Design and Analysis of a Circular-Polarized Microstrip Antenna for Wearable Applications

Name |
Year |
Wei-Jie Gao |
2017 |
Keywords |
microstrip antenna, smultiband, slot antennas |
In this project, a multiband wearable antenna covering 2.28‒2.49 GHz, 3.19‒3.5 GHz, and 4.71‒6.00 GHz is proposed. This antenna is based on a microstrip antenna, and we interconnect the antenna with a Bluetooth module. The bandwidth at the 5.8 GHz is enhanced so that the frequency detuning effect due to the human tissues can be mitigated. The Bluetooth module is connected to a temperature sensor. We monitor the data of body temperature to evaluate the system performance. As compared to the previous wearable antenna, this antenna depicts features of multiband operation and miniaturized dimensions.