
電磁最佳化實驗室EM Optimization LabYen-Sheng Research Group, Department of Electronic Engineering


Origami Reflectarray Antennas Integrating a Feed and Unit Cells on Polyhedral Surfaces

Name Year
Pei-Yu He 2022
Cardiopulmonary stethoscope, Artificial magnetic conductor, Transducer Power Gain, Remote monitoring of COVID-19 patients

The paper proposed the novel cardiopulmonary stethoscope antenna which detect the COVID-19 patients' lung water content. At the beginning, We established Three kind of antenna design goals, It is broadband, high front-to-back ratio, and wide half-power beamwidth. Then we make artificial magnetic conductor antenna as mainly structure to integrate the broadband monopole antenna and the artificial magnetic conductor. In the design of the traditional artificial magnetic conductor, the observation method of the artificial magnetic conductor is to simulate the structure of the unit cell, thereby obtaining the reflection phase. However, the simulation method of the unit element is to use the boundary conditions of the infinite periodic structure. If the design area of the simulated artificial magnetic conductor is limited, the resonance frequency of the unit element to simulate the periodic structure will be wrong. Therefore, in this paper, the artificial magnetic conductor and the broadband monopole antenna are jointly designed, and submitted a miniaturized artificial magnetic conductor, in which the coaxial feeding microstrip antenna is used as the feed source design. Therefore, the artificial magnetic conductor antenna efficient will obviously rise up due to the artificial magnetic conductor. The thickness of the overall structure is only 4.6 mm, the bandwidth percentage of 20.21 %, the gain of 6.22 dBi, the front-to-back ratio of 20.12 dB and the half-power beam width of 69.76°can be obtained at the operating frequency of 2.4 GHz; When the cardiopulmonary stethoscope antenna is placed on the lung model with 20 %-80 % water content, the antenna transducer power gain presents a monotonic decreasing trend, and the sensitivity is higher than that of the traditional cardiopulmonary stethoscope antenna. Under this circumstance, This paper elaborated on the novel method to improve successfully the limitation of the traditional cardiopulmonary stethoscope antenna.

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