Microwave Power Harvesting for Sensor Charging

Name |
Year |
Pin-Zhong Shen, Yi-Ning Su, Yi-Xuan Lai, and Sheng-Min Lin |
2017 |
Keywords |
dipole antennas, rectennas, wireless power transmission, Yagi antennas |
A WiFi ambient energy harvester is designed and fabricated. This energy harvester comprises multiple sections, and each section consists of an antenna, a matching circuit, and a rectifier. The dc power obtained through the rectifier is combined and fed to a power management unit, which is followed by a load. In particular, a quasi Yagi antenna is designed as the antenna component, and a full-wave rectifier is implemented. The prototyping system is tested in our lab. Although the output dc power is too insignificant to power the load, we evaluate the performance of each component. The reflection coefficient of the antenna is simulated using HFSS, and the conversion efficiency of the rectifier is measured using a vector network analyzer.