation Strategies: The Evolution of Intelligent Agents. Second International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB2002). Taipei, pp. 265-267. (NSC91-2213-E-030-010)
18. Jong Yih Kuo. Dec. 2002. Current Approaches to Extending Software quality prediction with Soft Computation. Proceeding of the National Conference on Fuzzy Systems Association Conference (10th CFSA). 
19. Jong Yih Kuo. Dec. 2002. Applying Evolutionary Approach to Determining Agent Negotiation Strategies. Proceeding of the National Conference on Fuzzy Systems Association Conference (10th CFSA).
20. N.L. Hsueh and J.Y. Kuo, "Distributed Requirement Elicitation by Using Patterns," International Conference of Modeling, Identification and Control , 359-364 , 2003-02. Innsbruck, Austria.
21.   N.L. Hsueh, Jong Yih Kuo, Jan. 2003. Distributed Requirement Elicitation by Using Patterns. IASTED International Conference Modeling and Simulation (MS2003), Vienna, Austria.
22.Jong Yih Kuo. April 2004. Fuzzy BDI Modeling For Intelligent Agent. WSEAS Transactions on Systems, 3(2), pp. 817-822, (EI, NSC 92-2213-E-030-016, EX-92-E-FA06-4-4).
23. Jong Yih Kuo and J. Lee. July 2004. Evolution of Intelligent Agent in Auction Market. Proceeding of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. Budapest, Vol. 1, pp.331-336.
24.Jong Yih Kuo and S. Lin. Sep. 2004. Applying Fuzzy Theory and Ontology for Intelligent Agent. Proceeding of the 2004 Active Networking Workshop. ChungLi, Taiwan, pp.247-253.
25.Jong Yih Kuo. Sep. 2004. Ontology Supported Fuzzy Intelligent Agent. Proceeding of the 15th Workshop on Object-oriented Technology and Application. Tainai, Taiwan.
26.Jong Yih Kuo. and S. Lin.  Dec. 2004. Applying Fuzzy Theory and Ontology on E-Commerce. Proceeding of the 12th National Conference on Fuzzy Systems Association Conference (12th CFSA). ILan, Taiwan.
27. Jong Yih Kuo. and T.C. Chang.  Dec. 2004. The Design and Implementation of Automation Negotiation for Intelligent Agent. Proceeding of the 9th Artificial Intelligence and Application (TAAI 2004). Taipei, Taiwan.
28. 郭忠義、何孋軒、朱君怡、何秉哲、黃敬哲, May 2005。應用智慧型程式碼分析於線上課程管理系統, Proceedings of the First Taiwan Software Engineering Conference, Taipei, Taiwan。
29. Jong Yih Kuo, N.L. Hsueh, July, 2005, "Incorporating fuzzy logic in ontology-based agent system design," Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, pp. 187-192, Taipei, Taiwan, 2005.7.14-16, ISBN: 1891706160.
30.N.L. Hsueh, , P.H. Chu, Jong Yih Kuo, “Verification of design patterns with object-oriented quality models, Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, p.193-p.198, Taipei, Taiwan, 2005.7.14-16, ISBN: 1891706160.
31. Jong Yih Kuo and L. Chu, “Intelligent code analyzer for online course management system,” Proceedings of the 3rd ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management & Applications, p.228-p.234, Michigan, U.S.A., 2005.8.11-13, ISBN-13: 9780769522975. (EI).
32. Jong Yih Kuo, T.S. Lin, U.I. Chang, S.J. Huang, and E.F. Laiu. Sep. 2005. Applying Automation Agent Negotiation for Course Scheduling. Proceeding of the 2005 Active Networking Workshop. ChungLi, Taiwan.
33. Jong Yih Kuo. and S. S. Horng. Oct. 2005. The Study of Goal Evolution for Intelligent Agent. Proceeding of the 13th National Conference on Fuzzy Systems Association Conference (13th CFSA). Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
34. Jong Yih Kuo, M.L Chai, S.C. Lai, U.C. Lin. Sep. 2005. Apply evolutionary Agents for Intelligent Transport Systems. Proceeding of the 16th Workshop on Object-oriented Technology and Application. TaiChung, Taiwan.
35. 郭忠義、陳松輝。運用多代理人辯證協商於排課系統。Dec. 2005. Proceeding of the 10th Artificial Intelligence and Application (TAAI 2005). Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
36. 李隆基、郭忠義。群體決策多代理人系統架構。Dec. 2005。Proceeding of the 10th Artificial Intelligence and Application (TAAI 2005). Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
37. 郭忠義、黃福助、薛念林。智慧代理人程式碼相似度偵測系統。June. 2006. Proceedings of 2nd Taiwan Software Engineering Conference. Taipei, Taiwan.
