1. Yu-Sun Liu, 2002, October, “Performance analysis of frequency-hop packet radio networks with generalized retransmission backoff,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, pp. 703-711.
2. Yu Chin Cheng and Yu-Sun Liu, 2003, January, “Polling an image for circles by random lines,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, pp. 125-130.
3. Yu-Sun Liu, 2004, February, “Frequency-hop packet radio networks with coding and retransmission backoff,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, pp. 191-194.
4. Yu-Sun Liu and Tung-Hao Hsu, 2005, January, “MAC protocols for multi-channel WLANs,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, pp. 325-332.
5. Yu-Sun Liu and Zeng-Jey Su, 2007, March, “Distributed dynamic spectrum management for digital subscriber lines,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, pp. 491-498.
6. Yu-Sun Liu and Yao-Ming Kuo, 2007, June, “Soft-decision decoding in asynchronous FH/SSMA networks using MFSK modulation,” IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals, pp. 1214-1223.
7. Yu-Sun Liu, 2007, September, “Bit-interleaving in fast FH/SSMA systems with M-FSK modulation,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, pp. 3154-3158.
8. Yu-Sun Liu and Yao-Yu Tsai, 2011, September, “Minimum decoding trellis length and truncation depth of wrap-around Viterbi algorithm for TBCC in mobile WiMAX,” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and networking 2011, 2011:111.
9. Yu-Sun Liu, 2012, February, “Diversity-combining and error-correction coding for FFH/MFSK systems over Rayleigh fading channels under multitone jamming,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 771-779.
10. S.D. You, K.-Y. Chen, Y.-S. Liu, 2012, December, “Cubic convolution interpolation function with variable coefficients and its application to channel estimation for IEEE 802.16 initial downlink,” IET Communications, vol. 6, no. 13, pp. 1979-1987.
11. Yu-Sun Liu, Shingchern D. You, Reui-kai Wu, 2013, June, “Burst allocation method to enable decision-directed channel estimation for mobile WiMAX downlink transmission,” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and networking 2013, 2013:153.
12. Yu-Sun Liu, Shingchern D. You, and Yu-Ming Liu, 2015, October, “Iterative channel estimation method for long-term evolution downlink transmission,” IET Communications, vol. 9, no. 15, pp. 1906-1914.
13. Yu-Sun Liu, Chih-Hao Chien, Shingchern D. You, 2021, February, “Low‐complexity demapping algorithm for two‐dimensional non‐uniform constellations in ATSC 3.0,” IET Communications, 2021; 1-9.
14. Yu-Sun Liu, 2021, September, “Estimation of Channel MSE for ATSC 3.0 Receiver and Its Applications,” ICT Express, SCI & EI.
15. Yu-Sun Liu, 2024, June, “Machine Learning-Based Channel Estimation Techniques for ATSC 3.0,” Information, 15(6), EI.
16. Yu-Sun Liu, 2024, August, “Which Signal-to-Noise Ratio Is Used in Simulations? Transmitter Side versus Receiver Side: A Study Based on Long Term Evolution Downlink Transmission,” Information, 15(8), EI.