
電磁最佳化實驗室EM Optimization LabYen-Sheng Research Group, Department of Electronic Engineering


UHF RFID For Gaming Applications

Name Year
Wen-Ho Wu and Tsung-Han Hsieh 2019
Radiofrequency identification, reliability

The UHF radiofrequency identification (RFID) is implemented for gaming applications in this study. The architecture consists of the design of a reader antenna and a reading system written using Arduino development board. As HF RFID cannot perform multi-tag detection, we use UHF RFID systems. We design a UHF patch antenna that operates at 915 MHz. In addition, an anti-collision algorithm is applied to the reading system. This system can detect multiple card information simultaneously. Finally, the card information is uploaded to cloud so that uses can get such data using a mobile device.

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