Cheng-Shiun Tsai 蔡政勳 畢業(2008)

Thesis: Development of Single Particle Automatic Suspension and Measurement System |
Journal Papers |
● Kao, Y.Y., Huang, S.H., Chen, C.C., Tsai, C.S., Wu, C.H., & Lin, W.Y. (2017). Measurement and Evaluation of Elastic Light Scattering from a Single Levitated Irregular Particle. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 17, 1256-1266. (SCI) |
Conference Papers |
● Tsai, C.S., Chang, K.N., Lin, W.Y., Chen, C.C., & Chang, K.H. (August 2008), “Investigation of particle distribution symmetry in the stack flow”, European Aerosol Conference 2008, Thessaloniki, Greece. ● Tsai, C.S., Hsu, H.H., Lin, W.Y., & Chang, K.H. (August 2008), “Effects of Fuel Composition on the Concentration of Exhaust Particles from a 4-Stroke Motorcycle Engine”, European Aerosol Conference 2008, Thessaloniki, Greece |