38. N.L. Hsueh, J.Y. Kuo, Y.C. Cheng, J. Lee and P.H. Chu, June 2006. "Supporting CMMI-Based Process Improvement with Advanced Software Engineering Technologies," The 36th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering Challenges for Advanced Technology Industries , 2006-06. Howard Hotel, Taipei.
39. Jong Yih Kuo, M.L Tsai, K.C. Chang. Sep. 2006. Apply adaptive mechanism for agent goal evolution. Proceeding of the 17th Workshop on Object-oriented Technology and Application. Taipei, Taiwan.
40. Jong Yih Kuo, Ming Lan Tsai, and N. L. Hsueh, Oct. 2006. “Goal evolution based on adaptive q-learning for intelligent agent, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, p.434-p.439, Taipei, Taiwan, 2006.10.8-11, ISBN-13: 9781424401000. (EI).
41. Jong Yih. Kuo, Hsing Chang Lai. Oct. 2006. Co evolution Approach for Evolving Multi-Agent System. 8th Joint International Conference on Information Sciences. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
42. N.L. Hsueh, Chia Chun Kuo, Lien-Fu Lai and Jong-Yih Kuo, Dec. 2006. "A Light-Weight CMMI Assessment Approach by Sequential Pattern Mining," International Computer Symposium (ICS06) , 2006-12. Taipei, Taiwan.
43. Jong Yih. Kuo, S. H Chen. Dec. 2006. An Examination of Argumentation Negotiation Agent for Course Scheduling, International Computer Symposium. Taipei, Taiwan.
44. 郭忠義、陳源憶。Dec. 2006. 多代理人自動協商排課系統研究. Proceeding of the 13th National Conference on Fuzzy Systems Association Conference (13th CFSA). Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
45.郭忠義、賴信彰、簡清榮。應用文化演算法於代理人之共同演化。Dec. 2006. Proceeding of the 11th Artificial Intelligence and Application (TAAI 2006). Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
46. Jong Yih. Kuo, H. T. Lin, F. U. Hsieh. June 2007. The study of Web Service-oriented Programming Language for Workflow, Proceedings of 3rd Taiwan Software Engineering Conference, TaiChung, Taiwan.
47. Jong Yih. Kuo, M. C. Tsai, June 2007. The study of Automatic Negotiation Agent on Fuzzy Theory, Proceedings of 3rd Taiwan Software Engineering Conference, TaiChung, Taiwan.
48. Jong Yih. Kuo, K. C. Chang, “Adaptive learning of assimilation and accommodation for intelligent agent system,” Proceedings of the 10th Joint International Conference on Information Sciences, p.1172-p.1178, Salt Lake City, USA. 2007.7.18-24. ISBN: 9789812709677.
49. Jong Yih Kuo, K. C. Chang. Sep. 2007. 應用適應性學習於代理人溝通演化. Proceeding of the 18th Workshop on Object-oriented Technology and Application. Tainan, Taiwan.
50. Jong Yih Kuo, C. T. Jen. Nov. 2007.Agent Plan Evolution using Genetic Case-based Reasoning.  Proceeding of the 12th Artificial Intelligence and Application (TAAI 2007). Yunlin, Taiwan.
51. Jong Yih Kuo, H. C. Lin. June, 2008. The Study of Hybrid Approach Learning for RoboCup agents. The 4th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering. Taina, Taiwan.
52. Jong Yih Kuo, F. Hsieh and H. C. Lin. June, 2008. Towards Negotiation of Intelligent Agent in Selecting Vehicle Priority. SDPS Conference on Integrated Design & Process Technology, TaiChung, Taiwan.
53. Jong Yih Kuo, F. Hsieh. June, 2008. 適應與合作足球機器代理人. National Symposium on System Science and Engineering. ILan, Taiwan.
54. Jong Yih Kuo and F. Hsieh, “Adaptive and cooperative learning for RoboCup agents,” International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, p.3125-3131, Kunming, China. 2008.7.12-15, ISBN-13: 9781424420964. (EI).
55. Jong Yih Kuo and H. Z. Lin, “Cooperative RoboCup agents using genetic case-based reasoning,” IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, p.613-p.618, Singapore. 2008.10.12-15, ISSN: 1062922X. (EI).
56. Jong Yih Kuo, F. Hsieh and H. C. Lin, “Applying agent composition for development of service-oriented program language,” The 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, p.79-p.84, KaohSiung, Taiwan, 2008.11.26-28, ISBN-13: 9780769533827. (EI).
