
應用計算實驗室Applied Computing LabDepartment of Computer Science and Information Enigineering / National Taipei University of Technology



Project Overview:

The project explores the use of artificial intelligence to analyze features in Alzheimer's MRI images and classify them. The current tasks include:

  1. System Development: Building a cloud platform for early Alzheimer's detection, integrating neuroimaging, data analysis, machine learning, and cloud computing technologies. This platform aims to analyze neuroimaging data, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), to identify early signs of Alzheimer's disease.

  2. Uncertainty Classification: Traditional artificial intelligence classifications are deterministic, focusing on categorizing a single class. However, in high-risk medical applications, a more nuanced approach is needed. In this research, the goal is for artificial intelligence to output the probabilities for all classes for a single image, assisting in training the AI with a probabilistic framework.

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