
前瞻奈米及綠能元件實驗室Prospective Nano and Green Energy Components Laboratory狂賀!! 本實驗室與TSRI、成大團隊共同合作之論文~ <br>入選全球最頂尖半導體固態電子會議2021 IEDM!! <br>北科創校 首次有團隊論文入選!!恭喜 呂宗翰與孟慶帆同學!!



  • "The Impact of an Extended Gate Field Plate on the DC and RF Characteristics of Junctionless Thin-Film Transistor", Electronics, 1886, SCI, 2022/06/01
  • "First Demonstration of Heterogeneous IGZO/Si CFET Monolithic 3-D Integration With Dual Work Function Gate for Ultralow-Power SRAM and RF Applications", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, pp. 2101 - 2107, SCI&EI, 2022/04/01
  • "Poly-Si Finlike Thin-Film Transistors With Various Wide Drain Designs for Radio Frequency and 3-D Integrated Circuits", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, pp. 2342-2345, SCI, 2020/06/01
  • "Low-Frequency Noise Characterization of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs and MIS-HEMTs under UV Illumination", IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, pp. 405-409, SCI, 2020/05/01
  • "Analysis of Offstate Leakage Currents in Poly-Si FinTFTs with Wide Drain by Microwave Annealing", Sensors and Materials, 309–315, SCI, 2020/01/01
  • "Improving the Gate-Induced Drain Leakage and On-State Current of Fin-Like Thin Film Transistors with a Wide Drain", Applied Sciences, pp. 1406, SCI, 2018/08/01
  • "A Hybrid Wide Drain Poly-Si FinTFT for RF Application", IEEE Access, pp. 47268-47272, SCI&EI, 2018/08/01
  • "New Super-Junction LDMOS Based on Poly-Si Thin-Film Transistors", IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, 430-435, SCI&EI, 2016/11/01
  • "退火機制對於不同通道線寬之射頻複晶矽薄膜電晶體之影響", 奈米通訊, 15-21, ELSE1, 2016/10/01
  • "Novel Poly-Si SJ-LDMOS for System-on-Panel Applications", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, 2482-2487, SCI&EI, 2016/06/01
  • "Effects of Channel Width on High-Frequency Characteristics of Trigate Poly-Si Thin-Film Transistors Fabricated by Microwave Annealing", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, 2883-2887, SCI&EI, 2015/09/01
  • "High-Frequency Performance of Trigate Poly-Si Thin-Film Transistors by Microwave Annealing", IEEE Electron Device Letters, 345 - 347, SCI&EI, 2015/04/01
  • "Novel Gate-All-Around High-Voltage Thin-Film Transistor With T-Shaped Metal Field Plate Design", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, 882-887, SCI&EI, 2015/03/01
  • "Low-frequency noise in 2-bit poly-Si TANOS flash memory", Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 014101-1~5, SCI&EI, 2015/01/01
  • "A Novel Hybrid Poly-Si Nanowire LDMOS with Extended Drift", IEEE Electron Device Letters, 366, SCI&EI, 2014/03/01
  • "Low-Frequency Noise in SONOS-TFTWith a Trigate Nanowire Structure Under Program/Erase Operation", IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, 1276, SCI&EI, 2012/09/01
  • "Low-Frequency Noise in Poly-Si TFT SONOS Memory with a Trigate Nanowire Structure", IEEE Electron Device Letters, 1698, SCI&EI, 2011/12/01
  • "射頻橫向擴散金氧半場效電晶體之溫度效應探討", 奈米通訊, 37, ELSE1, 2010/12/01