57. Jong Yih Kuo, I. T. Yu. June, 2009. 運用同化與調適於足球代理人的合作學習. The 5th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering. Taina, Taiwan. (2009.6.19)
58. Jong Yih Kuo, U. S. Shen. June, 2009. 運用基因型案例推理產生足球機器代理人團隊策略. National Symposium on System Science and Engineering. Taipei, Taiwan. (2009.6.26)
59. Jong Yih Kuo and Yuan Cheng Ou, “An evolutionary fuzzy behavior controller using genetic algorithm in RoboCup soccer game,” The 9th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, p.281-286, Shenyang, China, 2009.8.12-14, ISBN-13: 9780769537450. (EI)
60. Jong Yih Kuo and Yuan Cheng Ou, Oct. 2009, 以演化模糊系統建置足球代理人, The 14th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, TaiChung, Taiwan. (2009.10.30)
61. Jong Yih Kuo, I. T. Yu. Nov., 2009. 足球代理人同化與調適學習系統之實做. The 20th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications. TaiChung, Taiwan. (2009.11.20)
62. Jong Yih Kuo and Yue Sheng Shen, “Genetic case-based reasoning for team strategy of Robot soccer,” International Conference on Manufacturing and Engineering Systems, YunLin, Taiwan, 2009.12.17-19, ISSN: 21521522.
63. Tai Yu Lai, Jong Yih Kuo,  Fu-Chu Huang, April 2010. 顏色辨識在即時視訊上的研究與實作. International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies. TaiChung, Taiwan.(2010.4.23-24)
64. Jong Yih Kuo, J. Y. Yan, and S. H. Chen. July. 2010.  智慧型機器人追蹤系統之設計與實做. 2010 Joint Conference on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications and Software Engineering. JhongLi, Taiwan. (2010.7.22-23)
65. Jong Yih Kuo and C. W. Lu. July. 2010.  運用同化與調適於多代理人合作學習的足球模擬. 2010 Joint Conference on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications and Software Engineering. JhongLi, Taiwan. (2010.7.22-23)
66. Jong Yih Kuo  and W. T. Wang. July. 2010.  C/C++抄襲偵測系統之設計與實做. 2010 Joint Conference on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications and Software Engineering. JhongLi, Taiwan. (2010.7.22-23)
67. Jong Yih Kuo and C. F. Hsu. July. 2010.  運用同化與調適於多代理人合作學習的追捕策略. 2010 Joint Conference on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications and Software Engineering. JhongLi, Taiwan. (2010.7.22-23)
68. Jong Yih Kuo and H. K. Cheng, “Applying assimilation and accommodation for cooperative learning of RoboCup agent,” 2010 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, p.3234-p.3239, Qingdao, China, 2010.7.11-14, ISBN-13: 9781424465262. (EI)
69. Fanjiang, Yong-Yi, Yang Syu, Chun-Hung Wu, Jong Yih Kuo, Shang-Pin Ma, " Genetic algorithm for QoS-aware dynamic web services composition,” 2010 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, p.3246-3251, Qingdao, China, 2010.7.11-14, ISBN-13: 9781424465262. (EI)
70. Shang-Pin Ma, Jong-Yih Kuo, Yong-Yi Fanjiang, Chin-Pin Tung, Chun-Ying Huang, " Optimal service selection for composition based on weighted service flow and Genetic Algorithm,” 2010 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, p.3252-3256, Qingdao, China, 2010.7.11-14, ISBN-13: 9781424465262. (EI).
71. Jong Yih Kuo, Tai Yu Lai, Fu-Chu Huang, and Kevin Liu, “The color recognition of objects of survey and implementation on real-time video surveillance,” IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, p.3741-3748, Istanbul, Turkey, 2010.10.10-13, ISBN-13: 9781424465880. (EI)
72. Jong Yih Kuo, Wei-Ting Wang. Nov. 2010.  The Study of Plagiarism Detection for Object-oriented Programming Language. International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence – Technologies and Applications. Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (2010. 11.10-12)
73. Jong Yih Kuo, I. I. Lin. Nov. 2010.  The Study of Multi-Agent Automatic Negotiation and Argumentation. 2010 Workshop on Consumer Electronics, Tainan, Taiwan. (2010. 11.15)
74. Jong Yih Kuo, Chien Feng Hsu. Dec. 2010.  Applying Assimilation and Accommodation for Cooperative Learning of Multi-Agent Pursuit-Evasion Strategies. 2010 International Conference on Manufacturing and Engineering Systems, Tainan, Taiwan. (2010. 12.16~18)
75. Jong Yih Kuo, Jhen. Di. Lin. April 2011. 以機率式背景相減法為基礎的背景分割法運用於室內監視系統. The First National Conference on Web Intelligence and Applications, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (2011. 04. 29)
76. Jong Yih Kuo, Tong. Yue Qian. S. Y. Wang. June 2011. Applying reinforcement learning for automation shooting basket system. The 6th Conference on Intelligent Live Technology, Taichung, Taiwan (2011.06.03).
