
電磁最佳化實驗室EM Optimization LabYen-Sheng Research Group, Department of Electronic Engineering


Development of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Design of Diversity Antenna and Implementation of Vehicle-to- Vehicle and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communications



I-Lin Tsai, Fong-Yu Chen, Ke-Jhen Huang, and Jhih-Ci Chen



antenna, sdiversity methods, diversity reception, electronic switching systems, intelligent vehicles, mobile antennas

In this project, we present a new architecture for the intelligent transportation system (ITS) that features reduced system complexity and enhanced radio-frequency (RF) performance. The proposed system requires no complex coding or selection algorithms, yet it significantly improves the received signal strength. We implement dual-port antennas comprising a linearly polarized antenna and a circularly polarized antenna, which minimize the polarization loss between multipath signals and the receiving antenna. Using WiFi communications, we designed, fabricated, and examined a prototype system comprising seven circuit modules that employ spatial diversity and revised polarization diversity simultaneously. We test its performance using two antenna combinations with distinct peak gain characteristics. Our results show these antennas to have highly desirable impedance matching and radiation properties and enhanced received signal strength compared to conventional techniques. As such, the proposed system can greatly improve signal quality and reliability in non-line-of-sight (NLOS) scenarios.

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