
Research Studio of Environmental Futures 環境未來研究室



October 13, 1821

Rudolf (Carl) Virchow born. A German physician, Virchow developed cell theory and fought for improving the public health services. He said:“Medicine is a social science and politics [is] nothing but medicine on a grand scaleÉ Doctors are the natural advocates of the poor, and social problems are largely within their jurisdiction.”


October 19, 1895

Lewis Mumford born. Historian of technology, influenced by Patrick Geddes, Mumford’s 1934 book Technics and Civilization contends that the industrial revolution was well under way by the late 18th century and would have occurred without any use of fossil fuels such as coal and oil. He argued that the original organic unity between the city and the country had been disrupted by the mining camp culture of fossil fuels use. He saw 19th century Europe as having a “savagely deteriorated environment” but looked forward to a post-industrial phase of culture based on non polluting energy like solar and hyroelectric power.