77. Jong Yih Kuo, Hsuan-KueiI Cheng, Yong-Yi FanJiang and Shang-Pin Ma. June 2011. Multi-Agent Automatic Negotiation and Argumentation for Courses Scheduling. The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Taipei, Taiwan (2011.06.27-30).
78. Lee Jonathan, Lee Wen-Tin and Kuo Jong-Yih. June 2011. Fuzzy Logic as a Basic for Use Case Point Estimation. The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Taipei, Taiwan (2011.06.27-30).
79. Yong-Yi FanJiang, Yang Syu, Shang-Pin Ma, and Jong-Yih Kuo, June 2011, Transactional Web Services Composition: A Genetic Algorithm Approach, the 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems, Kuantan, Malaysia (2011.06.27-29).
80. Yang Syu, Yong-Yi FanJiang, Jong-Yih Kuo, Shang-Pin Ma, July 2011, Towards a genetic algorithm approach to automating workflow composition for Web Services with transactional and QoS-awareness, 2011 IEEE World Congress on Services, pp. 295-302, Washington, U.S.A (2011.7.4-9).
81. 郭忠義、莊宗翰、賴岱佑, July 2011, 運用物件色彩辨識及分類方法於即時視訊監控系統, 2011 Symposium on Digital Life Technology, YuLin, Taiwan (2011.07.07-08).
82. 郭忠義、許嘉麟、陳炳宏. July. 2011.  運用強效式學習與案例式推論於多代理人合作的追捕競賽. 2011 Joint Conference on Taiwan Software Engineering and Object-Oriented Technology and Applications. Taipei, Taiwan. (2011.7.8-9)
83. 郭忠義、蘇偉德、陳品德. July. 2011.  Applying Q-learning and Fuzzy Set for RoboCup Agent. 2011 Joint Conference on Taiwan Software Engineering and Object-Oriented Technology and Applications. Taipei, Taiwan. (2011.7.8-9)
84. 陳品德、吳孟芙、陳炳宏、王聰達、林志驊、郭淑君、郭忠義、林丁丙. July. 2011.  教育領域資料庫安全與監控系統之設計與實做. 2011 Joint Conference on Taiwan Software Engineering and Object-Oriented Technology and Applications. Taipei, Taiwan. (2011.7.8-9)
85. Jong Yih Kuo, Yong-Yi Fanjiang, Shang-Pin Ma, Jia Lin Syu. July 2011. A hybrid approach to multi-agent pursuit-evasion game. The 2011 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, GuangXi, China(2011.07.10-13).
86. Chien-Hung Liu, Shu-Ling Chen, and Jong Yih Kuo. July 2011. A flow graph-based test model for owl-s web services. The 2011 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, GuangXi, China(2011.07.10-13).
87. Shang-Pin Ma, Chia-Hsueh Li, Chun-Ying Huang, Yong-Yi Fanjiang, and Jong Yih Kuo. July 2011. Semantic web service discovery based on business rule annotation. The 2011 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Guangxi, China(2011.07.10-13).
88. Yang Syu, Yong-Yi Fanjiang, Jong Yih Kuo, and Shang-Pin Ma. July 2011. An automated workflow composition to semantic web services. The 2011 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, GuangXi, China(2011.07.10-13).
89. Yang Syu, Yong-Yi Fanjiang, Jong-Yih Kuo and Shang-Pin Ma, March 2012, A genetic algorithm with prioritized objective functions for service composition, The 26th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, pp. 932-937, Fukuoka, Japan (2012.3.26-29).
90. Tai Yu Lai, Jong Yih Kuo, Chien-Hung Liu, Yue Wei Wu, Yong-Yi Fanjiang, Shang-Pin Ma, June 2012, Intelligent Detection of Missing and Unattended Objects in Complex Scene of Surveillance Videos, IEEE Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control, TaiChung, Taiwan (2012.6.4-6).
91. Yang Syu, Shang-Pin Ma, Jong-Yih Kuo, Yong-Yi FanJiang, June 2012, A Survey on Automated Service Composition Methods and Related Techniques, 2012 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Services Computing, pp. 290 - 297, Hawaii, USA (2012.6.24-29).
92. Tai Yu Lai, Jong Yih Kuo, I Han Laio, July 2012,  基於即時影像監控系統之小火焰智慧型偵測演算法的開發與設計, 2012 Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering. Taipei, Taiwan. (2012.7.6-7)
93. 郭忠義、王文凱、黃福助、周宏曄, July 2012,  多代理人系統中的混合學習與合作方法, 2012 Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering. Taipei, Taiwan. (2012.7.6-7)
94. Tai Yu Lai, Jong Yih Kuo, Yue Wei Wu, July 2012,  在複雜監視場景下遺失物與遺留物之智慧型偵測, 2012 Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering. Taipei, Taiwan. (2012.7.6-7)
95. 郭忠義 黃福助 楊泓展 周宏曄, July 2012,  物件導向程式抄襲偵測系統之設計與實作, 2012 Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering. Taipei, Taiwan. (2012.7.6-7)
96. Jong Yih Kuo, Fu Chu Huang, Chien Hung, Liu Hong Zhan Yang, August 2012, The Study of Plagiarism Detection for Object-oriented Programming, The Sixth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, Kitakyushu, Japan (2012.8.25-28).
97. Wen-Tin Lee, Kuo-Hsun Hsu, J. Lee, Jong Yih Kuo, August 2012, Applying Software Effort Estimation Model Based on Work Breakdown Structure, 2012 Sixth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, pp. 192 - 195, Kitakyushu, Japan (2012.8.25-28).
98. Tai Yu Lai, Jong Yih Kuo, Yong-Yi FanJiang, Shang-Pin Ma, Yi Han Liao, September 2012, Robust Little Flame Detection on Real-Time Video Surveillance System, the 3rd International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (2012.9.26-28).
99. 郭忠義、錢銅岳、范國鼎。建構於雲端測試服務上排程和監控資源方法,Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2013 (07.5-07.06).
100.郭忠義、賴岱佑、黃福助 楊孟儒。針對手部偵測演算法發展出手勢簡易方向辨識,Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2013 (07.5-07.06).
101. 郭忠義、賴岱佑、黃福助 高啟涵。建新概念的USB 攝影機影像測量方法採用智慧型視訊演算法,Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2013 (07.5-07.06).
102. 郭忠義、賴岱佑、王振宇、范國鼎。於動態特徵法以垂直俯視的方式進行行人計數,Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2013 (07.5-07.06).
103. Jong Yih Kuo, Tai Yu Lai, Fu Chu Huang, Meng Ju Yang. Hand Gesture Recognition Using Standard Deviation of Color Block and Thinning, International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modeling and Simulation, Seoul, Korea, 2013 (09.24-26).
104. Yang Syu ; Yong-Yi Fanjiang ; Jong-Yih Kuo ; Shang-Pin Ma, A Review of the Automatic Web Service Composition Surveys, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), USA, 2014 (06.16-06.18).
105. 郭忠義、賴柏翰。程式碼靜態分析研究,Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, NanTou, Taiwan, 2014 (06.29-06.30).
106. 郭忠義、李方雯。運用認知行為學習法於多代理人合作的追捕競賽,Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, NanTou, Taiwan, 2014 (06.29-06.30).
107. 賴岱佑、郭忠義、陳至圓。基於立體視覺的行人追蹤及計數,Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, NanTou, Taiwan, 2014 (06.29-06.30).
108. Jong Yih Kuo, H. K. Cheng, C.H. Liu, and J. D. Lin, A probability based object segmentation for real-time indoor surveillance, International Conference on Computer Science and Systems Engineering, HongKong, 2014 (09.21-09.22).
109. Jong Yih Kuo, Chien-Hung Liu, and Fang-Wen Lee. Using Cognitive Behavioral Learning in Multi-Agent Pursuit-Evasion Game, 8th Asia International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation, Taipei, Taiwan, 2014 (09.23-09.25).
110. 范國鼎、郭忠義、賴岱佑。基於頭肩偵測之行人計數研究,Symposium on Digital Life Technologies, Tainan Taiwan, 2015 (06.26-06.27).
111. 郭忠義、俞韋廷。Android雲端測試平台資源監控管理服務之設計與實作,Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Chiayi, Taiwan, 2015 (07.10-07.11).
112. 郭忠義、楊杰浩、鄭軒逵。雲端測試平台的資源利用率改善之排程,Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Chiayi, 2015 (07.10-07.11).
113. Jong Yih Kuo, Wei Ting Yu. The study of Cloud-Based Testing Platform for Android, IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services, New York, USA, 2015 (06.27-07.02).
114. Yang Syu, Yong-Yi Fanjiang, Jong Yih Kuo, Shang-Pin Ma. Applying Genetic Programming for Time-aware Dynamic QoS Prediction, IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services, New York, USA, 2015 (06.27-07.02).
115. Jong Yih Kuo, Tai Yu Lai, Chi Han Kao. An Automatic Approach to measuring quality of USB Camera, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Networking, Bangkok, Thailand, 2015 (08.28-29).
116. Yang Syu, Yong-Yi Fanjiang, Jong-Yih Kuo, Jui-Lung Su. Quality of Service timeseries forecasting for Web Services: A machine learning, Genetic Programming-based approach, Annual Conference on Information Science and Systems (CISS), USA, 2016 (03.16-03.18).
117. 郭忠義、張嘉賢。資訊系統侵權鑑定研究,Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Keelung, Taiwan, 2016 (08.01-08.02).
118. 郭忠義、林宛瑩。Android 應用程式之資訊安全靜態檢測,Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Keelung, Taiwan, 2016 (08.01-08.02).
119. 郭忠義、張天瑋。Android 應用程式安全性動態分析,Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Keelung, Taiwan, 2016 (08.01-08.02).
120. 郭忠義、李秉祁、賴岱佑。雲端即時監視系統火災逃生規劃研究,Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Keelung, Taiwan, 2016 (08.01-08.02).
121. Jong Yih Kuo, Guo Ding Fan and Tai Yu Lai. People Counting Base on Head and Shoulder Information, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Applications, Singapore, 2016 (09.28-09.30).
122. 郭忠義、許聖泉。程式碼動態結構抄襲鑑定,Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, Taiwan, 2017 (07.07-07.08).
123. 郭忠義、呂紹清。M2M 語意規則推論應用架構設計研究,Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, Taiwan, 2017 (07.07-07.08).
124. 郭忠義、潘家偉。應用堆疊式降噪自動編碼器建構學生退學預測模型,Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, Taiwan, 2017 (07.07-07.08).
125. 郭忠義、彭柔瑄。Android 應用程式之資訊安全檢測,Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, Taiwan, 2017 (07.07-07.08).
126. 郭忠義、蘇翊棠、賴岱佑。基於雲端分散式環境多用戶火災逃生系統,Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, Taiwan, 2017 (07.07-07.08).
127. Jong Yih Kuo, Guo Ding Fan and Tai Yu Lai. Simulating evacuation plan of fire disaster base on cloud surveillance system, 2017 International Conference on Man Machine Systems, Perlis, Malaysia, 2017 (08.21-08.22).
128. Jong Yih Kuo, Chia Wei Pan, Baiying Lei, Using Stacked Denoising Autoencoder for the Student Dropout Prediction, the IEEE International Workshop on Mining and Application of Multimedia, Taichung, Taiwan, 2017 (12.11-12.13).
129. Haijun Lei, Tao Han, Weifeng Huang, Jong Yih Kuo, Zhen Yu, Xinzi He, Baiying Lei, Cross-Modal Transfer Learning for HEp-2 Cell Classification Based on Deep Residual Network, the IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Multimedia Applications and Design for Quality Living, Taichung, Taiwan, 2017 (12.11-12.13).
130. Jong-Yih Kuo, Hsuan-Kuei Cheng, and Ping-Feng Wang, Program Plagiarism Detection with Dynamic Structure, the 2018 7th International Symposium on Next Generation Electronics, Taipei, Taiwan, 2018 (05.07-05.09).
131. 郭忠義、鐘皓廷。基於深度學習建構學生課程成績預測模型,Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Tainan, Taiwan, 2018 (07.06-07.07).
132. 郭忠義、王博駿、林翰隆、王秉豐。分散運算技術應用於M2M 語意規則推論系統,Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Tainan, Taiwan, 2018 (07.06-07.07).
133. 郭忠義、張家豪、林渲宸。具文化內涵觀光體驗服務之時空資料庫大數據分析研究,Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Tainan, Taiwan, 2018 (07.06-07.07).
134. 郭忠義、林渲宸。程式碼動態結構抄襲鑑定,Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Tainan, Taiwan, 2018 (07.06-07.07).
135. 郭忠義、洪宇頡、葉錫勳。應用網路負載平衡機制改善網站效能之研究,Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Tainan, Taiwan, 2018 (07.06-07.07).
136. Jong-Yih Kuo, Bo-Jiun Wanga, and Ping-Feng Wang, Distributed Computation for M2M Semantic Reasoning System, the 2018 Annual Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, Osaka, Japan, 2018 (11.27-29).
137. 郭忠義、李玠民、林慧琪。基於ROS與RVO實作防碰撞機器人模型,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2019 (07.27).
138. 郭忠義、蘇哲弘,電腦程式智慧財產權侵權鑑定技術研究,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2019 (07.27).
139. Jong-Yih Kuo, Wei-Cheng Lai and Hui-Chi Lin, Building Children Emotion Prediction Model Based on Convolutional Neural Network, Proceedings of International Joint Conference of TCSE, JASPIC and SEA, Chiba, Japan, 2019 (07.29-07.31).
140. Jong-Yih Kuo, Han-Long Lin and Hui-Chi Lin, Building Graduate Salary Grading Prediction Model Based on Deep Learning, Proceedings of International Joint Conference of TCSE, JASPIC and SEA, Chiba, Japan, 2019 (07.29-07.31).
141. Hai Xie, Yejun He, Haijun Lei, Jong Yih Kuo, and Baiying Lei, Segmentation Guided HEp-2 Cell Classification with Adversarial Networks, 2019 Computing, Communications and IoT Applications, 2019.
142. Haijun Lei, Shaomin Liu, Hai Xie, Jong Yih Kuo, and Baiying Lei, An Improved Object Detection Method for Mitosis Detection, 2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2019.
143. 郭忠義、王瑄銘。建構大學畢業生就業力分析模型與系統,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Chiayi, Taiwan, 2020 (07.16-17).
144. 郭忠義、俞黃淞。自動化程式品質分析與修正之研究,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Chiayi, Taiwan, 2020 (07.16-17).
145. 郭忠義、陳嘉煜。程式碼除錯與智慧型回饋系統之研究,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Chiayi, Taiwan, 2020 (07.16-17).
146. 郭忠義、林子軒。建構多維情緒辨識模型之即時分析系統,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Chiayi, Taiwan, 2020 (07.16-17).
147. Jong-Yih Kuo, Hui-Chi Lin, Huang-Song Yu (2020, Dec). Study of Automatic Programs Quality Analysis and Correction. 2020 International Computer Symposium, Tainan, 2020 (12.17-19).
148. Jong-Yih Kuo, Hui-Chi Lin, Jia-Yu Chen (2020, Dec). The Study of Programming Debugging and Intelligent Feedback System. 2020 International Computer Symposium, Tainan, 2020 (12.17-19).
149. 郭忠義、游上逸、王秉豐。建構風力發電機葉片之監控模型,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, Taiwan, 2021 (07.8-9).
150. 郭忠義、白庭愷。DevSecOps 應用於軟體開發之研究,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, Taiwan, 2021 (07.8-9).
151. 郭忠義、鮑勇志。自動化程式行為測試系統之研究,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, Taiwan, 2021 (07.8-9).
152. 郭忠義、陳昭銘。建構基於卷積神經網路之語音情緒辨識模型,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, Taiwan, 2021 (07.8-9).
153. 郭忠義、鍾宜舫、林慧琪。建構高中生升學結果預測模型,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, Taiwan, 2021 (07.8-9).
154. 郭忠義、楊智成。程式碼分析與回饋改良系統之研究,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, Taiwan, 2021 (07.8-9).
155. Jong-Yih Kuo, Shang-Yi You and Hui-Chi Lin (2021, Dec), Constructing Condition Monitoring Model of Wind Turbine Blades, 2021 Software Engineering in Taiwan Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan, 2021 (12.6-9).
156. Jong-Yih Kuo, Yi-Fang Chung and Hui-Chi Lin (2021, Dec), Constructing Predictive Model for High School Students’ Enrollment Results, 2021 Software Engineering in Taiwan Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan, 2021 (12.6-9).
157. Jong-Yih Kuo, Zhao-Ming Chen and Hui-Chi Lin(2021, Dec), Constructing Speech Emotion Recognition Model Based on Convolutional Neural Network, 2021 Software Engineering in Taiwan Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan, 2021 (12.6-9).
158. 郭忠義、王佩情、林慧琪。高中升學預測輔助模型之研究,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, 2022 (06.24-25).
159. 郭忠義、林育萱。邏輯錯誤偵測與回饋系統之研究,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, 2022 (06.24-25).
160. 郭忠義、林育德。軟體架構異味重構之研究。高中升學預測輔助模型之研究,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, 2022 (06.24-25).
161. 郭忠義、徐兆陽、王秉豐。建構諧波減速機之故障檢測模型,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, 2022 (06.24-25).
162. 郭忠義、溫志嘉、黃漢軒。應用沙盒技術於安全線上評測系統之研究,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, 2022 (06.24-25).
163. Jong-Yih Kuo; Yu-Hsuan Lin; Hui-Chi Lin; Yi-Ting Guo (Oct. 2022), The Study of Automatic Program Code Logic Error Analysis and Correction, Proceedings of 4th IEEE Eurasia Conference on IoT, Communication and Engineering, Yunlin, Taiwan, 2022 (10.28-30).
164. 郭忠義、劉文揚、陳仕易、吳國華。電動車能耗模型超參數最佳化分析之深度運算研究,Taiwan Academic Network Conference,2022 (12.15-17)。
165.   Jong-Yih Kuo; Zhi-Jia Wen; Han-Xuan Huang; I-Ting Guo,  ( Dec. 2022),   The Study on Security Online Judge System Applied Sandbox Technology, Proceedings of   IEEE/ACIS 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing,   Taichung, Taiwan, 2022 (12.07-09).
166. 郭忠義、溫志嘉、黃漢軒。應用沙盒技術於安全線上評測系統之研究,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, 2023  (06.24-25).
167. 郭忠義、陳宇宏   。學生程式分析與回饋系統之研究,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering,   Hualien, Taiwan, 2023 (06.24-25).
168. 郭忠義、林妤潔、林慧琪  。 高中生升學校系選讀評估模型之研究,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Hualien, Taiwan, 2023 (06.24-25).
169. 郭忠義、曹智凱、王秉豐、郭丞軒。探討 Linux 惡意軟體的動態行為分析與 ATT&CK 框架應用,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Hualien, Taiwan, 2023 (06.24-25).
170.   李允中、劉建宏、郭忠義、闕志克、謝狄烽、林凱融、林辰臻。透過逆向工程解耦開源軟體對雲端服務的依賴:以ClusterFuzz 為研究案例,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Hualien, Taiwan, 2023 (06.24-25).
171. 郭忠義、劉文揚。使用 CNN-LSTM 神經網路進行電池健康程度估計,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Hualien, Taiwan, 2023 (06.24-25).
172. 郭忠義、葉劭詮。基於深度學習建構駕駛人行為辨識混合模型,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Hualien, Taiwan, 2023 (06.24-25).
173. 郭忠義、林大祐。基於卷積神經網路建構多模態情緒辨識模型,Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Hualien, Taiwan, 2023 (06.24-25).
174.   Jong-Yih Kuo, Yu-Hsuan Lin, and Ti-Feng Hsieh,   The Study of Automatic Programs Quality Analysis and Correction, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Mechatronics and Electrical Systems, Malaysia, 2023 (08.04-08.06). 
175. Jong-Yih Kuo, and Ti-Feng Hsieh, The Study of Predictive Model for Supporting High School Students' Enrollment,   Proceedings of the   35th THAILAND International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology, Thailand, 2023 (08.31-09.01). 
176. Jong-Yih Kuo, Ti-Feng Hsieh, and Yu-Hong Chen, The Study of Student Program Analysis and Feedback System,   Proceedings of the  48th IEEE International Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications, Japan, 2024 (07.02-07.04).
177. 張世豪、郭忠義、吳聲愷。入侵偵測系統的機器學習多模型組合分析, Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, 2024 (07.12-13).
178.   郭忠義、林晧丞。物流公司之支援線最佳化組合路線挑選, Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, 2024 (07.12-13).
179.   郭忠義 彭祺鈞 林慧琪。以機器學習方法建構高中生升學預測評估模型, Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, 2024 (07.12-13).
180.   郭忠義、楊佑鴻、王秉豐。應用ATT&CK框架之惡意軟體動態行為與攻擊模式分析, Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, 2024 (07.12-13).
181.   郭忠義、鄧榮彬。基於深度學習之神經網路自動化程式修復技術, Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, 2024 (07.12-13).
182. 李允中、郭忠義、、劉建宏、簡祥宇。基於容器化技術之模糊測試研究, Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, 2024 (07.12-13).
(C)  Book Chapter
1. Jonathan Lee, Jong Yih Kuo, Chia-Ling Wu, Wen-Tin Lee, and Shin-Jie Lee, "Fuzzy Object Modeling," Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications to Management, Engineering and Science, World Scientific Publishing.
2. 郭忠義、薛念林、馬尚彬、黃為德,物件導向軟體發展策略,博碩文化,ISBN 978-986-201-997-9, 104.3.30.
3. 賴岱佑、郭忠義、黃福助,數位影像處理技術手冊,松崗出版社,ISBN 9789572245910,105.9.16.
(D) 專利
1. 用於教練式驅動多機器人合作運作系統之教練裝置及其合作運作控制方法,發明第 I680364,中華民國。
